♕flirty!Aloha X shy!fem!Reader♕

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IMAGINE: You're a girl, who is friends with Goggles. He wanted to introduce the S4 to you and you could choose one of them, to make a battle, 1 vs 1. Is the love also in the battlefield? Find it out ...

-> this was requested by Weirdboi27. I hope you and the others like it :3

♕ ♕ ♕ 

{Y/N}'s POV

Goggles and I are friends and get along very well. He is known to be batty and rather clumsy. He always has his Pickled Plums with him and usually wants to offer me a few.

Anyway, I'm not such a big fan of them and let them all for goggles. I don't want to steal his snack ...

Today we had a meeting with the S4 agreed and Goggles kindly invited me. As we met a day earlier, he told me that the meeting was taking place in the Inkopolis Plaza, and was a bit surprised he said that. Later it became clear to me, because it occurred to me again that all of the S4 officially come from the Inkopolis Plaza.

By the way, Goggles also said a place where we'll meet, at his house. Luckily, I remembered where that was, so I left when I got up the next day and did everything. I ran quickly and was in a hurry, thinking that Goggles was already waiting for me. I ran and looked at the clock at the same time. Unfortunately, I overslept and was late. Knowing that Goggles isn't the best early bird, I ran to his house with a good conscience and hoped he had overslept as well.

As I arrived his house, I immediately noticed the many payments on his fence around his house and had to shake my head disappointing. Since everyone knows where Goggles lives, there are unfortunately many inklings that like to annoy him because he is the biggest idiot for them all. It's disappointing because they don't even know how good Goggles is.

Yes, he does have a low rank, that's right, but he proudly told me that he defeated every member of the S4 with his team, team blue. They all don't know that fact, and if I said so, nobody would believe me anyway. It's a pity and a shame. The dear Goggles really deserves a lot of love, so I'm happy that we are very good friends.

I knocked on his door and waited. Since I know that he always needs a long time, I was still patient after 5 minutes and looked happily at the door. At some point the door finally stirred and Goggles came out, with a tired expression.

"Good morning ..." he whispered and I seriously think he just got out of bed as I looked at his face.

"Huh? {Y/N} ... hrm, come on, it's still too early" Goggles grumbled and went back into his house.

He closed the door again and I first had to deal with the situation for a few seconds. You can't be serious ... He closed the door and responded as if nothing was special today?
Unbelievable ... but unfortunately true. I sighed and knocked on the door again. Again, I had to wait a few minutes, and as he opened the door, I glared at him.

"What's so urgent?" he asked, yawning.
"Goggles, don't you know what's coming up soon? We'll meet the S4!!" I said in a loud voice. When I emphasized the word "S4", his eyes grew larger and he looked to me. I nodded eagerly, in case he didn't understand it and he immediately disappeared into his house. But this time, he left the door open. I waited for him because he still had to get dressed. 

"OH SHIT, why didn't you tell me that right away?" he asked hurriedly, running back and forth like lightning. "HOW??? If you shut the door in front my face?" I asked, screaming and after that question, he was immediately silent.

I reached for my head and couldn't believe how well that day started. Then he came out with his daily outfit and was ready.

"So, let's go" he grinned out into the world and stretched. I went before and as I ran the first few inches alone, he was next to me and beamed over to me.
"Are we good at the time?" Goggles asked curiously and finally something clever came along. "Even if we spent a lot of time at your home, yes, you're lucky that it's still like that ..." I explained annoyed and calmed down that I had to accept his character. We kept going together and got faster over time as we didn't have enough time left. But then I already saw the Inkopolis Plaza and admired it, because I had never seen it before. I looked at everything. The lobby, the shops and the many inklings, you around the plaza. As I looked back and forth, I suddenly noticed four inklings, who were drinking something and sat around a table, which stood in the corner of the Plaza.

"Are these the S4?" I asked shyly and had direct respect for them. Goggles nodded and laughed as he probed his body, but he didn't laugh anymore and I got nervous.

"OH GOD, NO" he cried in frustration and turned in a circle. "What's wrong? Did you forget your weapon?" I asked worried, as I never saw him freaking out so much.

He controlled himself and began to shake me.
"Worse {Y/N}, EVEN WORSE, I forgot my pickled plums" he said with wide eyes and ran away. I looked after him carefully and let hang my arms. Then I turned around and stared at the S4 inklings. I looked at my watch and saw that it was time for the meeting. Unfortunately, I was now alone and without goggles, I can't lead this meeting. Unfortunately, that was what I didn't want at all. Being quite alone in the area, all four could quickly see that I was staring at them and they were starting to wave in my direction. I looked back and forth nervously, thinking at first that they meant someone else, but as I pointed and three of the four nodded rather quickly, I knew it was no coincidence and they actually meant me. Running away would be extremely stupid, so I couldn't help but headed towards the four.

Orange, cyan, pink and purple.

The team looked pretty colorful and especially the pink Inkling I liked a lot, because he looked normal, with a sweet smile. I felt my legs weaken and now, in fact, I felt unwell. I was always alone and Goggles just didn't come. By now I was close enough to them and sat down. "Hey ... you have to be {Y/N}, right?" the orange inkling asked and analyzed my style. "Y-yes, I-I am" I said stuttering and pressed myself into the chair.
"Where is the other guy anyway?" the violet inkling asked, looking behind me.

As if he thought that Googles was hiding behind me. Does he want to fool me? In my opinion, that would have been the case, if not the opposite. I mean, I make more sense behind Goggles, because he has a lot more courage than me. He looked at me and waited for an answer. "Well, he forgot his snack" I said quietly and found that a bit embarrassing. 

"Typically adversaries who still need unnecessary stuff for an important meeting, I don't know that, hyuk" the cyan Inkling suddenly said from behind, looking at his phone while leaning against the chair as well. Then a moment passed and at some point the pink inkling got up and came to me.
"Oh, you make this girl just scared ... let's have fun and while we wait for this Goggles" he suggested casually and smiled at me big.

"Fun ... I hate inklings who enjoy their lives" the cyan inkling muttered, and I could already say I didn't like that one. The pink Inkling went to him and stared at him as if he had made a mistake.

"You also have a life, Mask and most of the time you have a lot of fun, I just say, video games" he grinned, and I now knew the name of the cyan inkling.

Mask ... huh? Hm, sounds pretty bleak ... but suits to him much.

"HEEEYYYY PEOPLE" a boy yelled suddenly behind me, which was loud and somehow familiar to me. I turned around and saw Goggles with his snack in his hand. But then, because he was running so fast, he stumbled and dropped it. "No, my snack!" he shouted and rammed against the floor.

"GOGGLES" I yelled worriedly and ran quickly to him. Meanwhile, the whole group shook their heads, except for the pink inkling, who got up. I also ran too fast, stumbled too, but strangely didn't hit the ground. I actually thought it would come to that moment, but suddenly I was pulled up because someone held me.

It was the pink inkling, with the Aloha shirt. I was surprised and blushed a bit, because it was exactly this Inkling that seemed the nicest to me.

"Well, well, watch out, we don't want a girl hurt, right?" he said casually with a sweet wink.
"And did it already start???" Goggles asked frustrated and took his snack to himself. Luckily, the glass hasn't been broken and it was still whole. He got up and pulled me over to him, Goggles having his arm around my back. We found this too supid and nobody could answer him, so he brought his next sentence.

"Mask, Aloha, Skull and Army, together they are the S4" he grinned and now I knew the name of the pink inkling. Still, I was shy enough that I could only wave to them and say nothing.

"Haha, now all my friends are her" Goggles smiled and sat next to me.
"WE AREN'T YOUR FRIENDS" the whole S4 screamed and they were all upset. But then Army rammed his fist against the table.
"So, let's get down to business. Goggles wanted to arrange a meeting so you could meet us and fight someone" he explained and you saw in his eyes that he was in a hurry and wanted to get it over with as fast as possible. Skull didn't say anything else, so it dropped anyway.

Then the only one left, was..

Aloha! ...
The S4 left me time and did her own thing until I said something. The decision was easier than expected and I pointed to Aloha. "Against him, please" I spoke seriously, holding my hand upright. Everyone looked to me and then to Aloha. "That first time, where your flirty skills work wonders, hyuk" Mask said bored and then stood up. "Anyway, for us the meeting is over, have a nice day" Army said and he left along with Mask on the phone and Skull away. Goggles waved to them and cheered. Aloha was just happy and looked at me.
"Did you choose me for keeping you, dear?" he asked, grinning. First of all, I couldn't believe that he described my fall as an accident when he saved me, and secondly, that he called me dear. Is he about this kind of inkling, a girl as soon as possible for him to conquer? If so, well ... he did that soon.

It sounds crazy, but I started falling in love with a member of S4 even though we just met...

He prevented the fall and wanted to protect me somehow, when in the beginning too many questions came at once. He seems to be looking after me, which I thought was really sweet, but I wasn't sure yet. I was too shy to share my feelings, so I kept that thought to myself and decided after the battle to decide if Aloha really has any interest in me. Anyway, I'll find out soon.
"Uhhm ... actually it's because of another reason" I mumbled, looking away. I thought he would ask, but because he knew I was feeling unwell again, he let it be. He smiled and then we looked together at Goggles. "And now I'm allowed to fight against him alone.
"Was that the goal of the meeting? Just that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and found that a bit stupid. Although I know now, as the hot, but more wasn't there. Goggles nodded and slowly ate his snack. I didn't believe it ... but had to believe it because I didn't dream. Aloha suddenly took my hand and pulled me to a strange shop that doesn't exist in Inkopolis Square. At least, I don't know about it yet. "What's that?" I asked curiously, admiring the entrance.
"A kind of private battle, but in a different way, it's about bursting more balloons than your opponent within the time limit, in fact, only standard weapons are allowed here, but we do an exception and take our main weapons" Aloha explained, taking his weapon , a 52. gallon.

I took my {F/W} and went in with it. As soon as we were inside, we immediately teleported to the selected stage: the Blackbelly Skatepark.
We spawned both on one side and we started immediately. Thanks to Aloha's explanation, I immediately understood the principle and colored the starting area a bit. I didn't see any balloons yet and walked around the stage. Then I realized that it had a few wooden boxes and destroyed one out of curiosity because I wanted to know what was in it. I opened it and it came out a special ability. It was a tintzooka that I only knew by looks. I have never tested it or had it in my hand, because this special weapon only exists here, as far as I know. I took her and then decided to look for Aloha. But then, as I reached the middle of the stage, many balloons spawned near my spawn point where we weren't both. I turned around quickly and ran in that direction. When I looked to the side, I could see Aloha making long jumps as a squid and then finally turning back into the human form. He winked sweetly and fired his gallon at my side. The range I had totally underestimated and had to dodge. Just at the last moment I was able to save myself and I was still alive. I already knew that Aloha was no easy opponent and decided to take the tintzooka out, even though I ignored the balloons. Aloha did the same and focused on me too, which was good, because otherwise he would already have more points than me. In any case, I suppose that it is good not to die, otherwise you would certainly lose points. I sighted him, aimed and shot him once.

"Phew, he certainly didn't expect that" I chuckled and was about to turn around.

"Was that all?" a voice asked and I probably didn't hear right.
Wait ... what? How could he avoid the tintzooka?

"... you're really fast" I admitted, smiling shyly.

"That was nothing ..." he said holding his golf visor. I took my tintzooka again and shot a bit higher this time, so I hit two more balloons. Aloha was able to avoid this shot as well and when he laughed and closed his eyes, I fired again but three shots this time. Then the special weapon was gone and I was able to burst the remaining balloons with my {F/W} to raise my score. But as soon as I was done and spawned new balloons, I felt something on my neck. I turned and saw Aloha in front of me. I couldn't believe he dodged all the shots and was paralyzed. By the way, what I felt was his weapon and he had enough time to splat me. When I respawned again, I saw Aloha running away and actually, I lost points. I followed Aloha as fast as possible, but he was way too fast. Everywhere was pink ink and hardly my color. He was able to take advantage of this and finally had taken all the balloons for himself. He was then in the lead and time was running out. I went up the tower and saw where the next group of balloons were spawning. At the same time I could see Aloha again and what scared me was his shimmering tentacles. He apparently also found a box with a special weapon in it, but didn't put it in yet. Then he disappeared in his ink and I was afraid to get splattered again, so I stopped at the tower in the middle and looked around impatiently.

"You're good~" Aloha laughed and shot a bit of paint under my feet that I couldn't walk so well.

"Wah?" I just said that and looked in the direction where the voice came from. Aloha was already gone and came out behind me.

"Come, that's fun ~" He left again and I didn't see him anymore. "Stop it, please ..." I asked, trying to be dramatic. He played with me and I now knew that I was clearly worse than him. No wonder, because an S4 member is really not without. What caught my eye was Goggles, whom incidentally we accidentally forgot, but he defeated the S4. The weird and haggard Inkling, whom everyone calls the Noob, is better than Aloha? So that scared me but then also more proud to be a friend of him. What he is doing now would be the other question, but as far as I know him, he gets it already and still has his snack with him, so nothing can go wrong.

"You're really cute, do you know that?" asked Aloha, who then stood in front of me and gave me a wry smile. "Uh, thanks?" I didn't know what to do and then splatted it to my reaction of fear and shyness. I felt a bit bad afterwards, but then focused on the last minute. I could bring more balloons to burst and towards the end I had more points than him. Then another group of balloons spawned and I decided to protect them, that I would have more points until the end. They were back on my side and I saw Aloha again in the middle, who smiled lightly at me.

"I have something to confess ..." he shouted laughing and I only saw question marks in front of me. Please what? He has to confess something? Well that made me curious and forgot the idea to just burst the balloons to get even more points.

"What is it?" I asked in a loud voice, which, thanks to my shyness, was still barely audible. Aloha listened more closely and I had to ask a second time, but this time, with all the strength I had. He nodded and took out a killer whail.

"What? Oh no!!!" I said to myself and turned around. I could barely catch a couple of balloons, but Aloha was ready to stand behind the Killer Wail. 


he screamed as loud as possible and the voice was amplified.
The whole well came towards me like a solar beam and I had no way to avoid it. He splatted me and many balloons and then the game was over. I couldn't believe my bad luck and stared at the result board. Aloha had indeed won and I left the dojo depressed by teleporting. Aloha followed me but I ignored him. Goggles was gone too, leaving a note on the table from the previous meeting. I took too much time to read and Aloha could hug me from behind.

"Hey ... you did well" he said, scratching his head. He would like to thank me for the fact that it was apparently a good and exciting game. But I said nothing and forgot that he won. It wasn't so important to me, because it was just a game and still a good experience.
"Come on ... don't be like that~" he almost sang and wanted to cheer me up.

Have you forgotten that I love you? "He asked, grinning, as he turned me around. 


I looked at him and blushed. Did he really mean that seriously?
I wanted to know and let him be, whatever he wanted to do with me. He touched my chin, came closer with his face and then it happened.

He kissed me and in that moment I just felt we were warm and how pure his lips felt.
Wide-eyed, I fainted just before I realized that Aloha loved me.

I loved him and he showed it to me too. That was the final sign that he was the right one and that I hadn't done anything wrong. Then our two lips parted and hugged him as thanks.
He closed his eyes and stroked my tentacles. 

"Thank you .... uhm, Aloha, I guess ... that I love you too" I stuttered and was happy to get it over with.

He just grinned and hugged me harder. I suddenly thought of Goggles in his arms and then set myself a goal to thank him today, because without him, I would probably never have met Aloha properly and never had the opportunity to fight him in the dojo.

Goggles is simply the best friend, because you can have yourself and even if he can be impossible sometimes, he is the best.

Thanks for that, Goggles.

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