Chap. 8

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"Ah, it's been a few days, and on the first day of school, we did an autobiography, writing about our lives," Miss Bustier exclaimed as she walked to and fro. "Now, you're going to be writing a biography of someone else. You may not know each other that well, which is why I'm giving you a weak to complete this. Pick a person you don't know anything about, and get to know that person; you could hang out with them if you want, learn about their lives and whatnot. Again, I'm giving you a weak, so this is due on Wednesday."

At the sound of that, I was immediately excited to start my biography. I already knew who I was going to do, and I turned to her, only to see she was looking back at me. Marinette gave me a smile and I could only smile back at that moment. Chloe seemed to have caught us doing so, because she instantly turned to me with a frown, giving me a suspicious look.

"Alright, I'll give you a few minutes to decide on who to do," Miss Bustier spoke, returning to her desk. She took a seat and raised her arms. "You may begin."

As soon as she said that, Chloe tapped on my shoulder, this time seeming to have a small smile on her face. "Can I do you?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"Didn't you hear what Miss Bustier said? You have to do a person you don't know," I reminded her, in which she rolled her eyes at and stood up to go to another person. I instantly felt bad, feeling like I was ruining this friendship, but at the same time, knowing it was really her fault as she still hadn't apologizes yet for what she did. I would have forgiven her, but it didn't even look like she was sorry at all.

"Just give her time," Marinette suddenly spoke up from where she was sitting. "She'll come around." I only nodded my head towards her, before going to sit down next to her, as she was the one I was doing a bio on. "Weird," She laughed a little. "We're both doing each other."

"Wow, it sure seems like it," I chuckled a little. "I'm not going to start writing until I'm sure I know a few things about you. Hey, if you don't mind. . .you wanna hang out after school today?"

Marinette bit her lip as she looked up from her paper. "I already promised Lila, and it really doesn't look like you and Lila like each other that well. Although it'd be nice if you two became friends, I don't think today would do. Maybe next time?"

"I can handle Lila!" I suddenly blurted out, surprising the both of us. "I mean. . ." I looked away, a little embarrassed. It may have sounded like I was desperate to hang out with her, and I didn't want her to see me as a desperate, impatient person, so I cleared my throat and tried to rephrase my words. "I'm that kind of person who likes finishing up his work fast so I wouldn't have to worry about failing. The quicker I get to know you, the quicker I could finish this."

She seemed to suddenly have a sad smile on her face when I said that, and I was wondering whether I had said something wrong that may have upset her. "Ah, so you only want to hang out because of the work given to us, not because you actually want to hang-"

"What, no!" Right. I had given her the wrong idea. "I mean, why else would I pick you? I find you an interesting girl."

After I said that, she laughed a little. "I was just kidding. Today sounds great. I can just cancel with Lila. I'm sure she'd understand. Besides," She looked down at her paper again, "I like finishing off my work quickly as well." I smiled a little after she said that, knowing I hadn't messed this one up. When I looked away from her, I caught a certain blonde staring at me, and I frowned at her, confused as to why. But then I noticed that she wasn't looking directly at me. She was looking over at Marinette.


I packed up my books quickly, noticing that only two students, excluding me, were still in class. The Lunch time bell had just rang a minute ago, though I was a little late at packing because I had accidentally slept in class. Now, how would Father feel about that, knowing that his supposed-to-be perfect son was sleeping in class?

"Hey." The boy sitting in front of me turned around. "You got a pen I could burrow real quick?" I quickly nodded at his question and searched in my bag for a pen, and while I searched, I tried to remember what the boy's name was. Why was I so bad at remembering other people's name. It's been a few days. I should have known the names of half the people in this class, yet the only ones I knew were Chloe, Sabrina, Marinette, Alya, Lila and Nathaniel. I did know that this boy in front of me was the same boy at Alya's house when I had went for my disguise.

"Thanks, dude," The boy took the pen I had offered him, and he whirled around, writing down something on a piece of paper as fast as he could. I waited silently until he was done and returned the pen, then I stood up to leave the class and go to the cafeteria, mostly just to eat with Marinette.

That's when I stopped and turned back to the boy. Now, I remembered him. He had been one of the boys sitting at Marinette's table on that day, giving me those weird looks as Lila harshly spoke to me. After that incident and I had returned to class, I heard the teacher calling his name a few times. "Nino!" I snapped my fingers.

He gave me a weird look. "Yeah? Yeah, that's me. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just. . ." I chuckled a bit. "Nothing." I turned around. Was he going to sit at Marinette's table today? Of course he was, after all he and Marinette seemed to be pretty close friends. At the thought of that, my smile suddenly changed. Were they just friends though?

I exited the classroom, just in time to see Chloe, Sabrina and Marinette standing by a locker. They looked to be talking, Marinette looked confused, Sabrina seemed to look a little aggressive, while Chloe looked to have a small smile on her face. Then, suddenly Chloe took Marinette by the hand and started pulling her away, towards a classroom I assumed was empty. Curiosity got the best of me, and soon I was following the girls without them knowing. They kept the door opened, so I could hear what they were saying.

"Marinette, I just want to ask you a question, and then I'll let you go," I heard Chloe say. She seemed really friendly about it too. "I mean, it's just been bothering me, and I want to know the truth. It's only been a few days of school yet you and Adrien look like you've been friends for ages. It's like he doesn't even notice me anymore-"

"Chloe, that's not true. I don't want to get in between whatever's going on with you and Adrien, but just so you know, maybe if you came to him first and talked it out, you would have Adrien back as a friend," Marinette spoke up next, and I sighed, having the idea that she didn't know what was going on between Chloe and I. "So, what was your question?"

"You seem really comfortable around Adrien. . . I can tell you're the type of girl who loves making new friends, but I'm still confused." Chloe paused. "Do you perhaps. . .have a crush on Adrien?"



"I mean, it may be weird to you that I'm asking this, but I really need to know. Adrien has never been close to a girl besides me, and I get that he wants to make new friends, but he seems way too comfortable around you," Chloe continued, and I had no idea why, but it angered me that she was asking this, especially to Marinette. "I'm getting the feeling that he may like you, but I just want to know what you think of Adrien. Do you like him?"

I clenched my fists a little, hating that Chloe had turned into this kind of girl. Why bother asking Marinette this? Honestly, these past few days, Chloe just hadn't been in her right mind. I turned around to walk away, feeling triggered over this, and at the same time, not wanting to hear what Marinette's answer was.

But then I stopped, and I backed up a little bit, hiding again. Suddenly I felt the urge to hear what she had to say, what her answer was going to be, how she was going to deal with Chloe and get her to walk away, get her to not be such a bother again. I rested my butt on the floor and waited. Taking by how long the silence was, I could tell Marinette was still recovering from her shock.

"Now," She started, "I don't know what the fight you had with Adrien is about, but don't pull me into this. You know, at first, I actually saw you as this type of girl who was very confident, didn't care about what others said, who was actually a good person, but now? You just strike me as the kind of obsessive girl who doesn't want anyone to get close to Adrien. Why do you care whether I like Adrien or not? Please, I don't want you to see me as a rival or whatever. If this is who you're going to be, then don't drag me into it. I don't want to be a part of your drama!"

Even if I couldn't see any of them, I could tell Chloe looked a little frightened. I could then hear her clear her throat, before she spoke up again. "You didn't answer my question."

Yeah Marinette, you didn't answer the question. I chuckled a little bit. Not that I cared about the answer, but it was quite funny that Chloe was still seeking the answer even after what Marinette had said. It was like she didn't care at all, no matter how much she should.

"You know what? I don't even want to be here anymore!"

Hearing those words, I quickly stood up, but I didn't escape in time. Before I could rush off, Marinette came out of the classroom and looked at me with a frown. "Adrien?" She whispered, though Chloe heard because she was close. Chloe and Sabrina walked out too and both seemed to give me frightened looks.

Chloe looked more embarrassed than frightened, realizing that I'd been listening in on the conversation. She backed away a little bit, before grabbing Sabrina's arm and rushing away before I could even say something. Before I could tell her how much of a bad friend I thought she was being.

"Excuse me," Marinette muttered, walking past me. I was confused as to why she was leaving — was she mad or something? — but then I realised that she probably didn't want to be around me because of what had just happened, because she didn't want to give me the wrong idea, or give Chloe the wrong idea. Because she probably thought just because I was friends with Chloe, that I was just like her; annoying.

Chloe was ruining me.

I felt that it'd be cruel of me to leave Chloe because of what she was going through, but now I knew that at the same time, Chloe could completely ruin me if I didn't keep her under control. Is this why I had no friends in middle school, until Father decided it was time I got home-schooled? I whirled around, a little afraid that I was already losing my first friend. "Marinette?"

Marinette turned around before she got too far away from me. "Yes?"

"Don't mind Chloe. She's just afraid."

Marinette stopped moving and looked me in the eye. "Afraid of what?!"

"Afraid of losing me."

After I said that, her face softened, and it actually seemed like she got it, because she let out a small smile. "Right, I get it. I'd be afraid of losing my best friend too." She looked down at the floor before looking up at me again. "You joining us?"

"Sure." I didn't even think about it, and this time, I didn't ask if Chloe could join us. As I walked away with Marinette, I turned back to see Chloe looking back at me, and when I looked at her, I felt like a bad person slowly betraying his friend.

~ Edited ~

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