{Chapter 7.} ♦ An unforgetable fight!

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> Chapter 7.

{Y/N}'s POV

The battle of my life started.

Team Inkfall vs. Rider's Team, live in Musselforge Fitness.

Light blue, as well as green-yellow color splashed on both sides.
The Inklings distributed and I could hardly see anything, because all stood up in front of me and most yelled in the choir, right in time 'Rider' stride.

I could really see how everyone no longer used the chair, but rather hopped around, as if they were at a concert at the Off the Hooks.

It isn't, but just as exciting.
I can even confirm that.

But as I got the Champion in my point of view, I realized that the whole team of Emperor were the only Inklings which didn't get up.

They preferred to sit there with their legs crossed, staring closely at the eight Inklings.
What are they planning to do?
Do they want to analyze the winner and know their tactics?

I had no idea and avoided to keep looking at him, otherwise he would appeal to me again and I don't want to, especially not during this important fight.

I quickly returned to the fight and have already missed a lot.
The two teams have already met in the middle long ago and tried first from a distance to splat each other.
Well, it looked difficult and both teams had nothing else in mind than to splatt.

"Damn, they have to focus on coloring instead of killing" I thought, looking at the starting area of ​​Team Inkfall and realizing how much area no color had yet.

Actually nothing, except a few stripes, I could slightly recognize.
The opponent had someone with stealth goggles who had the same weapon as Lyvader-Kun and the two dueled in battle alone.
Meanwhile, Inkfall-Kun wandered off and decided to color the narrow aisle on their side in light blue.
Looks like Inkfall-kun realized what it's all about.
Luckily, otherwise that would start from the back and nobody wants that, except the fans of Rider's team and themself.

Hat-Chan looked to the right, where her leader stood before and saw that he was no longer here and searched for him while she was still busy with an Inkling girl who had a heavy splattling. Soon she had seen him with her eyes and now knew what he was doing.

She nodded happily and went to the other side.
Now half of the team colored the battlefield from two sides and the other half took it up with four Inklings at once.
At the moment I was calm, because everything was still open and the fight went on for a long time.
Even if they're loosing heavily, they could still win, which wasn't the case.

It looked rather bad for Rider's team because they didn't have any color on their sides yet.
I could clearly see on a screen that shot from the top, that the half battlefield of Musselforge Fitness was light blue.

Very good, but I can't wait too soon, because if Rider's team would play out of the nothing aggressive, the situation could turn around and the opponents have enough time to repaint everything.

But now to reality.
The bamboo girl was suddenly gone, and I later easily recognized her swimming from the side of the battlefield to Lyvader-kun as a squid.

The two of them didn't realize that at all and screaming wouldn't help because they were too far away.

The girl came out of the ink and splatted both at once, sneaking off the side.
Rider and the other two grinned wide and they seperated.
Rider ran to the right and swung his roller out with a high arc to color a lot while the stealth goggle Inkling went straight on to the enemy's side and also colored everything he could.

The other girl in a school uniform who had the 52. Gal deco ran to the other side.
The bamboo girl looked back and realized that Lyvader-Kun on their side was trying to color everything in light blue.
It went off and I didn't really know where to look and when I dared to look at the screen, I could see how the whole battlefield was full of color.

Currently, the yellow-green Inklings were in the lead, but I still haven't lost hope that Team Inkfall will win.

Now half of the time was over and I could think that the tension is getting bigger every second.

Inkfall-Kun's POV

I was still calm before the fight but now?
To be honest, I have to admit that it was hard for me to hold my Splattershot Pro in my hands.
I always thought of the same thing, namely to win and knew from the beginning that this wouldn't be easy.

If we are already in trouble with Rider's team, how is that going to be against the champion?
I shook my head, dropping those thoughts and focusing better on the fight.
I ran in circles all the time and didn't realize it until now as I walked through this narrow abyss for the tenth time.

Suddenly I stopped and saw myself standing in the shade.
I knew right away that this was Rider, because of the size, jumped into my ink as a squid and swam away.
It was narrowly targeted and was hit only weak.
"Hrmm, as fast and clean as you are ..." he puffed annoyed and picked up his dynamo roller.
I bit my teeth and was almost beaten.

"... someday nobody will get away from you" he added and took a long shot.

I looked to the right and then to the left and unfortunately found no way out, where I would be fast enough.

Then I suddenly shimmered and began to grinn.
"It hasn't rained for a long time, right? TIME TO CHANGE THIS " I yelled, taking out the Ink Storm and throwing it on the floor.
"Huh?" he said suprised and steped back.
With full power a big light blue cloud was created.
It started to rain ink and he looked up, just as I wanted.
At that moment, I jumped up, picked up my gun and splatted him with a suprise.

"YES, finally" I cheered.
I was happy, like a small child and many spectators began to cheer aswell, while the rain stopped, which was actually intended only for distraction.

Luckily, the whole action was successful, which made me happy. "HAT-CHAN, LYVADER-KUN, let's meet in the middle" I shouted with all of my power afterwards and had a plan.

From afar I saw Rider respawn and use the superjump, to the other side.

I went back into the ink and already saw Lyvader-Kun, who waited shimmering in the middle.
As I reached him, I looked around and saw Rider-Kun with Uniform-Chan, whl splatted Arrow-chan together.

Then he looked up at us and laughed slightly.
"Now you're going to have a blue miracle ..." I mumbled so loud that it could hear Lyvader-Kun giggling slightly.

Rider wanted to make it exciting, took the long way, ran across the grid and now we stood there in pairs opposite Rider.
The audience went off right and found that a legendary moment, where I could only agree.
By now Hat-Chan was here as well, standing next to me as expected.
Both shimmered and glared at Rider. "As I promised your friend ..." he whispered and I saw his teammates superjumping to him.

This was the perfect moment to carry out our plan and before Rider wanted to continue, I spoke in his place.
I shouted, flicking with both of my hands and my two teammates beside me both took out the Tenta Missles.

"Wait ... WHAT? Oh, crap ..." Rider swore and jumped backwards to dodge.
It's still enough for him but it looks bad for his friends.

All three arrived and Lyvader-Kun and Hat-Chan targeted all three and fired.

They ran to us and wanted to splat us but we just stood there and knew exactly that it was too late for them.

The many missles hit the three and they were all splatted at once.
The three of us headed slowly to Rider, who looked at us with wide eyes and apparently didn't expect this.

"You morons, how dare you ..." he stammered shortly before the disengagement and now he began to shimmer, as he tried again to hit us with his Dynamo-Roller.
We skilfully dodge and seperated again.

I was alone now.

Alone against Rider, while the other two rushed to the other side and Rider's team members stopped, which now respawn again.
"You want a duel? Then you'll get that, you rag" he said coldly, swinging his roller in my direction.

I quickly had to dodge and everything that has been converted into its color, I turned back into my color.
He saw that and became even more aggressive.
"Do you think I don't know what you're doing? Let me flatten you, as I promised {Y/N}!" he laughed adamantly, swinging his roller again.
I hid and as I looked over at him, I saw Arrow-Chan slowly running from behind to him.
"Remember, we'll win" Rider continued, swinging his roller again. This time aslant, so in fact, further.
I looked away and then, after two seconds in his direction and now I couldn't see him anymore.

I didn't notice, that Arrow-chan pointed to me with her arm and hopped around like crazy to warn me and looked around confusedly for Rider.

"As I said, I'll flatten you" spoke a deep voice and Rider came out of his ink, with a strong swing.
I was just able to dodge, but unfortunately he knocked my Splattershot Pro out of my hands and was without a fight.
The gun flew far over the battlefield and Rider looked grinning behind. Now he activated his ink armor and turned pink, with red eyes.
"Say bye bye ... looser" he said his last words, took his golden Dynamo-Roller in the air and was ready for the final blow.

What he didn't realize was that Arrow-chan was still lurking around here and just as I thought of her, she came rolling into her Baller.
Before his Dynamo-Roller hit me, his armor broke and Arrow-Chan's Baller exploded.

Color shot around and Rider could hit me weak.
What I had was a light green stripe on my Inkfall Shirt and looked down at the shirt.
"Man, that was close" I gasped, looking at Arrow-Chan, who grinned slightly and offered her hand to me.
I accepted it and was slightly red because she saved me.
And somehow, I didn't freak out...
I guess, because it wouldn't make sense, while the battle.

"Thanks" I just said and she gave me a sweet smile.
As soon as she stopped, she ran away and inked the ground with her L-3 Nozzlenose more.

I quickly searched for my weapon and could find it relatively unharmed even after a short time.

Out of nowhere, it boomed loud and we weren't allowed to move.

The game was over and we were able to look at the screen before announcing the outcome.
I looked at Rider, who completely ignored me, then at the others, who also looked spellbound at the screen.

Then I looked at the audience and quickly recognized who was {Y/N} of them and waved a wry smile.

Afterwards, I also looked at the screen and the whole environment was quiet. Everyone was looking forward to the result and of course hoping for a win.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
After a brief silence, it was actually announced that we won. My team members, as well as all the spectators cheered and it was a cutting game. We won just over five percent ahead and my team members ran happily towards me.

They hugged me all at the same time and had a lucky win.

"Team Inkfall has beaten the yellow-green team by a narrow margin and thus, after the other fights against the former winner team of the first tournament, is allowed to record Team Emperor" someone spoke through the speakers again and I was blown up by my teammates held.

I was happy with this victory and could hardly believe it.
Sweaty and completely devastated, they let me go and we, as well as Rider-Kun's team, teleported back to the Inkopolis Square.

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