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"Top of the mornin to you lass!" Is how I was greeted on the phone when Ruth called me the day of our flights. I had just woken up to my phone ringing and was still in my bed.
"Hi," I yawned," how are you today?"
"I'm good! I'm really exited to see you." Her tone changed drastically in the second sentance. She went from happy! To trying to talk whilst crying. In a second.
"Me too. Are you packed yet?"
"Yeah, are you?"
"Alexxus! Get packed your flight is in like 3 hours!"
"Wait! 3 hours are you serious!" I immediately jumped out of bed scheduled an uber and ran downstairs still holding the phone.
"What the hell are you doing up so early on a weekend! Didn't I tell you to stay upstairs in your room until I leave!" Ah yes my father. The one reason i was still here. He needs me. He needs someone to take care of him when he comes home drunk. Even though he's an asshole who treats me like shit. He's still my father.
"But you don't have to stay," there was a whisper in my ear. Sammys sharp breath on the back of my neck sent a shiver down my spine. Joseph stared at me from across the room as my face contorted in fear.
"What the hells your problem?" I realized something as I stared into the eyes of the man who has ruined my life since i had one.
I know I shouldn't care. That I should forget him, this town, and Sammy... But I just cant. Something inside me is trying to stop me. But right now a greater force is pulling me forward. Forward to my best friend, and to the man of my dreams. Unfortunately that also means pulling me away, away from Sammy.
I packed my bag pushing my sad thoughts in the back of my head and focusing on the task at hand.
Even as I distracted myself I had a song playing in my head. I usually do not hear a happy song. Usually it's full of despair, hate, pain. This one was no different.
I finished packing my clothes quickly. It's not like a have that big of a wardrobe. I packed a bunch of random shit. Just everything I might need. I had a feeling I would never return. I packed up all of my toiletries lastly, I shoved Sammy's blade to the bottom. I need it. I don't know why or how it appeared in my room. I just feel like it would prove useful one of these days. I looked around my room. This was the last I would ever see of it. I won't miss it though. I grabbed my phone and plane tickets into my purse. I silently crept into the office and grabbed my file which contained my passport and birth certificate. I shoved it into my bag.
I went downstairs and stared out the big windows in the front of my house. My father was probably searching for liquor in the kitchen. I saw a car pull up in front of my house matching the Uber description at the same time I heard my name slurred from the mouth of a drunken man.
I turned and looked at him for probably the last time. I spoke nearly silently. He wouldn't remember anyway in this state. "Goodbye. I love you."
I hadn't said that phrase since Sammy left. It was fine though. I turned around and left. No second thought. No backwards glance.
I confirmed that it was indeed my Uber driver and left. The drive to the airport was cheap so I still had cash. I didn't eat at all the flight to Utah wasn't bad but the airport was packed. The second plane cut through the clouds smoothly and I managed to fall asleep.....

Short but important. Since this was a goal chapter I'll try to update again soon.

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