♕emotionless!fem!Reader X Rider♕

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IMAGINE: You wanted to go shopping. Everthing was alright, until you saw someone from a battle from before, who you slowly fall in love.

Thanks for the request IceAndWonder, it's appreciated.

Anyway, hope it will be good, if not, I'm sorry.

Last Warning: CRINGE AHEAD!

♕ ♕ ♕ 

{Y/N}'s POV

It was time again.

In fact, time to go shopping.

I went to Inkopolis Square and headed to the shops that were open and none of them were full.

Somehow strange, because usually the shops are full of Inklings and all just want the newest gear from the newest.

Especially at the weapon shop it often goes off, but this time, almost no one was here.

No one, really, except me.

It was a good thing, because in this case I could finish my purchase pretty quickly, but I wondered why no one was there and visited the weapons shop.

"Hello, hello, what weapon is it allowed to be?" asked Sheldon, the happy gun seller.

"No, I want to ask you a question" I said dispassionately and sat down on a chair.

He looked at me directly amazed and came closer to me. "Then ask this question, I'm all ears" he said smiling, brushing some guns that are probably made for a couple of Inklings who aren't themselves capable of cleaning their own weapons.

Well, the consequence is quite logical.

Money to pay.

Not much, but if you do it with your own hands, it would not cost you anything and thus save money.

Anyway, I cleared my throat and started asking the same face expression as always. "It's so quiet here and usually there are tons of inconvenience here, what's going on?"

He began to laugh, which I did not find funny at all, and didn't move my face a millimeter wide.

After a short while he saw my face and realized he should stop.
Now he owes me an explanation.

"Well, right now there is a tournament between a team that has qualified and the team of Rider" he said and cleaned the next weapon because the other one was already finished.

"Rider? Who is that, is he so famous ..." I wanted to say but was stopped by Sheldon, who stood on his desk and thus was much bigger than me.

"Don't tell me, you don't know Rider-Kun ... Rider is the King with his golden Dynamo-Roller, an S + riveted Inkling. Everyone loves him, including me" he said proudly, picking up some weapon he turned around like a madman.

"And now, just because he's an S+ Inkling doesn't mean he's the King" I said in defense.

After this sentence, he looked at me as if Sheldon hated me now. "Just check it out yourself if you don't believe it, but at least believe me, I'd love to watch too, but I'll be forced to work here" he murmured disappointedly and hopped off the desk as he gently lowered his weapon floor placed.

"Whatever you say ... I don't know what's so amazing is about this... Rider, but yeah, I'll check it out" I said, thanked me and leaving the store empty-handed.

So far it has never been the case that I came from a store without anything but today it was like that.
At least I had something in mind now and will go there.

But then I thought about where the fight between the two teams is going on and realized that I didn't know that.

I was about to go back to the store but apparently Sheldon also knew that he had forgotten something to tell me.

"Uhmm ..." he wanted to scream but the strength of his voice reduced abruptly when he saw me with his arms crossed in front of me.

Of course, with the same face expression as in the store before.

Strange but logical.

It's completely normal for me. I imagined "{Y/N}, my name" and thought he was looking for my name.

Apparently I was right, because after I said that, he was beaming and nodded.
"{Y/N}, the battle will take place at Morey Towers, if I'm right and yes, if you see Rider, give him a nice greeting from me as the biggest fan" he said with both thumbs up.

"I'll do" I mumbled, and in the deepest part of my heart I refused, because he can do it himself.

I went to the Inkopolis Tower to teleport to the Morey Towers to get there faster and then it went off for a short time.

Then, as I reached Morey Towers, I looked everywhere with a slightly open mouth, for I saw how crowded the audience seat was. I walked closer and looked from the side of everyone who stride and feverishly.

Most of them even had a flag, with an Inkling that probably had to be a rider.

"He wears an Inky-Rider leatherjacket? Hm, but I'm not surprised" I murmured to myself and sat down on one of the thousands of built-in chairs.

Luckily it had a few places left but wow, you could almost think that Inkopolis is here. Now I looked to the war field, the actual Morey Towers. Immediately I could see a few Inklings who ran around, coloured the whole area and had fun.

So far, however, I haven't seen a fade in the distance with an Inky-Rider leather jacket and patiently continued to look for this 'Rider' while lolling with my arm.

The battle was exciting and I wasn't disappointed yet, which was good.

Apart from the others, who are all walking around, I could neither rejoice nor have fun.

Emotionless, like no one other, I stared at the two towers and searched for him.

After Rider.

But why? I honestly don't know, except that he aroused interest in me.

Suddenly, I flinched and saw him swinging his gold Dynamo-Roller in the air on to an enemy Inkling.

With success he met him and he was splattered.
Of course, I wasn't confirmed yet that he was a Rider, but as he splatted another Inkling and all the viewers freaked out, it became clear to me.

No doubt, that's Rider and admittedly, as S+ Inkling, he plays ... pretty good, yes.

And the King with the golden Dynamo-Roller?

I can also sign this statement bit by bit.
Sheldon didn't lie to me at all, rather I didn't believe him, which was a mistake.

The way he swung his Dynamo-Roller, the way he moved flexibly and the way his rejactions were fast was just amazing.


I decided to challenge him for a fight and got up because I knew the battle would be over soon.

Lo and behold, after a minute of admiring him, the battle ended and was announced after a short break that Rider and his team won.
All the spectators cheered and rejoiced for him as they all walk his name perfectly to the beat.
He is a kind of celebrity and a deserved S+ Rank, from my eyes and certainly from everyone else.
I noticed that the two teams were slowly coming towards us, while the team of Rider were very happy.
I got up and thought that was the perfect chance. But I was happy too soon and everyone else got up too.

"Well, the problem is now probably here the same, like in the shops" I thought with rolling eyes and ran to be first with him.
As soon as I reached the bottom, Rider was in perfect proximity and wanted to scream.
Unfortunately, someone jostled me and waved his hand like a madman.
"Heeeeyy Rider-kun, can I get an autograph?!" he shouted and the others joined in, because they wanted that too.

But thankfully, that didn't bother him at all and kept walking as if he ignored us and ran past us.
No one rushed at him and his teammates because it would seem to have nasty consequences, as would be the case with another famous person.
All walk several times, except me, who was now quiet. I have no idea what he was up to but my chance of battling an S + Rank will soon go by, so ... now or never.

"Rider!" I ordered loudly and everyone fell silent as they stared at me with wide eyes. "I urge you to a Turf was out, right here, right now" I said coldly and I had no need to overcome.

He stopped and looked with his head in my direction, direction the ground.
"I want to see what an S + Inkling is, because ... I don't believe it in you" I lied and swallowed, as he slowly came in my direction.

Looking closer, he looked a lot ... better and kind of ... cute with his firmly leatherjacket.

Wait, what am I even thinking?

Anyway, now he stood about a meter in front of me, including his teammates and stared at me, slightly grinnsen.
"You want to challenge me?" he asked and started to laugh. Apparently my {F/W} was too laughable that I held in my left hand.
"I don't know what's so funny about it" I said coolly and softly.
His grin went away and realized that I didn't understand fun, not at all.

"Alright, let's go" he answered and was in for another challenge.

I and three others, against Team Green-Yellow, the Rider team.

We started on the road and as everyone was ready, the game started. It was a back and forth with the inked surface and you never really knew who would win.

In addition, the audience was quiet this time, whatever the reason.
Am I brave that I did that?

No, rather that I never laugh and perceive the whole life without emotions.

"One question ... what's your name?" suddenly Rider asked, who surprised me from the side and splatted me.

Barely respawned, I ran back and answer him like this question.
"My name ..." I whispered and surprised him from behind, but his reaction was too fast and could dodge.
"... is {Y/N} nice to meet you, Rider" I added, inking the ground around me in my color.

"Kun, Rider-kun" he corrected and suddenly came from above, which caused a great cheer among the spectators.

Two minutes later, the battle was over and Rider-Kun's team had won, again.

But I wasn't depressed, like my teammates, rather happy to have the chance to play against him.

"Thanks for the exciting game, Rider" I complimented and shook his hand.
"It was an honor" I added, blushing a bit how good he looked when he sweated a bit.
Yes, he sweated I found that pretty ... hot.

He noticed this and laughed slightly.
"I kinda like you ... I mean, I like your style, unlike Goggles, you're not annoying" he smiled, placing his hand on my cheek.

"Let's go somewhere private" he suggested in a whisper, and even his team members were amazed at why he responded so suddenly.
We went behind the Morey Towers together and he scratched his back as he turned and looked at me.
"I know that will blow you away ... but" he breathed and then I felt his lips on mine.

My eyes jumped wide open and I was paralyzed.

He kissed me.

Rider-kun kissed me until I slowly released him.
He took my hand and lifted it up.
"Your bravery is stimulating and you're ... emotionless ... I like it" he explained my upcoming question, why he did that.
I let it be, because I admired him and now I am somehow ... happy ...
to ...
love him.

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