The Scarf Team Story: The Giant Stick Girl

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*In the new beautiful sunny day as Stick City, everybody and animal having the great time, the bird chirping, the sky is blue, the sea is cool and everything is nice. In the middle of Stick City, the mystery evil stickman came from nowhere and hide behind the wall, sneaking and found the target. The little girl name Chloe going home after finish schoolwork, he evil smiling and grab the gun, point as Chloe and shoot. Chloe got shot and she feel weird, until her body growing up and she is now the giant stick girl*
Chloe: *Look down and shock* Oh no, what happened?!
Everybody: *Stop and look up, surprise* Wow, the giant stick girl.
Laura: *Going home and feel wonder, she walk near and look up, shock* What the? Chloe?!
Chloe: *Hear the voice and turn, look down and start crying* Laura, thank God you're here. I don't know what going on and now I'm the giant stick girl! I don't like this and I want go home! *Crying louder and the year fall down*
Laura: *Dodge the falling tear* Whoa, calm down! You can make the city got flood! Maybe I can call someone help you back to normal!
Chloe: *Stop crying* Really?
Laura: Yes, so listen to me. You can move, but don't touch anything, ok? I don't want the city got destroy.
Chloe: Ok, I will! *Walk away and avoid touch anything*
Laura: *Run to other side and searching someone for help*
*Laura saw the police car and she make stop, the police officer team saw her and going out, she explain about Chloe is the giant stick girl. The police officer shock and tell her about go to find the heroes team help, she nodded the head and run again, the police team drive the police car, make the Police Cross Line around the city and keep everybody safe with watching Chloe, hope she be ok*
*Laura keep running and searching the heroes team, suddenly the light from somewhere and shoot as the ground, she stop and the evil stickman appear, landing and point the gun as her, she feel fear, but fighting herself*
Laura: What do you want?
Evil Stickman: Because I'm turn your friends into the giant stick girl, now I can turn you into the other thing, this is gonna be fun!
Laura: No! Somebody save me!
*Before he shoot the gun as her, the aura power shoot as his back, he laying on the ground and she open the eyes, look surprise. Stick Kiki with Rich, Logan, Marcelstick, Gelend, Sam, Pablo, Johnny and Steve appear from the rooftop and jump down as the ground, Laura run and hide as Stick Kiki back*
Sam: Are you ok?
Laura: Yes, he turn my friends into the giant stick girl with the gun.
Stick Kiki, The Scarf Team, Logan and Steve: What?!!!
Logan: Is that true about you did that?
Evil Stickman: Oh come on, I'm just want having fun.
Pablo: Having fun? You turn her friends into the giant stick girl! Why did you do that?!
Evil Stickman: Because this is my evil plan, so I can take over the world and I can get everything I want!
Johnny: You're the evil and crazy stickman we ever hate.
Steve: I don't know what you do and what your plan, but we will not let you do that!
Evil Stickman: Prepare to die! You guys can join with her too!
Stick Kiki: Look like we have no choice. Laura, you better hide in somewhere, we take care of him. Guys, let defeat him and destroy the gun.
The Scarf Team, Logan and Steve: Ok!!!
Laura: Be careful and good luck, guys. *Run and hide in the shop, hope they're ok*
*The battle between Stick Kiki, The Scarf Team, Logan, Steve and the evil stickman is begin. He charge the battle, but they block him and they doing punch, kick, spin kick, uppercut and doing Martial Arts. He got pain, but he get up and he shoot as them, but they dodge faster and charge battle again. Stick Kiki use the ice power and freeze his both hand with both legs, then she use Sakura Katana and slash him. Rich use lightning power and shoot as him, he use the sword and slash his back. Logan grab the gun from him, he use fire power and burn the gun, then he use katana with gun, destroy the evil gun. Steve use the gravity power and knock him, he use Sword Of Power and slash him. Marcelstick use the Magic Green Aura and shoot as him, he summon the Magic Green Blade and slash him. Gelend use the power and summon the rock bullet, shoot as him and she summon the nature power, make the vines and ties him. Johnny use the gun and shoot him, then spawn the Techno Scythe and slice him. Pablo use the shadow power, make the shadow clone and attack him, then he use wind power and blow him. Sam use the ink power and attack him, then she make the stone bullet and shoot as his both legs. He feel weak and not moving, 9 Stick Friends finish him with use "Stick Heroes Ultimate Combo"*
*After defeat the evil stickman, they feel tired but still alive. They return the weapon and Laura run out from hiding, then she stop as the team*
Laura: Thank you guys for save me!
9 Stick Friends: You're welcome! That ours jobs to do!!!
*Suddenly, the phone ring and Rich grab the phone, press the call and calling*
Rich: Rich here.
Planta: (On the phone) Hey Rich, I was saw the giant stick girl walking around the Stick City, until she was tired and she laying on the ground careful, then she fall asleep now.
Rich: Really? Thank you, Planta. Keep the eyes on her and we will save her by turn her back to normal little stick girl.
Planta: (On the phone) No problem. Oh anyway, if you guys want save her by turn her back to the normal stick girl, you guys need to nature material from under the sea.
Rich: Oh now we know what to do. Thank for the information, Planta.
Planta: (On the phone) Good luck and be careful, the world need you guys. (Hanging up)
*Rich turn off the call, he put the phone as his pocket and he turn, he tell 8 stick friends with Laura about find the nature material from under the sea. They nodded the head, but Sam feel disappointed and they wonder, until Gelend explain to them*
Gelend: Sam have the ink abilities and if she touch the water, she gonna get hurt.
Logan: Is that true, Sam?
Sam: Yes, sorry about that, guys.
Marcelstick: Is better if you don't need to go the ocean with us, you can be safe in the dry place.
Stick Kiki: Yeah, we can understand your feeling too.
Laura: You can stay with me to keep the eyes on Chloe, I don't want she got any trouble.
Sam: Ok, thank guys.
Stick Kiki: You're welcome. Ok guys, here is my plan: Sam and Laura run to Chloe and keep the eyes on her. Rich, Logan, Steve, Marcel, Gelend, Pablo and Johnny go to the ocean by use my 2 special abilities and find the nature material for making the healthy cure for turn her back to the normal stick girl. We meet again, so good luck and be careful.
8 Stick Friends and Laura: Ok!!!
*They split out in 2 way like Stick Kiki planning, Sam and Laura run and saw Planta, he wave as the both stick girl and see Chloe, she still sleeping and they relieved, the three stick hope they're ok*
*Meanwhile, 8 stick friends arrived as the beach, the team saw Stick Kiki house with Tyron and Treck house, she said they can visit her house later, they smiling and she summon "Bubble-Breath" with "Waterproof" abilities, she point as herself and 7 stick friends, they came near the water and taking the deep breath, dive into the ocean and Gelend, Pablo, Johnny thank her for they can breath underwater like fish, she said no problem and start searching the nature material*
*In under the ocean, 8 stick friends still searching, until Gelend found something and she call 7 stick friends, they swim near as her and she point, they look and surprise. They found the underwater nature, they cheer up and swim near the underwater nature, pick up and they nodded the head, swim to the surface, they breath and swim back to the beach*
*In the beach, they wonder about how to the make the healthy cure, until Stick Kiki have a idea. She said about she can make the healthy cure with use the Magic Medicine abilities. They feel happy and she run as her house, they waiting. She open the door and she run to the laboratory room, she searching and found the Miniaturized Pill with other medicine stuff and she run to the kitchen, grab the giant pot and run outside, she locked the door careful and she run at the beach*
*While they're still waiting, they saw her and surprise, she explain about she gonna make the healthy cure to turn Chloe back to normal stick girl with they help, they nodded the head and she start making the healthy cure with 7 stick friends help*
*After hard working, the healthy cure is finally finish. She put the Miniaturized Pills as the box and they run back to Stick City, where Planta with Sam and Laura it*
*In Stick City, Sam, Laura and Planta still keep the eyes on Chloe, until the three stick saw 8 stick friends return and they smiling, Stick Kiki grab the box and she pick the one Miniaturized Pill out, Laura have a idea*
Laura: I'm remember, Chloe love ice cream. Maybe you can put the magic pills at the ice cream and she gonna eat.
Stick Kiki: Good idea, Laura. Rich, Logan, Marcel, Steve, come with me to find ice cream, other stick friends stay with Laura to keep the eyes on her again. If she wake up, please tell us.
9 Stick Friends and Laura: Ok!!!
*Stick Kiki, Rich, Logan, Marcelstick and Steve run and they found the ice cream shop, they split out in 5 way. Stick Kiki run to the kitchen and grab the kitchen stuff and the bowl, Rich found the cookie and grab all the cookie, Logan found the fruit and grab some cherry, Marcelstick found the sparkle powder and grab one sparkle powder jar, Steve run outside and found the ice cream truck, he push at other side. They return and Rich, Logan, Marcelstick put the ice cream thing they found as the bowl, Stick Kiki put the Miniaturized Pill with the medicine stuff in and Steve open the ice cream truck lid, she mixing together and they push back to the Stick City again*
*Later, Gelend, Pablo, Johnny, Sam with Planta and Laura still keep the eyes on Chloe, until 5 stick friends return with the ice cream truck and they stop*
Sam: Are you sure is gonna work?
Stick Kiki: Let try and see if she back to normal. Trust me.
Sam: Oh ok.
*Chloe wake up and smell something, until she saw the ice cream and she feel hungry, she pick up and start eating all ice cream. When she finish eating, suddenly the magical happened. Her body start glowing and zoom out, back to the normal little stick girl and they cheer up, Laura run and hug Chloe, she hug back*
Chloe: Sorry for make you worry.
Laura: Is ok, I'm glad you be back to normal. Thank to the Stick Friends team for help you by save you.
Chloe: Thank you guys for save me!
Johnny: No problem, that ours jobs to do.
Rich: Yeah, don't forget thank to Kiki for making the healthy cure.
Steve: Yeah, if we don't have her amazing idea, you gonna still be the giant stick girl.
Chloe: Thank you so much again, Kiki!
Stick Kiki: You're welcome, I'm glad you're safe. Next time be careful when you're going home, ok?
Chloe: Ok!
Laura: Thank you guys for help me again!
The Stick Friends: You're welcome, Laura!!!
Stick Kiki: By the way, let take Chloe and Laura home, then I can take you guys to my house for dinner.
8 Stick Friends and Planta: Wow! That sound good!!!
Laura and Chloe: Ok!!!
*They take Laura and Chloe home safely, then they run to the beach and stop at her house, she open the door and they going inside, they surprise and she introduction her house. They stop as the kitchen and she start cooking dinner with the stick friends help. After finish cooking, they put as the table and sit as the chair, then they start dinner. After dinner, they help her cleaning and doing having fun in her house, they have the great moment together in Stick Kiki house*
*After having fun, they're going home and thank her for invite her house, she said no problem and they will visit the house in every time and holiday with other thing. They wave as each other and they going home. She happy and going inside, cleaning her house and taking the shower, brush the teeth and wash her face, then she going to the bedroom, turn off the light and walk near as the bed, laying down and having a good sleep. They save the world and she happy about the stick friends, Dojo's Team and everybody have her as the awesome friends. She was happy about she meet Marcelstick new friends, they have the great moment together. Stick Kiki, the stick friends, Dojo's Team and everybody new amazing adventure is still continue and especially they will going the new amazing adventure, meet the new characters with other characters in the next season*

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