sluty nerd....

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Today, my life changed totally I thought I knew a bunch of stuff but I was fucking wrong.

Mother cup my chicks, with her watery eyes she looked into mine and whisper as slow as she could in a trembling voice “ honey my daddy rape me when I was (12)years ” my eye opened as wide as it can.

I gasped and hold her tight and called her “ Mother!!! sorry”
And she put her index finger between my lips and whisper “ shhhuu don't be baby, it has nothing to do with you.
But my father was a monster ,he is an animal ” she said with teas dropping from her green eyes they were tick and beautiful.

I have never seen my mother calm.
She is a fighter, she is always the boss not even her heart dare Tell's her what to do, I have never seen her teas or seen her cry before, i have never imagine seen my mother look defeated in my whole life.
But she is kinda cute when she is lowly and calm.....

Mother were is he now? Is he still alive? How did it all happened? Were was your mom? Dose she know?
I asked anxiously.
But all she did was smile at me and brush my chicks with the fingers....
Mother is your dad the reason why I don't have a father?

There she stopped and looked closely at me,

Yes Noella she said and continued, my mom was carefree all she knows is to get drunk because father was beating hell out of her, he forced her sexually he had no respect for my mother and my mother never had respect for her self.
One night mother was out, my father came to my room,I was asleep, but I felt gentle torch on my ankles, I felt it and I wanted more even if I never knew what it was, I didn't want to weak up so I won't obstruct the movement, suddenly it extended to my tight, I began to feel something very strange, something I haver never felt, I woke up with aggression, like i had a horror mare's.
In front of me was my dad smiling at me....

Dad? What's wrong? Asked....

Angel it's nothing I want us to play a game, before I could understand what was up, he pushed me down on my back on the bed, I had no idea Wats happening, but my heart was racing I was so scared.... He looked at my eye and said Elizabeth you are a big girl now, don't you want to play with Daddy?

I nod in response to disagreement, but he care less, and had his way, it kept happening until I was (14)years
But I knew mother know but what could she do? One day I had the courage to hit him hard with a whistle kettle...the old man died at a sport after losing his stamina and hit his head on the floor.

Oh my God, never in my would imagine miss Elizabeth Amila Alphonzo with such a painful past....I looked at my mother, and had an image of her being helpless and and old tacky man, in his 30s/40s forcing her.
I couldn't but cry with her, and apologized for bringing back her ugly past....I held her close to my boobs and cup her face in my both hands....mother I understand now, why u don't want me to have a father and why you don't want a man in our lives, I tot's gets it.
I also know how you feel about men....
But mother you know I love you and you are just enough for me I don't need anyone apart from you......

Even I was shocked how emotional I can be. But I regret ever making her remember her past.....just when we we're about to hug there was a knock on the door.... Which for ever change not just my life but our lives....


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