Stella The Owl Witch

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*In the new beautiful sunny day in Playa Norte- Isla Mujeres of Mexico, Stick Kiki with Stedro, Marcstick, Stickhanh, Stagar, Stick Matt, Stickirby, June, Hexy and Luz Noceda from The Owl House World enjoy having fun, swimming and diving, playing every beach games and other thing, they have the best day ever*
*After having fun in the beach, they sit down as the sand and doing relax*
Stick Kiki: This is the perfect sunny day for we having fun in the beach, right guys?
Stedro: Yes, the sky and ocean is blue, the seagull flying, fish and sea animal swimming, the wind is cool, everybody was fun and happy, everything is nice.
Stickirby: Especially nothing bad happened came again and no enemies rules over ours day.
Stick Matt: Yes, also I'm glad we invite other 2 female Slush Friends and Luz Noceda from The Owl House World to join the new fun with us too.
Stickhanh and Stagar: Yeah, also June and Hexy was happy too.
June and Hexy: Thank you guys for choose us and invite us join the new fun with you guys.
Luz: Thank you guys for invite me to join the new fun with you guys, i was feeling good today and this is my best holiday ever!
Marcstick: You guys welcome, I'm glad you guys like it and we can going to the new amazing adventure and new mission later, right now we can chilling in the beach.
* They still relax in the beach, until they hear the new sound and look as each other, they turn and get up, run to other side and check where the new sound come from*
*They're came and stop and saw the female witch name Stella The Owl Witch got trouble by the 3 villains from The Owl House World name Emperor Below, Odalia Blight and The Golden Guard, they going to attack her, but the rock flying and blocking the attack and the team show up, she surprise and the smile, the 3 enemies shock about Luz was here and Luz remember, they curious and she explain about the 3 villains from her world and everything; they shock but thank her, Stella ask them about if they let her join for help them, they agree and she on the good side, The Golden Guard charge as them and the team have no choice but charge battle as him*
*They doing punch, kick, uppercut, spin kick and use Martial Arts Abilities as The Golden Guard, he got defeat and Odalia Blight charge again and they summon the power, they charge the battle. Stick Kiki use phantom power and knock her, Stedro use sound power and attack her, Marcstick use glass power and attack her, Stickhanh use wind power and blow her, Stagar use ice power and freeze her, Stick Matt use mirror power and attack her, Stickirby use star power and shoot her, June use water power and splash her, Hexy use aura power and shoot her, Luz use Glyph Magic power and shoot her, Stella use magic power and shoot her. Odadia Blight got defeat and he shock and they turn as him, he roar and grab his evil weapon called Below Dark Staff and charge as them, they sigh and spawn the weapon, they charge as him*
*They doing battle again him, but he dodge with block and doing the evil magic attack and destroy them like crazy, they dodge his evil attack faster but safety. Stick Kiki use her other special abilities called "Special Enemies Real Weakness Spot", she spot his real weakness and she tell them about how to defeat him with she tell them about her new planning, they nodded the head and they action fast but safety, he can feel something bad happened and he going to destroy them, but Hexy was behind him and punch his face, June kick his head, Stedro with Marcstick, Stick Matt and Stickirby knock him together, Stickhanh and Stagar found the coconut and use as the weapon and kick the coconut together and flying with hit him, Luz and Stella use 2 different magic staff and shoot the Magic Bullet together, Stick Kiki was show up and she knock him down and smash his evil weapon harder, the Below Dark Staff disappear and he shock, they charge as him again and together like the best team*
*Stick Kiki use 2 Phantom Dagger and slice him, Stedro use 2 blaster gun and shoot him, Marcstick use knife and slice them with throw as him, Stickhanh use soccer ball and attack him, Stagar use snowboard and hit him, Stick Matt use nunchuck and hit him, Stickirby use Star Rod and shoot the Magic Star Bullet as him, June use Magic Trident and attack them, Hexy use Battle Axe and slice him, Luz use the Owl Staff and shoot the Titan Magic Attack as him, Stella use Owl Magic Wand and shoot the Magic Owl Attack as him. He weak with no evil magic power and not moving, they finish him by use "Slushers Kiki Heroes Ultimate Combo"*
*After defeat Emperor Below with Odalia Blight and The Golden Guard, they feel tired but still alive. They return the weapon and they look as each other*
Stella: Thank you guys for save me!
Slush Kiki Heroes Team and Luz: You're welcome, that ours jobs to do!!!
Stella: How are you guys found me?
Stickirby: We are on ours new vacation and we hear the new sound and saw you got trouble by them, we going to save you and defeat them for not let them rules ours day.
Stella: I'm understand.
Stedro: But what are you doing in there?
Stella: I'm doing the new mission, but because you guys was here, i need you guys help.
Stick Matt: Ok, what the problem you need ours help?
Stella: The 10 little kids got missing in under the ocean and I'm worry about don't know where they're gone and not see they came to the surface yet.
Slush Kiki Heroes Team and Luz: What?!!!
Luz: Can you explain about what happened to the 10 little kids?
Stella: Ok. *Explain about she was enjoy walking around the beach and saw the 10 little kids going to dive into the ocean and she waiting for them, but they not came to the surface yet and she worry, she searching for help, but got trouble by the 3 villains from The Owl House World, before the team came and save her* That what happened.
Slush Kiki Heroes Team and Luz: Oh now we get it. *Nodded the head*
Stick Kiki: Don't worry, we will help you find the 10 missing little kids.
Stella: Really?!
Marcstick: Yes, since we just having fun, but helping everybody and animal is very important and we can save the world too.
5 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Luz: Yeah. *Nodded the head*
Stella: Thank you guys so much, you guys are my only hope and I know you guys can help me!
June: You're welcome, that what the heroes can do and I'm sure about we can find the 10 missing little kids soon.
Stella: Ok, I'm believe to you guys!
Stick Kiki: All right, guys. Let me summon my 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities and dive down into the ocean, we have the new underwater mission and we going to searching the 10 missing little kids and save them life, after we completely ours new underwater mission, we going to having fun more, so let go.
6 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Luz: Ok!!!
Stella: She have the 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities? How do that work?
Hexy: You will see when we in underwater. *Winked as her*
*Stick Kiki summon her 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities: Water-Breath, Bubble-Breath, Waterproof and Merling and point as herself and 6 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Luz and Stella, the blue magical light with fish glowing around herself and 6 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Luz and Stella surprise. After she finish summon her 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities, they run to the swallow water and taking the deep breath, dive into the ocean*
*In under the ocean, thank to Stick Kiki 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities, now they are the best swimmer and best diver and also they can breath underwater like fish but like her and they can floating underwater with can communicate in underwater too, they start investigate around the ocean and searching the 10 missing little kids, they hope they will find the 10 missing little kids soon*
*While the team still investigate around the ocean, Stickhanh found the giant fishing net and check and shock, he turn and call them. They swim near as him and they shock too. They found the 10 little kids got stuck by the giant fishing net and block by the 4 stone, Stella use magic power and shoot the 4 stone away, they cut the giant fishing net and grab the 10 little kids out and they swim back to the surface*
*They breath and they swim back to the beach, they put the 10 little kids down and they help them breath, the 10 little kids split out the water from the mouth and cough, they relief and they check, the 9 little kids are ok but other 1 little girl legs got injured, Stick Kiki doing the new surgeon mission and the team help her, they working together like the best team*
*After a few minute later, she finish her new surgeon mission and she summon her Magic Healing Abilities as them and the 10 little kids feel better, they thank them and the team said no problem, Stagar ask about what happened, 1 little boy explain about he with his friends going to explore around the ocean and got stuck by 2 different trap, they apologize them, but the team don't mind and Stick Matt tell them promise about stay away from every different trap and avoid the accident but make sure ask the parent permission too, they agree and Stella thank them for help her again, they said no problem and they wave as each other, Stella take the 10 little kids going home with she will explain everything to them, they happy and they realize about they got wet, June say about they will going to find the hotel have the bathroom and they can taking the shower, the team agree and they teleport from Playa Norte- Isla Mujeres to Mexico City*
*They're in Mexico City and they walking until they found the hotel, they walk inside and the girl saw them with the curious face, Stick Kiki say they need the shower, she check and understand, she take them to the bathroom and she give them the towel, they take and going to the bathroom, they take off the swimsuit and washing the swimsuit, then taking the shower*
*After the shower, they use the towel and drying the body, they going out and they give the swimsuit back to Stick Kiki, she take and put in the Waterproof Bag and put in other bag, then they give the towel back to her, she take and give them the hairdryer, they take again and drying the hair, they put down and she take them outside, they thank her and she smile, they leave the hotel and walking again. They found the restaurant near the hotel and going inside, sit down as the chair and the waiter bring all the food with drink and put as the table, they start the dinner*
*After the dinner, they get up and going outside, they taking the good walking and enjoy chilling, 6 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Luz thank Stick Kiki for the new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday and new mission, she said no problem and they smile, they continue walking around Mexico City. Stick Kiki happy about Slush Fighters Team, Slush Heroes Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody have her as the amazing friends, Luz was really fun and having the best time with Slush Kiki Heroes Team too, now they have the wonderful day and the best day ever. Stick Kiki, Slush Fighters Team, Slush Heroes Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue, especially she with some of Slush Fighters and some of Stick Friends will team up with the amazing Dimensions Characters and they doing new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday and new mission on every country and every world in someday too*

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