♕Rider X fem!Reader♕

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IMAGINE: You are girl, who is a close friend of Rider. Now you haven't patience anymore and want to confess your feelings in a special way to him.

This was requested by Ashleychan53. I hope, as always, you and all the others, who reads my shit, like that, lol.

For this one shot: Be prepared for some cringe, because this one, is very cringy >~<

Now ... I start:

♕ ♕ ♕ 

{Y/N}'s POV

My best friend Rider and I have known each other for almost three years.

Our team spirit is admirable and we've been through a lot.
Together, we're unbeatable. Me, with my {F/W} and Rider with his golden Dynamo Roller.
At least almost, because unfortunately we've lost a few times already.

Fortunately, we live very close and every day he picks me up because I'm the upper sleeping cap.
He, on the other hand, is early awake and always stands with a powerful charisma at my door.

His loud knocking is louder than my alarm clock and how he simply has fun in life, I like him very much.

I've asked him a few times why he's always in such a good mood and the answer has always been the same.

"I can't wait to show my weapon to our opponents today that they feel my roller, because that feels great" he always says cheerfully.
I really like Rider, almost ... too much.

I wanted to show him my feelings but in the end I didn't do anything because I didn't know what his reaction would be.

Would he leave me disappointing directly forever or more likely to jump into my arms and immediately shed tears of joy?

I don't know and frankly, the chance between the two cases was too risky for me, which could come sooner, and that's why I let it be.

However, someday I would like to confess my love for him and I think it will be tomorrow tomorrow.

The question is how.

This morning somebody took Rider's weapon and as he got it back it was pretty broken.
Of course he was mad at this Inkling, who had broken the weapon for whatever reason and I could understand that anger.
The Inkling has apologized a thousand times but the weapon was just too important to him.

There is only one way to make amends and repair it without Rider noticing.

Then the next day I will give it to him and at the same moment I will say what I have always felt.
The love between me and him ...

That's exactly what the plan is and once it gets dark, it gets serious and every single step must not go wrong.

It would then trigger a chain reaction ... If the one thing goes wrong, I can give up the plan immediately and I have to think of something new, how I can convince him and show how much I like him and take care of him.

I mean ... we've known each other for a very long time and it really will be time. Simply confessing to normal would be too boring and for Rider it always needs a backstory that includes action as soon as I know it.

It was now very late and I got ready. Meanwhile, I saw some pictures with me and Rider, as we usually stood close together. Everywhere you could see a smile on both our faces and that also made me smile.

Granted, at the first meeting he was still relatively quick-tempered and a bit aggressive, but he can prove the opposite.
At least he did that to me.

I know that he also has other friends, as well as his own team but to no one else he has never been so closely connected with one, just as with me.

But I had to leave the many thoughts of the past months slowly, because I haven't had so much time anymore.

I was ready and left my house.

Well, there are three steps in my plan and I'm not allowed to screw up anything.

Step one, get the weapon from Rider's house, unobtrusive.
This step was actually the hardest of them all and then quietly sneak into his house ... almost impossible.

Nevertheless, I went for it, because after all, it was about a reward that wasn't easy to get it.

Just like as planned, I left my house, looked around and saw logically not a single Inkling.
I switched off the light immediately and pretended to sleep.

I ran gently towards Rider's house, which was at the end of this road. I ran over and looked into his house from a distance.

No light and I could see him sleeping. Perfect and I was happy, because it could have been also possible that he was still awake, which is very often the case with him.
Although he's always very fit early in the morning, he can still stay awake for a long time, which I probably will never understand. I think it feels good to sleep next to his beloved weapon, because as I sneaked closer to the house I saw the roller beside his bed. Fortunately, he had a floor-level window, which by the way was still slightly open. What a luck ..

But before I took the first dangerous step into his house, I got myself an extra ordinary, as the situation is.

Rider was still sleeping, which was.
So far we haven't met the culprit, but I swear Rider would go crazy if he would see him again.
Regrettably, we only knew his looks and unfortunately not his name, which would be extremely helpful to Rider-Kun.

Sure, I could also buy a new Dynamo-Roller from Sheldon but on the one hand it was too late for that and on the other hand he wouldn't accept this offer anyway, no matter how much money you would give to him.

I really wonder if Rider had already given his weapon a name when treating his Dynamo-Roller like his own pet ...

I think that will be a bit weird, so I left those stupid thoughts aside and went inside.
Even if the window was open at an angle, there was still room for me as a squid to squeeze through.

As I turned back into the human form, I freezed, didn't move, and just looked around with my eyes since I know it doesn't make any noise.

I crept closer to Rider, who layed snoring in bed with his arms around his weapon.

What I do here is very risky, because ... a wrong move and our friendship may be over, because then he would represent me as a thief and of course I didn't want that.

I knelt down to him and touched first his good piece.
Then I took his Dynamo-Roller away with care, which took a long time, but at least I didn't make a sound.

I laid his hand to him and as he suddenly grabbed me, I blushed first and also startled at the same time.

"Don't move, don't move, don't move ..."
I repeated desperately to myself and even took my tentacles to myself, so I couldn't touch him otherwise.

The only problem was that he didn't let go of my hand and I tried to get away from him as soon as possible. Unfortunately that wasn't so easy and after a while he even took his other hand to help.

"Shit ..." I thought and also took my other hand to help.
With gentle movements, I finally managed to break away from him and as I managed to do that, I took the Dynamo-Roller.
And the thought, how heavy it is, it can be quite loud if it falls to the ground.

But suddenly, this case came to reality and the Dynamo-Roller fell.
But with my reaction, I could still pick it up on my hand at the end, but had to endure pain, because the whole weight was only on my hand. With the other hand I then grab it and could pick it up.

I puffed briefly and just stood there because that was really stressful. Actually, I didn't mind this shit, but I always have to tell myself that there's finally a GIGANTIC reward that I've been waiting for months.

The chance was always there ... but so far he has never really been interested. Maybe, as already mentioned, I'll open his eyes when I show Rider that even his weapon is important to me.

Now I was standing in front of the window again and only now I realized that the escape would be much more difficult as the other way around.

Sure, I can turn myself back into a squid and squeeze through the gap but what about the Dynamo-Roller, which I can't scale down at all?

Well, then I looked around and looked for another solution, because I let the escape through the window be.
I decided to close it and silently left his room, while Rider continued to sleep peacefully, who luckily didn't realize that I took away his Dynamo-Roller.

At least ... not yet.
He could wake up at any moment and then it would be over ...
Forever and ever.

He would never forgive that ...
But there must be risk, because that is what Rider likes so much.
He likes that a lot and I've experienced that many times when I was near him.

I was in the corridor and the door was in front of me.
The problem now is that I have to tilt the Dynamo-Roller because the hallway is too narrow to get Rider's weapon out of the house, as you would like.

I often ask myself how he do that because he has never damaged his own house with it. For me it didn't matter, because I had to repair the weapon anyway, heh.

I then held it up and looked at the Dynamo-Roller every second from all sides. It was extremely important to me not to touch the wall, the floor or even the ceiling, because the weight of the Dynamo-Roller could easyily cause a quake, which also Rider could notic and wake him up from sleep.

But as I arrived at the door, the next problem came.
Of course, Rider had closed the door and it was time to go in search of the key.

The advantage is that I know that because I've been to his house so often. It also shows that he trusts me and he also tells me everything I want to hear.

Anyway, I set the Dynamo-Roller off carefully, then went quietly back into his room and there he was still in the same position.
With a sweet look he looked with both eyes closed to his hands and I just smiled.

At a small table, next to his bed, was also the key and I could take it, this time without any problems.

Actually, I could have taken that before but unfortunately I forgot that...
Well, anyway.

So I headed back to the Dynamo-Roller, gently unlocked the door and left the house, leaving the key on the floor.
Then I took Rider's weapon and took more and more distance from his house. At some point I reached a certain distance, with which I was sure that Rider wouldn't see me anymore and moaned first loud.

Since I had the first step and therefore the hardest behind me, I went on to the second.
Now extreme concentration applies and I must "break in" Sheldon's shop, because only he and only there it had such good things, where I could have the weapon repaired.

With all the manuals Sheldon has in his gun shop, even I, who has no idea about weapon repair, can make Rider's baby shine so much that Rider kisses me with pleasure.
Oh yes, that's exactly my idea of ​​what's going to happen.

Well, after a short break I went to Inkopolis Square, which was completely empty, and dragged the heaviest weapon of all time, since it was made out of gold.

Finally I was there and then walked slower towards Sheldon's shop as I was in the middle of the Square.
The darkness was here and since it was so late, not a single light was on.

The tower was closed as expected and the shops too, which wasn't good.

At Sheldon's Shop, however, there is another way to get into his store, without using the main door.

Correct, through the back entrance which leads to the training room.

But as I actually wanted to climb over the wall to the other side of the square, right where the training ground was, I somehow couldn't hold the Dynamo-Roller anymore, because it was too heavy and I had to let it go.

I insulted myself and watched the Dynamo-Roller crash as it fell to the floor on half of the high wall.

I'm screwed ...

I gave up, let go of the wall with my hands, jumped down and looked around with big eyes, hoping that nobody had heard this loud noise.

Then suddenly a door opened and I was so afraid that I couldn't even breathe.

The door of the weapons shop was opened and no one else but Sheldon himself unfortunately heard it.

He stood wearily at the threshold and looked around with his eyes half closed. When he saw me standing there completely devastated and almost weeping in fright, he first rubbed his eyes because he didn't believe what he saw here.

He opened it again and looked at me big.
"Say, are you crazy about lurking around my weapons shop so late?" he asked, almost screaming and he rubbed his eyes again, apparently thinking he was dreaming.

I was speechless and couldn't believe my bad luck.
Too bad that Rider-Kun's gun is so heavy.
I mean, if it were a normal roller, that wouldn't have been a problem and something like that would not have happened.

Anyway, now it was just like that and had to expect everything.
"What are you doing here?" Sheldon asked another question, because I gave myself too much time not to answer and still hadn't.

"I ... I wanted to break in here ..." I whispered ashamed and looked at the floor.
As my eyes flew away from the ground again, Sheldon had a facial expression, as if he wanted to kill me at any moment.
His eyes were deadly ... and I was a little scared. However, luckily I thought of everything and reached into my right pocket.

There, I rummaged around and took out my wallet and held it out to him before he could say more words.

"Can you please repair this? Please ... it would mean a lot to me" I said in a whimpering voice, looking at him with an innocent expression on my face.

"You aren't serious right know, righ? I mean you wanted to break in by MY shop and now you want my help?" he asked sleepily and could hardly stand.
Nevertheless, he was by himself and looked at me sternly.
He sighed, looking at my purse and then at me. He took it from my hand and looked inside.

He took out every single coin and as he was done, he counted the pile. Meanwhile, I was hoping that it would be enough for Sheldon to do me this favor, even though it very late and I woke up with Rider's weapon. He took it in and looked at the dynamo scooter. "Come on ... for this amount I'll do the exception" he said, becoming a little more awake.

"YAY, thank you ..." I almost cried, but by the thanks I realized that all the residents were still sleeping and therefore was silenced in one fell swoop.
Sheldon went into his shop and as I entered, he closed the door behind me. He walked to his desk and sat in his chair.

"So, what should I do for you, hm? I hope nothing too big, which costs too much time" he sighed again and put both his arms on the desk. I've never seen it so broken before.

Without hesitation, I put the broken Dynamo-Roller on the table.
"Can you fix this weapon and clean it? It would mean a lot to me ... really" I said softly, pointing to the good piece.

"And why so late, you might as well come tomorrow and ... earlier, if it were possible" he asked, not understanding what I saw coming.
I knew that he would be confused and I think I had no choice but to tell him why so late, because there is a reason.

A very good one which means the world to me.
"Well, this weapon doesn't really belong to me, rather to someone else I'm very close to, and in gratitude, I'd like to surprise him by bringing his gun, to show, how much I like him and I know that this surprise will blow him away" I spoke proudly and I was sure that nothing would go wrong.

He nodded, started to take a closer look at the weapon and I could even detect a small smile that he caused.

After a short wait, Sheldon finished the analysis and smiled wider.

"I'm soon done with that. A little bit of patience, please" he said last as he disappeared into his little room and did his work there.

It took me extremely wonder how and what he did there in his room, and to get there, I would first have to climb over his desk but I didn't want to take that risk.

No, because that would go too far, even though I've gone already too far ... Heh.

Then I got boring at some point and looked a bit at the weapon offers.
All were hidden in the dark but I still could see them, as enough light came from Sheldon's chamber.

Except loud noise that sounded loud to me, I heard nothing else.

Otherwise, only silence was here and I feel that Inkopolis Square is getting darker as I look out of the window.

After ten minutes, however, the noise stopped and Sheldon came out of his chamber completely destroyed.
He had the Dynamo-Roller with him and then put it on the desk.

I got up and walked to the masterpiece, and as I realized how brand-new this weapon looked, I was moved.

Then I took it in my hands and looked at it from all sides.

"Wow ... I ..." I stammered and almost cried, what a gem I held in my hands. "Haha, it seems you are enthusiastic, but don't worry, everything is fine, because you gave me so many coins, I just couldn't resist" he laughed softly, smiling at me as I slowly left the store.

"Thank you, Sheldon, so you've desirved your money" I smiled back and was deeply thankful for his help.

We both said goodbye and then I was back in the middle of the dark place. With the golden Dynamo-Roller I walked happily along the road, towards my house and yawned every inch over and over again.
I was very tired and all this took a lot of time.
I now had everything difficult behind me but still, something was in front of me, namely confession.

It's the hardest part for my heart, because showing emotions is really not so easy. Then, after a while, I reached my beloved house and I no longer had any money.

It's high time to change that and go to Grizzco tomorrow, knowing that it will be open to earn much and all the money back.
Then I just let go of the Dynamo-Roller and fell onto the bed because I was too weak.
Without changing my clothes, I fell asleep.

- Early in the morning ... -

My eyes were still closed, but at some point the last step came to my mind. With that in mind, I braced myself from the bed and took the Dynamo-Roller.

I ran past the clock and didn't even ask myself what time it was and how much I slept and just left the house.

Again, but early enough, because it was very bright, like never before. Incidentally, I was a bit surprised that Rider hadn't come yet, because normally he always used to hang around with me at this time, but because that wasn't the case, I was worried.

It could also be that Rider had fallen asleep again this time and was really curious about it.

With the weight on my back and the pain, I still managed to run and soon reached Rider-Kun's house.

On the way to there everything was full. The streets and the houses.

The whole city was busy and probably Inkopolis Square was full of Inklinges too.

Then I arrived at his house and rang the bell.
Knowing that it always took a while for him to open up, I was able to prepare myself briefly.
"{Y/N}, I know you can do that, believe in you, there will be salvation, and after you have overcome, the greatest reward you have ever tought of will come" I whispered to myself, trembling with my hands, because I was excited and didn't know what will happen soon.

I waited and waited ...

At some point it became too stupid for me and I headed slowly away. But then, as I wanted to turn off, I heard a door open.
I turned around and looked at Rider. He looked at me and didn't have the best condition.
No, he looked angry and as he recognized the Dynamo-Roller by me, he came to me.
He came closer and said nothing.

Then he silently looked at the roller, grabbed it out of my hands, walked back and closed the door with full force in front of my nose.


He didn't say a single word, had a bad mood and I think he now thinks that I stole his weapon, which wasn't true at all.
I was now shattered on the ground and that broke my heart.

I started crying and sat on the floor. Many Inklings looked at me from a distance but nobody helped me properly.
This was actually a perfect moment to kill myself and commit suicide.

I have lost everything now.

My money ...
my sleep ...
the attention from other people and the most important thing of all ...
my best friend by falling in love.

Everything ...
every single step was for nothing. Everything went down the drain and everything went awry.

I was destroyed and just cried.

I stood up crying after about two minutes and whiped my tears off of my face.
Then I stutteringly left Rider's house and headed towards mine.

I really didn't feel like living anymore and just wanted to die.

My life was destined to live with Rider but so ... there is really no sense anymore.

I ran home with my eyes lowered and then cried again in my arms.

But suddenly ...

"{Y/N}!" then someone shouted and I turned around.
I didn't believe it but Rider came running up to me.
Then, with a big gap between us, he stopped and looked at me diagonally.

"Did you fix my roller?" he asked emotionlessly and yes, I actually dared to make an explanation.

"Not quite, I had it repaired by Sheldon in the evening, late at night" I said, biting my lips.

"Why so late?" he asked back.
"To tell you that I love you, I gave my sleep and my money, I risked everything and did everything to show you that even your weapon is important to me, I gave all my money to Sheldon but for you, it was worth it" I admitted and was still sad.

Then, for the first time since I knew him, Rider let go of his roller and it crashed to the ground.

Luckily that didn't cause any scratches and Rider came closer to me.

With his hands behind my ears, he pulled my head to his and we started kissing slowly.

Speechless, I enjoyed this kiss and in some way, something saved me, which was apparently the last piece of luck.

"Thanks ... I love you too" Rider beamed and then hugged me.

I nodded and then I couldn't say another word, because I never saw this moment and wouldn't have expected that.
I was happy that I could still live my life and that he knew nothing of my suicidal thoughts, which was also good.

I think he'll ask me on the way to the Inkopolis Square, what I did everything at night and was prepared for that as well.
Incidentally, that was the last step and I thrn could lean against him while walking next to him, because he was taller.

Heck yeah..... that saved my day and was suddenly not as sad and tired as before.

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