The Mystery Underwater Sound

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*In the new beautiful sunny day on Malaysia, in Underwater World Langkawi, Stick Kiki with Stick Hikaru, Stick Hikari, Squid, Lucid, Ness and Lucas from Earthbound World enjoy watching every fish and sea animal in the beautiful every big aquarium. Then they run to the National Zoo of Malaysia and watching every animal, then they run to Penang Butterfly Farm and enjoy watching every insect with butterfly and the reptiles, then they run to the KL Bird Park and watching every bird, they have the best day ever*
*After enjoy explore around the new aquarium and the new zoo, they going to the Central Market and taking a good walking*
Stick Kiki: Nothing better by enjoy the beautiful market, right guys?
Stick Hikaru: Yes, the sky is blue, the wind is cool, the bird chirping, Malaysia is so beautiful, everybody was happy and everything is nice.
Stick Hikari: Especially no enemies team rules over ours day and nothing bad happened came again, we was really fun and the fish with sea animal and animal with insect, butterfly, reptiles, bird is amazing too.
Squid: Also I'm glad Kiki choose us and invite us to join the new fun with you guys. Especially Lucid was happy to come with me too.
Lucid: Yes, thank you guys so much, we are really having fun!
Ness and Lucas: Thank you guys for choose us and invite us to join the new fun with you guys too, we are having the best day ever!!!
Stick Hikaru: You guys welcome, I'm glad you guys like it and we can going to the new amazing adventure and new mission later.
Stick Hikari: Yeah, right now we can enjoy ours new wonderful vacation today.
*While the team enjoy walking around the Central Market, suddenly they hear the new sound and they look as each other, they turn and run to check about where the new sound come from*
*They are in outside of the Central Market and saw the enemies team from the Earthbound World name Porky Minch with his evil army name Pig Mask Army and the little girl name Jessica got trouble by them, 1 Pig Mask going to attack her, but Squid use his Tentacles Arms and grab her faster and Lucid catch her, she carry her and put her down in somewhere, tell her about stay here and she said ok, she return to the team and Porky with his evil army turn and shock about see Ness and Lucas in there, Lucas remember and explain to them about Porky and Pig Mask Army from the Earthbound and everything else. They shock and thank him, he doing the evil laugh and he command his evil army to destroy them. The Pig Mask Army charge and they have no choice but charge battle as them*
*They doing punch, kick, uppercut, spin kick and use Martial Arts Abilities as Pig Mask Army, but other Pig Mask Army charge again and they summon the power, they charge the battle. Stick Kiki use comet power and blast them, Stick Hikaru use earth power and smash them, Stick Hikari use fire power and burn them, Squid use water power and splash them, Lucid use rainbow power and attack them, Ness and Lucas use 2 thunder power and shock them together. The Pig Mask Army got defeat and he shock and they turn as him, he roar and grab his evil weapon called Porky Dark Ring and charge as them, they sigh and spawn the weapon, they charge as him*
*They doing battle again him, but he dodge with shoot the Dark Laser from the Dark Ring and doing the evil attack and destroy them like crazy, they dodge his evil attack faster but safety. Stick Kiki use her other special abilities called "Special Enemies Real Weakness Spot", she spot his real weakness and she tell them about how to defeat him with she tell them about her new planning, they nodded the head and they action fast but safety, he can feel something bad happened and he going to destroy them, but Squid use his Tentacles Arms and grab him and throw him higher, Lucid jump and kick him, Stick Hikaru and Stick Hikari punch him together, Ness kick him behind, Lucas punch his face and grab his evil weapon out from his finger and throw as her, Stick Kiki use the blaster gun and shoot his evil weapon, the Porky Dark Ring disappear and he shock, they charge as him again and together like the best team*
*Stick Kiki use blaster gun and shoot his both arms, Stick Hikaru use hammer and his back him, Stick Hikari use Fire Blade and slash his both legs, Squid use Tentacles Arms and attack him, Lucid use Magic Pen and drawing the rainbow lines, ties him harder and attack him, Ness and Lucas use the 2 baseball bat and hit him together. He weak with not powerful and not moving, they finish him by use "Slushers Kiki Heroes Ultimate Combo"*
*After defeat Porky Minch and Pig Mask Army, they feel tired but still alive. They return the weapon and saw Jessica came out from hiding and she came near as them, they look happy as each other*
Jessica: Thank you guys for save me!
Slush Kiki Heroes Team, Ness and Lucas: You're welcome, that ours jobs to do!!!
Squid: But what are you doing there?
Jessica: I'm got trouble and I need the help.
Lucid: We can help you, you can tell us anything about something.
Jessica: Really?!
Stick Hikaru: Yes, since we just having fun, but helping everybody and animal is very important and we can save the world too.
Stick Kiki, Stick Hikari, Ness and Lucas: Yeah. *Nodded the head*
Jessica: Thank you guys so much, you guys are my only hope i need and i know you guys can help me!
Stick Hikari: You're welcome, that what we can do.
Jessica: I'm going to believe you guys!
Ness: So what you got trouble?
Jessica: Well. *Look around and check, relief and whisper as them* Follow me and i will tell you guys something.
*She take them and they leave from the Central Market and they teleport to somewhere else but only keep secret too*
*Later, they're arrived in Lang Tengah Island, she point as the ocean and she start talking about the new problem about the new mystery sound in under the ocean and she was worry and panic about what kind of the mystery underwater sound like that, they finally understand her*
Lucas: So that why the new mystery sound make you worry?
Jessica: Yes, if I don't figure out what kind of the new mystery sound, I can't sleep and make me got more worries too.
Stick Kiki: Don't worry, we will help you find the new mystery sound in under the ocean, you better stay here and wait until we come back. *Turn as 2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Ness and Lucas* Guys, let me use my 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities and dive down into the ocean, we have the new underwater mission and we gonna decide to investigate around the ocean and see where the new mystery sound come from until we figure out, after we completely ours new underwater mission, we gonna explain to Jessica to make she feel better, then we going to having fun more later, right now let go.
2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Ness and Lucas: Ok!!!
*Jessica run and hide in the palm tree, Stick Kiki summon her 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities: Water-Breath, Bubble-Breath, Waterproof and Merling and point as herself and 2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Ness and Lucas, the blue magical light with fish glowing around herself and 2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Ness and Lucas surprise. After she finish summon her 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities, Jessica came out from the palm tree and they walk to the swallow water and they taking the deep breath, dive into the ocean. Jessica surprise but sit down as the sand and hope they're ok*
*In underwater, thank to Stick Kiki 4 Magic Aquatic Abilities, now they are the best swimmer and best diver and also they can breath underwater like fish but like her and they can floating underwater with can communicate in underwater too, they start swimming and investigate around the ocean, they hope about they will find the new mystery sound*
*While the team still searching the new mystery sound, suddenly they hear the new sound and they turn as the big rock and they swim to checking, then they look and they found the baby whale got stuck by the giant fishing net, he was scare and panic, they swim near and Stick Kiki make him calm down, then they cut the giant fishing net and she check and saw his back got pain. She start the new underwater surgeon and they help her, they working together like the best team*
*Later, she finish the new underwater surgeon and she use Magic Healing Abilities as him, he feel better and they happy, he thank them and they said no problem, he apologize for bother them, they don't mind but they tell him about be careful next time with stay away from the trap like the fishing net, he promise and he swim away and they wave as him, they swim back to the surface*
*Meanwhile, Jessica still watching, until she saw something and happy. The team breath and they swim back to the beach. She ask them and Stick Kiki explain about the new mystery sound they found in under the ocean actually is the baby whale got stuck by giant fishing net, she shock but she tell her about they rescue him but told him about be careful with promise him about stay away from the trap like the fishing net and everything, she relief and Lucid said they solve the new mystery sound, Jessica thank them for help her and they said no problem again, then she ask them about want they going to her home for taking the bath and dinner with her family, they check the body and realize about they got wet, they said ok and she happy, they teleport to Kuala Lumpur*
*Later, they're arrived in Kuala Lumpur, she take them to her house and they going inside, they walk to the bathroom and taking the shower. After the shower, she give them the towel and they take and drying the body, she put the hairdryer as the table and tell them about they can use it, they take and drying the hair, they put back to the table and they walk to the kitchen, they prepare and Stick Kiki start cooking with the team and Jessica help, they start making the dinner in her house*
*When they finish making the dinner, they put the food with drink as the table, they hear the doorbell and Jessica run to check and open the door and she happy about her parent with her oldest sister was home, she grab them inside and they surprise about the team was here too, they sit down as the chair and Jessica explain everything with point as them, her oldest sister thank them and they smile, they start talking everything and then they start the dinner*
*After the dinner, they washing the dishes, then they wave as each other and the team leave from Jessica home and they decide walking around Kuala Lumpur, then Stick Kiki have a new idea and they turn as her with the curious face, she take them and they teleport to somewhere else*
*After a few minute later, they're in Gurney Drive on George Town. Stick Kiki show them about the new place and they surprise, they happy and they decide to enjoy walking around the new town. 2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Ness and Lucas thank Stick Kiki for the new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday and new mission but show them the new beautiful place too, she said no problem and they smile, they continue enjoy watching around the new town. Stick Kiki happy about Slush Fighters Team, Slush Heroes Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody have her as the amazing friends, also Ness and Lucas was really fun and the both have the best time with Slush Kiki Heroes Team too, now they have the wonderful day and the best day ever. Stick Kiki, Slush Fighters Team, Slush Heroes Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue, especially she with some of Slush Fighters and some of Stick Friends will team up with the amazing Dimensions Characters and they doing new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday and new mission on every country and every world in someday too*

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