{Chapter 2.} ♦ The day before the training!

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> Chapter 2.

{Y/N}'s POV

I have to honestly admit that the Team Inkfall has style, for beauty.

I mean, one feels her motto very much and as Inkfall-Kun said that, I believed him to the word.

They are clean, extremely well clothed and prevent getting dirty, as well as the house but they are inwardly aggressive and have only the victory in front of them.

It seems like Team Emperor won the last one, in fact the first tournament.
Maybe Team Inkfall lost to them last time and thus did not win.

How then?

They lost.

Team Emperor is well known and they are also a very good, strong team.

No doubt, that's for sure. Anyway, even if I was interested, I didn't dare to ask him, otherwise one of them would think that I am a fan of Team Emperor and they would kick me out.

I don't want to achieve that, no, never.

I'm just about to make a friendship with Team Inkfall, at least that's what I think.

"All right, hey {Y/N} ... Do you feel like practicing with us tomorrow?" Inkfall-Kun suddenly asked out of nowhere and all four of them stared at me.

"Oh, yeah, why not?" I smiled at everyone after looking away from the floor and thinking back to them. I was happy with this offer but as soon as I wanted to say something, Lyvader-Kun got up and pointed his gun at me while looking at Inkfall-kun.

"We don't even know what this Inkling is like, we do not know anything, or why is this Inkling even important to you?" he asked almost a bit aggressively and Inkfall-kun just shook his head.

"This Inkling seemed interesting to me..." he admitted and that somehow made me blush.
Lyvader-kun and the two girls noticed this and began to laugh.
"Look what you've done" he chuckled and ran over to me.

"What? That doesn't matter, just come to the Inkopolis Square tomorrow morning, we'll do a private fight and prepare for the special day, so you're in {Y/N}?" he asked in a powerful voice, asking everyone else to get up.
I nodded with a powerful "Yes" afterwards and then it was confirmed.

"Well then, stay clean and see you tomorrow" he grinned, shaking my hand with a powerful handshake, which hurt me afterwards.
The pain I could just resist and thanked me for the food. It tasted pretty good and fortunately I didn't do anything dirty. Who knows what they would have done to me if I dared it.

I went out and was about to leave the villa-like house, when suddenly somebody tapped my shoulder outside.

It was Inkfall-kun and handed over to me something. As I took a closer look it was clear that it was a spray. "Please come clean tomorrow" he nodded and then laughed. He wanted to go back to the house but I stopped him.
"Inkfall-Kun, why are you doing this?" I asked and somehow was speechless about this gift. He just turned his head to me and smiled at me. "Besides, I'm glad to see you wanting to meet a Team, you even showed it with your eyes" he laughed even louder and shut the door in my face.

I was still speechless, looking at the closed door and then down to my present. Slowly I left the house completely and headed towards Inkopolis Square. From there I know better where my apartment is and I was actually unknown where I am now.

After a few minutes I reached the poster again and looked at it shortly. As I looked closer, I barely trusted my eyes. Where the two teams were written Team Inkfall was ruled out with a dark red pen.

Team Emperor was still written as it was and I scratched the back of my head. "Who did this?" I thought loudly and looked around, where no Inkling was in sight.

Someone seems to hate Team Inkfall, but who and why does anyone do that? I just couldn't believe it but later it was understandable, because there must be some haters, who detest a team, logic.

I moved away from the poster and kept walking. Then I passed by the Inkopolis Square and when I looked over, there were many more Inklings present there than before.

I looked at my watch and it was getting dark again. Extremely fast how time passed, but is also understandable. I mean, I've been waiting for a team for most of the day and spent most of my time in the Inkopolis Tower. Then the day went better. I met a team for the first time, an unknown one but through fate and that means that my dream is slowly coming true. It's wonderful to finally find friends, looking for such a long time. I was very happy at the moment and still feel honored.

Just great, because at least I have a fixed date tomorrow and will have fun.
I suddenly ran and reached my apartment just in time to turn on the TV. Maybe today is the repetition of the last time finally turn off.

Who knows.

I made myself comfortable and switched it on. In fact, Team Emperor in action. In the middle of the Turf War and of course I knew in advance, the team Emperor will win. The way Team Emperor is fighting is incredible.

They are fast, skilful and complete their weapons, as if they were one with them.

I'd love to see them practicing and planning their tactics, because I'm sure they have their own strategy, which they discuss shortly before the game. And if so, it's the same with the others. Not every team is capable of qualifying for a higher tournament.

Anyway, I stared with full concentration on the screen and feeble with.

You'd think I'm crazy, but I have to say one thing: a fight between two normal teams and a fight between such good teams is something completely different.

The tension is always at the highest level and you never really know which team will win at the end.

This includes only the best of the best, which is why I feel really honored, but maybe they don't belong yet because Team Inkfall was still unknown to me.

With that in mind, I lost focus on the TV and the joy of watching the aftermath.

I knew how it would end anyway, so I switched off the TV, even though it was very exciting.

I braced my head with my right hand and thought. I thought about how the day will end tomorrow and whether it will perhaps be the most difficult and exciting day of all time.

Who knows ... maybe I will even suffer.

With Team Inkfall is really not to be fun, they really have it and you can see it in their eyes, how greedy are aggressively on the win.

So that would have to be with each team but well, you can all but wish that everything comes true?
I don't know...

They will practice with me, that much is clear, but why?

Will he seriously fulfill the wish that I have always had? Probably, because he apparently looked at it, he claimed.

Deep in my thoughts, I became more and more tired and sank into my couch. I noticed this and got up, walked towards my bed and looked at my mirror with the glue on it. I squatted and searched for a specific glue until I found it.


It happened again.
I blushed slightly as I stare into his yellow eyes.

But why?

Did I actually fall in love with the Emperor himself? Well, I'm not sure, but we'll probably see it soon. The training starts tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it is serious.

I hope that I can at least watch one, because playing is guaranteed not in there. And even though Inkfall-Kun would offer it to me, I would decline immediately.

I just can't accept that, because I would have to be much better.

But that can still be something, if I will practice side by side with Team Inkfall. On that day I have to concentrate 100 percent and absorb all the information of strategies that I can benefit from them and maybe later qualify for a tournament. But only if I put together a strong team, a strong one that would win against other teams and thus become famous. At that moment, I had so many such thoughts in my head and squatted for about 20 minutes, until my legs ached slowly.

I glued the glue back to where it was before and got up. Backwards, I dropped myself onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. "I have to make an effort" I thought and looked at my weapon.

With these words, I remembered that I had previously thought of fun.

Forget it.

Practicing with a team that is strong enough to compete against Team Emperor isn't fun, it's pretty serious.

Then I have to make an effort. Then I have to concentrate, fully on their movements and how they communicate with each other as a team.

I have to benefit every step, absolutely everyone.

A little nervous, I then fell asleep across my bed, although it was not so late.

Inkfall-Kun's POV

Meanwhile, we were scattered in our house and did our own thing.

Our day was over for us and will sleep soon.
Tomorrow we will practice and I hope {Y/N} has something on the box. I hope so much that I have chosen the right decision.

Hat-chan slowly headed up to me.

"Is that really a good idea to take {Y/N} with us?" she asked, slightly worried and sitting on a chair that stood beside me. "I don't know, we'll see it, I saw it ... His dream was written on his face, he seems to have always wished but never got it" I sighed while looking at my weapon.

She nodded, thought for a moment, then opened her mouth again. "Do you think we can beat Team Emperor this time?" she asked seriously.

I could hardly believe that she doubted our victory, but somehow understood it and tried to answer her question calmly.

"I think so ... we have to, otherwise our team gets worse and worse and can not take part in Tournamente anymore, we will show them to them" I replied aggressively and looked at my fist.

"If we want to do it, we have to practice hard tomorrow, I hope {Y/N} won't get in our way to starn and then the reason will be that we don't win, otherwise he has nothing here with us to look for more. After all, thanks to {Y/N}, we finished everything" I said any laughed lightly as I looked at the kitchen.

This also made Hat-Chan laugh and we shared a laugh attack. Luckily I've come across {Y/N} otherwise we would have leftovers.

Remains makes dirty and finally we want to stay clean. "Well, I'll go to sleep, see you tomorrow leader" whispered Hat-Chan and put out the light, although I was still in the room.
"See you tomorrow and good night" I said, following her. I looked around again and had to think about it during the day.

Will {Y/N} be proficient and not overly enthusiastic?

I just hope that {Y/N} is serious and not fun. I quickly forgot all this and will finish the day as a boring day because today we didn't do anything.

Unfortunately, because the Private Battles were already reserved for today, otherwise we would have started practicing today, I'm sure.

Anyway, the luck by us, we're used to it.

Unfortunately, we are also one of the weaker teams, but we will already show the team Emperor, from which wood we are carved. If we finally beat this team, Team Inkfall will go down in history, that much is clear. But I had put the thoughts too high into the future and shook them all away.

I went to my white room and dressed with all the clothes, with the shoes, I fell asleep. The whole house was only in the dark and all Inklinge are now determined to sleep.

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