♕Aloha X depressed!fem!Reader♕

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Requested by: SamaCartoncito

I tried my best.. hh



School time again.

My weekend was over and except staying silent and bored in my room, I did actually nothing. As I picked up my school bag and everything what I needed, I left my house and headed towards the inkopolis school, the biggest and best school in our world. 

At least, that's what all the squids and octopuses said there so far. 

I didn't belong to them and found it just ugly. School sucks ass, as well as my own life. 

I go to my school since two years and so far I didn't learn so much new things to be honest, because the most things I saw already in advance. Still, I was forced to do the three years according to my parents and the third one just started some weeks ago. 

With my depression, which I owned since I got bullied once really badly, I was rather a restrained girl, instead of my classmates, who were mostly loud. Even though the whole class room is filled with tables with two chairs, I was always the only one, who was supposed to sit alone. Lucky for me, because I enjoyed that. 

The bulling phase started namely back then with my neightbor and it ended not very good for me. It was probably the worst day of my life, which I'll never forget for sure. It was so horrible, that I got depressed for many weeks and passed some days of school, with even no battles in the inkopolis tower. 

No, I just sat in my room and was by my parents, as like a little baby.

The one who did the bullying things with me got kicked out of the school as soon as the school staff found it out, which was positive for me. Sadly, the depression got never away. Later I accepted my fate and just began to live with it. 

Some minutes before the bell will ring I arrived at the schoolyard and made a weird sight. For the first time of my life, it was so full like never before and it felt like, the whole world was here. I approached a group, which was for my stand the closest one and was listening to them, about what they weretalking about. Since I never got the courage to talk to any student of my school, I always took the oppertunity to listen to them but inconspicuous. 

As I heard enough, I slowly understood, why there were so many students on the yard. Apparently new students came in and if so, many, which was bad. I felt uncomfortable and irritaded a bit around, till I ended up being at another group. I turned myself around and walked on, without realizing, that in front of my was an inkling boy, who was talking to five other inklings.  

I accidentally rammed him and made us fall both down. I was so shocked that I kept laying at the ground and looked up into the sky. Nothing was seen, but as the boy stood up and noticed me, they were all standing around me. 

"Aw, would you look at that. Isn't this Y/N? How cute. You look like trash as always" the boy who I rammed said evilly. The others started to laugh and recognized me, just as like I did, by all of them. Unfortunately, each of the six belonged to my class and were pretty mean to me sometimes too. 

"Wait a minute ..." somebody spoke behind me and got the boys attention. They all had suddenly a scared facial expression and stared into the direction from where the male voice came, who was apparently someone, who wanted to help me. 

With hope and a smile on my face and waited for him, whoever it was and yeah, he really reached out his hand and wanted to help me up. I accepted his offer and let him help me up, which happened quite fast. 

As I stood totally okay on my two feets again, I stared into the boy's face, how helped me and I couldn't believe it, who I just saw.

It was my bully, who I could thank my current depression.

I never thought he would help me, but as he started to grin, I knew it was kinda part of his plan.

"Hey girl, missed me?" he asked and gave each of the boys a fist bump. 

"Wh... you? Why you're here?" I asked with big eyes and was shocked with a shaking heart. I couldn't believe he would be here again and was kinda scared. 

"Oh, don't worry. I'm still not in this school. My friends and I just decided to meet us here at every day. And now I beg you to go away" he hissed and made me walk away quickly. After I was inside the school building, I got into my class room and sat on my table, completely exhausted. My heart was beating really fast and then I suddenly started to cry. 

I couldn't resist and had to let my tears out, right into my hands, which were turning wet really fast. The room was empty, because it still needed some minutes till the bell will ring. I also wondered, why my bully was here and especially, that he let me enough time to go away, which was lowkey the first time. Apperently, since he got kicked out of this school, he didn't have the courage anymore, to escalate the situation again, so he just stayed 'calm'. 

Not even his friends helped him and were informed about this, like I expected from close friends. 

Instead of him I had nobody and was even desperated, that I've never found any love. But of course, because I was always such a sensitive idiot, I never got anyone and never found anyone. 

Just as I thought about that in despair, I cried sadly too loud and unfortunately enough, the door was still opened to the hallway, that everyone close to me would hear it. Somebody noticed that and followed my cry, till a boy showed himself at the door.

"Shhh, hey ... are you okay?" the boy whispered curious and wanted me to be quite. 

I looked with my head up and eased the volume of my tears, which were still flowing out of my eyes though. He wore a golf visor and a aloha shirt with colorful shoes, called the crazy arrows.

He looked a bit older than me but wasn't a teacher in my sight at all. 

"Huh? Hm.. go away, you don't want to be here" I cried on and didn't want to get bullied again, with faking friendship some seconds before. I just turned around and showed my back to him, while my school bag stood open by my own table. I didn't care a single inch, if he would steal it at any second but to my surprise, he didn't. He just passed by it and came closer to me, until he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, why are you crying so loud and ... why are you here so lonely?" he asked and raised both of his eyebrows, completely not believing it, while looking confused into the classroom. 

"I'm just a depressive whore and got sensitive, as my old bully, who came out of nowhere, hissed me away" I explained half sad and looked into his eyes dreamly. 

I was still surprised that he cared about me and so slowly I believed it wasn't a trick or something. He really cared about me, even though I honestly never saw him before. 

"Aw, I think you deserved a hug, before the bell rings. Come here ... come" he whispered again and opened his arms. I never thought someone could have so much trust in someone, but apparently he had it into me. Just now, from 1 to one hundred. 

Anyways. I didn't hesitate and hugged him, to let him comfort me successfully. Actually, he wanted to break up the hug after some seconds again, but I felt so good that I pulled him back to me, what he noticed pretty quickly. But after the bell finally rang, he sighed big, to give me a sign, that more wasn't possible anymore. 

We broke up the hug and he petted my tentacles. 

"I'm Aloha. What's your name if I may ask?" he questioned kindly and smiled big. He seemed to me like a cheerfully guy and that's what I liked about him immediately. 

"Y/N. It's nice to meet you ..." I shivered and shook his hand slowly as a first greeting into my first friendship which I hardly could believe. 
"Well, I must go now... bye" he yelled and dashed away. 

Just by this moment, one student after another came into my room, which belongs to my class. Luckily, my bully really didn't come and was just here like he told me. He literally told me the truth which was ALSO the first time so far. 

This day started really very weird in my point of view and I had a small thought, that it would go on like this.  

Nobody disturbed and as soon as everyone was on their places, the last inkling came in, who was obviously, because of their big height, the teacher. 

She stepped in and took a first look over all, just as a check, if everyone would be here today. It seemed like this was the case but then the door opened again. 

"Welcome lovely class. Today our school got some new students and this means, that our class is growing as well, even though it's only one inkling. Please introduce yourself first" the teacher begged and he came in. 


It was Aloha, who went away first. 

I blushed directly and he also noticed it, what made him nervous. He didn't quite know what to say and I already felt a bit guilty because of that. But soon, he was be able to pull himself together, but he was also a bit popular... as I recognized, how some girls in the front cheered for him with giving air hearts. 

"Uhm, sorry. Well, my name's Aloha. I'm a member of the legendary S4 and so, I'm in rank S+. Not X, but sill, I have a lot of style" he winked and smiled again, with his school bag in his hands.

"Lovely. You may sit next to Y/N" the teacher said happily and made me speechless. Also, some boys were shocked about this decision too and looked instantly at me with an open mouth,

"WHAT? Next to this garbage girl?" one boy said in a really angry tone, but Aloha didn't mind and just walked towards me, throwing the things next to the chair beside mine. 

"Hey ... don't say that. Now, silence please" the teacher spoke a bit louder and wanted everyone's attention. The introduction of my new neightbor was over and it was really someone, who I liked. Aloha. 

He dropped his golf visor at the desk and leaned back into the chair, while listening carefully.

Later we got the first task, but then I started to shake again, out of nowhere.

"Oh no... not again" I thought and felt my tears, which were forming in my eyes. As I sniffed once, but stayed still concentrated, Aloha noticed it and looked over to me.

"Hey .. are you alright?" he asked and dropped his pen.  

I nodded and continued to write on my paper, but with a very shitty font. My tears flew down the arm and I needed instantly help. I was short before a mental breakdown and I was starting to think about suicide again. 

"Teacher? She needs some help. I guess she isn't feeling well" Aloha said with a concerned voice and made her run to me. I was like banned and stared at the paper, until I realized, that everyone was watching me. I couldn't handle it anymore and ran away, out of the hallway, towards the exit.

Outdoors I threw myself at the ground, hurt my head but then I was at least silent. I breathed with a reasonable tact and closed my eyes, while wipping my tears off my face. 

It didn't take that long, until I heard a voice.

"Hey Y/N. The teacher said I should look after you ... so I came. Are you okay?" the guy asked and it was Aloha ... AGAIN. 

I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe my luck and never felt so cared like today. I had no idea why I broke out in tears but it happened. I had no idea why I blushed as I saw Aloha, but it happened. I had no idea ... why I acted that way like just now, but it really happened. Everything was real and nothing fake. It really hurt, as I pecked myself, so that was the real life. 

"Hey, stop hurting yourself. What's up with you?" he asked more concerned and looked at me big. 

"I-I'm sorry. Maybe I was just surprised that you came back. I had flashbacks to my bully, who was sitting always next to me" I said in a very unsure voice, because that was just a prediction. 

"Oh ... I see" he murmed and placed the gold visor over my head. 

"You know what? I'll help you to come out over your ... depression? At least I'll try, because .. you seem like a restrained person to me, and for me, everyone should be in the middle point at least for one time" he winked and made some gym moves to impress me. 

Afterwards he helped me up and gave me a thight hug again. I pulled him sadly too hard back, that he tripped by the step which leaded towards the entrance of the inkopolis school. Luckily I hold him tight just in time and pulled him back up to me, but sadly too hard, that he rammed against me.

"Hey .. are you--" I wanted to ask but then noticed, that Aloha's lips were on mine. I instantly pulled myself away with a lava red face and started to cry massive amount of tears.

"OH MY GOSH. I'M SORRY ALOHA" I yelled in despair and stepped some multiple inches away from him, who touched his lips confused. 

I could read in his mind that he wasn't expecting that, even though he probably knew that this was an acciddent, but to be honest it kinda felt nice. For the first time of my life I felt kind happy and then I realized I didn't cry normal tears.

No, these were tears of joy. 

"Was that all?" he asked and then I froze, completely scared, with the thought, that he might see me as an evil squid, who just tries to flirt with boys and get at least one kiss with them.

He came slowly towards me and I closed my eyes. I couldn't move and thought that he would slap me. But instead, a wonder happened.

He hugged me and pressed his lips slightly on mine. His cheeks burnt red and he somehow felt the same as me. We both thought this would be a right choice and so, my accident turned into something, which changed my life completely from this moment on.

I cried again and this time into his shoulders, after we broke up the kiss.

"I hate to admit this ma girl, but I guess I'm in love with you, because YOU stuck out of the class, which makes you special" he whispered his words, which made me froze again, that he was forced to help me, going into the class room again, even though the lesson just ended, as we heard the bell. 

We decided to stay out, because otherwise we would ram into different students, what we didn't want to see. We just walked to the side and were a bit hidden from everyone else, to have our own privacy. 

I cried on into his shoulder but way quieter. Nobody noticed us, but it's soon gonna happen, that we're forced to go into our class again. There, we hide our relationship though, because I wanted it secretly, for my safety's sake. 

This was love, which grew very fast. It was lowkey the weirdest day ever, but also the best somehow, even though I had some depression attacks. Never mind those, because I met Aloha, who I saw first as a friend but then, by an accident it turned out that I love him, as well as he me too.

"I love you ... too, Aloha-Kun" I sniffed and kissed him again, which was definitely the last one, before the bell rang us in again.

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