♕Prince X blind!fem!Reader♕

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IMAGINE: You're a blind girl who wasn't sure, what to do. Later on, you met someone, who you fell in love instantly ...

-> this was requested by the precious kistune-sama. Thanks and enjoy my cringe~

♕ ♕ ♕ 

Prince's POV

"Brother, where are you?" the Emperor asked through all the rooms and had been looking for me for a while. "I'm here ..." I groaned and continued to reach under my bed. Unfortunately my Enperry dualies fell down there and it was still a mystery for me how that was possible. Finally the Emperor stood here and just rolled his eyes, to waht I did again. He shoved me to one side, reached under the bed, and took out the Enperry dualies. Of course ... the King can logically do anything after the first attempt. That ... is the true champion. He gave it to me and then silently left the room. I cleaned them and did the same. Then I was quite curious what the others were doing and went into the living room of our house. 

"Hey, I ... I ..." I wanted to say, but I was directly speechless as I realized that nobody was here. Nobody, except my brother. I stared at him strangely and he didn't know at first that I was here and watched TV with relish. He looked something which I didn't understand but in my eyes it looked like an Enperry dualies tutorial. Typical Emperor ... even if he is the best and is called by all inklings as a Champion, he still tries to get better. 

"What are you doing here, don't we want to play a bit of turf wars today and show some people what X players have on it?" I asked with relish and already imagined how we would leave together. The Emperor didn't look at me so enthusiastically and shook his head. 

"No ... go to Inkopolis Square on your own, then you can show what you're up to as a single inkling" he smiled and thought that was a good idea, which I personally rather liked. I looked at him but he ignored me, which blew my lust away and I didn't want to know where N-Pacer and Eging Jr. were. I just left the house like that and decided to do it, because he would be proud if I took his advice seriously. As I left him behind and didn't actually say anything to the Emperor, I ran to Inkopolis Square. I still had my outfit on, so I'll definitely stand out and I honestly didn't feel like it. But I still had to do something, so I decided to just sit there for a while. The Emperor should realized that it had disappointed me, what he said and must come here. The only question is how long that will take, because as long as he sits in front of the screen, he doesn't notice anything. Never mind ... 

Meanwhile, I was in Inkopolis Square and as many inklings already saw me, they didn't even respond because they probably didn't know me. Logical, because I'm always a bit in the background, when it comes to a fight between team Emperor and another team. As always ... 

I found a bench next to the shoe store on the wall. I sat on it and crossed my legs. I looked back and forth and saw nothing exciting to look at. Now it's just waiting for my brother to come, or someone else to talk to me. Anyone who knows me knows that I like talking and being rather shy, unlike the Emperor. I waited and soon, as I had hoped, someone came to me with a big smile. At first I ignored the inkling and just looked into the empty space. It was actually very rude, what I did but I wasn't sure if he really wanted to come to me. I waited a moment and he actually wanted to come to me. 

"Hey, is it possible that you are the only true Emperor?" he asked with pleasure and then I actually wanted to hit my head against the wall, because this inkling seriously mistook me for my brother. I wanted to be honest ... so I told the truth that it was a misunderstanding. "I'm sorry ... I'm just his brother Prince, but you were close" I smiled crooked and pointed to him. 

"Oh ... well then, sorry for the disturbance" he said and just kept going. What was that? Did he want an autograph from the Emperor and is now very disappointed because it was just his brother? Am I worth less? I just had to shake my head and make a loud sigh. Then I leaned back and enjoyed the wind that came in part. It was pleasant and even when I was alone, I could somehow live with it. Besides, I had some time for myself and even though I was famous, nobody came to me because I'm just a number below the Emperor himself. A pity ... but okay. 

{Y/N}'s POV 

My daily routine is getting really boring. Since I've become blind, nothing works anymore. Because I had made a terrible accident of which I prefer to tell nothing.

It was bad ... and now, nothing worked. I'm one of the few who makes money without doing a single fight, which wasn't actually allowed. Incidentally, I got a stick which was very similar to an E-Liter, but I always needed it every day. Since the first day after the accident, I can't fight in the battlefield anymore and because of this, my life was actually over. What else can a blind Inkling do here in this world? Exactly ... nothing. 

I can't join a turf war, vote at a Splatfest and don't even can work for Grizzco AG. It would probably already work, but the risk for a disadvantage for a team would be too big and so I may not even go into the Inkopolis tower, even if I would love to try again. It's always no and I have no chance to go in inconspicuously. The only thing I'm allowed to do is to hang up at the Inkopolis Square so there's only one way for me to have fun. Talking. I took advantage of it today and started walking towards there with my stick. I was rather slow but sooner or later I reach every destination. As I reached the square, it occurred to me that next to the last shop there would be a bench where I would sit down. I did that, but as I wanted to slide over, something was in the way. "You can't be so careful, right?"a male, loud voice next to me said and I was startled for a moment as my whole body twitched. 

"Oh, sorry ... I ... didn't know anyone was here too" I stuttered, looking ashamed in the other direction. "Huh ... and why not, are you blind or something?" he asked and somehow had to laugh, which I thought was common but I had to accept because he didn't know it yet. 

"Exactly ..." I whispered, looking down. After saying that, the boy said nothing and didn't know what to say as a response. I thought a bit and decided to keep talking to calm him down, if he felt bad afterwards. "It's okay ... you didn't know that" I told him, and the day had been very successful so far. A conversation with an unknown inkling is always good and at least he couldn't fool me with his gender anymore, as some inkling normally does. Well, I enjoyed it anyway and I was somehow interested in this inkling. 

"I'm sorry ..." he said emotionless and realized he was attacking me without knowing my background story. He had no idea, but had to laugh anyway, but had finally enstigent. 

"It's okay, heh. So, since we've talked for a while, can you tell me your name?" I asked nicely and just smiled like that. "Prince ... my name is Prince, I am the brother of the Emperor" he said his words and I was somehow speechless that I was actually talking to the true Prince. It was now a bigger honor and the day was really good for a couple of weeks. I immediately began to trust him and slipped down to him, that our thighs were touching. "Well then Prince, I'm {Y/N} and suffer from being blind so I can't do anything in the Inkopolis tower. That means I have no rank" I said calmly, sighing again. Then I suddenly felt a hug from him and he cupped his face against my shoulder, which I could feel. 

"Fortunately, you can't see how stupid I'm sitting here, while watching you" Prince whispered and I felt myself blushing slowly. He was very close and the whole side of our bodies touched. I felt his warmth and soft skin, which I personally liked a lot. I really don't know why he did that, but it felt nice and I think that was a moment I'll never forget. 

"Why would you do that?" I asked smiling and didn't let him go. "I don't know ... maybe because I have nothing better to do" he said quietly and that was understandable. Then I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and looked away again, because that was a bit embarrassing. Prince shivered a bit and didn't know what to say. I hugged him again and I already liked him very much because he was the first one who didn't ignore me and didn't try to end the conversation so soon as possible. He accepted me the way I am and that made me very happy. I gave him more and more my trust in him. Then I had an empty head and didn't know what we could talk about next, so I was just quiet and was looking in another direction. Suddenly I felt his arm over my head and Prince grabbed the other side for my stick, which looked like an E-liter.

"It looks really cool" he complimented and took the stick to him. I waited and I knew that he wanted to admire it a bit. I gave him enough time and after three minutes he gave it back to me. Then it was really quiet between us and we didn't do anything for a while, what to do next ... 

Prince's POV 

{Y/N} was pretty cute. I can't describe her differently and was happy that she talked to me. Otherwise all the inklings were absent in the square and did their own thing. Anyway, at least {Y/N} had time and apparently she knew it had a bench here. I felt sorry for her and she didn't go away. I let her stay with me, that she had someone to take care of her. Probably she had never had anyone else before but didn't trust me to ask her if my assumption was true. Unfortunately, I forgot everything else, which was a big mistake, because at that very moment, the Emperor arrived here. 

I still couldn't see him, but because he was so famous and all the inklings recognized him, there was a yelling, only the beginning of cheering around him. I looked up and looked at him anxiously from afar. "Oh shit ... no" I thought softly and {Y/N} could hear me because of my loudness. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly and touched my chest. 

"My brother is here ..." I swallowed and thought what he will say soon, because I'm sure he came here just for me. Many inklings were now around the Emperor and probably asked him questions or something. He was of course very proud and felt like the biggest king, which he is. Then, as he was done, he looked around as if he was looking for something. Then his eyes got bigger and he found his destination, namely me. The Emperor ran up to me, ignoring {Y/N} completely first. 

"Yeah, I just went that way, please accept it, because you didn't feel like it and you were busy in front of your screen anyway" I said roughly and didn't even let him ask me where I was gone. Instead of yelling at me, he smiled and there were still a few inklings who admired him from a distance. "Oh ... let's just leave the stew, I don't wanna see you crying. Tell me first... who this is" he asked pointing to {Y/N}. To be honest, I was surprised that he preferred to ignore the matter between us, but in the end it was clear, because in an argument I would always lose. This is boring for me and then sad for the Emperor himself. "That's {Y/N} ... she doesn't have anyone to talk to, so I was here and didn't leave the bench because of her" I said, patting her on the back gently. "Okay ... um, I'm the Emperor, but you probably know that when you look at me" he said proudly, forgetting that she can't see him because of a problem. 

"It's not possible, Mister. I'm blind" she said instead, faster than me, and I looked at my brother. He was a bit shocked by this fact and then he asked me to get up with a wave of my hand. "Hm ... Prince, among us brothers, you're just friends, aren't you?" he asked when we showed our backs {Y/N} and she was confused. "Yes, what do you think ... no love, right?" I asked, shaking my head and unable to believe that the Emperor was thinking too far. He nodded and came closer to me. "And why are you hugging something I've never seen you so close to someone ..." he mumbled and found it suspicious. "Yes ... with you" I said redly, sweating.  

"Heh, oh Prince, you can tell me the truth" he smiled pointing to her and yes, somehow I was already in love with her. I nodded, still staring into my brother's eyes. "Then I would suggest you catch her and tell her that, because she's already gone" he laughed and I turned my head to the empty bench. "Nani? NO!" I screamed and ran away. The Emperor just laughed, but followed me much slower than me because he wasn't in such a hurry as me. After a few minutes of running, I saw her running along the wall and then stood in front of her so that she rammed into me. 

{Y/N}'s POV 

True love ... by reason. He was in love with his brother and it really broke my heart that I just walked away without emotion. But then I rammed against someone and betrayed what was in front of me. It was very gentle and then I felt something delicious on my lips. I slowly went up with my arms and realized that someone was kissing me and this time right on my mouth. Who could that be? But not ..... no ... Prince. 

"I ... uhm, love you. I love you probably more than I can think of myself" he admitted, and he actually came to me.

It was a sign that I was more important to him and could do nothing but forgive him. Even though the action didn't suit me so much, I probably didn't quite understand it and I had to ... do it.
I hugged him again and the good feelings reappeared. A lot of love ... trust ... just everything for a inkling who doesn't care what I am and just accepts me.
The love is really in him and I could feel it as I hugged him very tightly. Then we just stood next to the road and apparently Prince was waiting for the Emperor. We decided to wait until he comes, and I believe that when he sees us, he will never come to us, and we will embrace him forever and ever.
"I love you too, Prince" I whispered softly that he could barely hear it and felt his heart pounding after me. Wow, that was really nice ...

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