chapter 3 voices an the start of a plan

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as kate open the door to her home an walk in luna an brandon look over at kate an was gonna say hello to her when they notice kate just when to her bedroom which brandon an luna look at each other confused so were there slugs before they when to find out what going on. when the two arrive at kate bedroom they saw kate grabbing things an packing them into her backpack which brandon an luna stare a small glance at each other.

uh sis what are you'' brandon said an let out a small cough to kate which startled her for a second before she look over at them an did not say anything for a moment till luna spoke again

 luna crossed her arms, her brow furrowing as she observed the scene. "Yeah, why are you packing up like this? .  which kate let out a small awakened laugh at that an took a small breath before she spoke to her siblings

ok you guys are not going to believe me nor do i believe myself actually but mom an dad just talk to me in my mind but what they said was that  Slugterra is in danger. It's time for you and your siblings to go there an that they need our help," 

Luna and Brandon exchanged incredulous glances, clearly taken aback by Kate's revelation. The room was filled with a momentary silence before Luna spoke up. "Wait, you're saying our parents talked to you... in your mind?" 

Kate nodded, her gaze unwavering. "I know it's hard to believe, but it happened. They said that Slugterra is in danger and that we have a responsibility to help."

Brandon's expression shifted from disbelief to concern. "Kate, I get that you're upset, but we can't just jump into something like this based on... voices."

Kate bit her lip, understanding their skepticism. It did sound unbelievable, even to her. But the urgency in her parents' voices had been real, and she couldn't ignore their plea for assistance.

"I understand how it sounds, but I know what I heard," Kate said firmly. "I can't ignore this. Slugterra means everything to them, and if it's in danger, we have to do something."

Luna sighed, a mix of emotions playing across her features. "Kate, even if this were true, it's dangerous. We don't even know what we'd be up against."

Kate's determination remained unshaken. "I know it's risky, but I can't just stand by and do nothing. Our  father's family side which is the stars  has a legacy in Slugterra, and it's our duty to protect it."

Brandon shook his head, worry etched on his face. "This is crazy, Kate. We can't just leave everything behind and go on some wild adventure."

Luna nodded in agreement. "He's right. We have responsibilities here, in the real world."

Kate's eyes welled up with frustration and sadness. She had hoped that her siblings would support her, but their reactions were far from what she expected.

"I can't believe you're both saying this," Kate said, her voice trembling. "Our father saves their lives to protect Slugterra. How can you just turn your backs on our father duty?" kate said annoyed an a bit angry at thsi

Luna and Brandon exchanged a guilt-ridden look. The weight of their father  legacy was not lost on them, but the idea of venturing in to slugterra an what is causing a threat or danger to it was daunting. kate then look over at luna

The tension in the room was palpable as Kate's words hung in the air. kate eyes  then bore into Luna's, a mix of frustration and determination evident in her gaze. Luna shifted uncomfortably under her sister's scrutiny, her own eyes flickering with a mix of emotions.

"Luna, you went to Slugterra long ago, didn't you?" Kate's voice was steady, but there was an edge of accusation in her tone. "You stayed there for years before coming back here. You know exactly what it's like."

Luna's unease was visible, and her gaze briefly darted away from Kate's penetrating stare. Memories long buried resurfaced, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She had never told Kate the full extent of her time in Slugterra, and now it seemed like that past was coming back to haunt her.

"I... yeah, I did," Luna admitted reluctantly, her voice soft. "But it's not that simple, Kate. My time in Slugterra was complicated."

Kate's frustration was not easily quelled. "Complicated? That's just an excuse. You were there, and you understand how important it is to protect that world."

look kate my time in slugterra was different it brings up memories i bury long ago'' luna said uneasy she had a look of hurt on her face shi luna main slug nuzzle luna who she was on her shoulder an seem to knew what happen

brandon look at luna an kate an just stood there confused before he look at his shoulders were his two main slugs billy an volts who were on his left an right shoulder look at him he seem so confused at what was going on. kate groan at that an sat down on her bed her two slugs gem an leo hop onto her lap

dont worry kate were help you' gem said an kate smile an was gonna say something when luna cut her off again

your not going to slugterra kate it dangerous'' luna stated which shock everyone at what luna said while kate an brandon look at her

but '' kate said when brandon cut her off who rub the back of his neck awkwardly when he cut kate off

i think luna right we dont know what going on but luna right i think'' brandon said 

but i '' kate said to the two looking at them but sigh sadly she could not believe what they where saying things soon brandon an luna  then quickly left the room with the . kate was so angry an sad at them for not letting her do this leo an gem hop over to her . Kate sat on her bed, her frustration and sadness mingling in the air around her. She had just shared her determination to go to Slugterra with her siblings, only to be met with disbelief and caution. Luna and Brandon had left the room, leaving Kate feeling alone in her resolve. Leo and Gem, her loyal slugs, hopped onto her lap, offering their support.

"Don't worry, Kate. We're with you," Leo's voice echoed in her mind, his words filled with encouragement.

Kate managed a weak smile and gently stroked Leo's back. "Thanks, guys. I know you're always there for me."

As she pondered her next steps, an idea began to form in her mind. She watched as Luna and Brandon left the room, their expressions etched with uncertainty. Kate's determination only grew stronger, and she knew she couldn't let her siblings' doubts deter her from doing what she believed was right.

"I have a plan," Kate said with newfound determination, addressing her two slugs. Leo and Gem exchanged glances, curiosity evident in their eyes.

Kate leaned in and began to share her plan with Leo and Gem. She spoke in hushed tones, outlining her intentions and the steps she would take. Her voice was filled with conviction, and her slugs listened intently, their support unwavering.

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