❖ Chapter III ❖ Mess Inside The Weapon Store ❖

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{Y/N}'s POV

Meanwhile, I believed Skull each word which he said earlier. As he dropped the classic splat charger, which was writting right in front of the card, he showed me more of these precious pieces. 

"This charger here is the one, which I always use in my team. Well, almost, because here in the inkopolis square, the E-Liter 3K Scope doesn't seem to exist, but don't ask me why, because I'm originally from the inkopolis plaza. The values ​​are the same tho, as like the one from the E-liter 4K Scope here. The one with the longest range with all weapons in inkopolis. You can really underestimate them and that's why I love the chargers so much, especially the ones with scopes" he proudly said and stroked the well designed weapon, called the 'E-Liter 4K Scope', which was on the card written. 

The length of this weapon was monstrous and I was sure that it was hard to carry. The balance must be right but you could try it anyway. As long as you aren't in the battlefield, what should go even wrong ... hm?

Exactly, nothing.

"There are many types of the chargers and you should try them all out. I would recommend that to you, as well as with all the other weapon families, like the sloshers for example" he growled, pointing to the other end of the shop, where apparently many sloshers were placed on a table. One of them even reminded me of a washing machine and I had to giggle slightly, because most designs were looking really weird to be honest.

"If you have any questions about the chargers ... ask me, because I know everything. Even more than Sheldon" he added and so he was finally finished with his explanation.

"What's the difference between one charger with a scope and one without a scope?" I asked my question which was in my mind and was ready to hear the answer.

"Well, the ones with the scopes have a small bonus in range and you have to look through the scope, which gives you a limited field of view. The chargers without scope you have the advantage that you can look everywhere around you, even if you're still aiming. Besides, you can do a special move with a charger without a scope, but I have no idea about that, because ... there wasn't such a thing in the inkopolis plaza. Otherwise there is no difference. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you more. You know, otherwise I'll just tell you stuff that might not be right and that would be nonsense" he explained and slowly walked towards the exit with me. Once he was there, he turned to me and apparently wanted to say goodbye. 

"So ... I think Sheldon will come later. For me the job here is done. Like I said, I just have a clue about chargers and now ... you know everything you need to know about them. Hm, but say ... can you tell me your name before I leave?" he asked, and then I knew that wasn't the last time I would see him.

"{Y/N}. So will we see each other again?" I asked uncertainly, but was already looking forward to it, because otherwise my name wouldn't really benefit him. 

"Definitely. You can bet on that" Skull mumbled and left the shop. The doors closed and once I turned around my own axis it was clear that I was alone. I had no idea what that was all about. The question is now ... why he did that? Why did he have to step in for Sheldon, as we came to the chargers? Was it only because he owns more knowledge than Sheldon in his point of view or ... more? I dunno..

Anyways, I think Sheldon will tell me more if I see him again. I decided to stay in the shop and leaned against the wall next to the window, from which I could see Half-Rimz including Gloves. A quick glance outside confirmed my suspicion that they were still out in front of the shop, but it looked like they would come in at any moment. Nevertheless, I didn't wait and looked on the multiple weapons again. 

The selection was huge and I knew already that the selection of a particular weapon that I like personally will be certainly difficult. There was too much that I really wanted to try. 

The silence in the shop was starting to make me uncomfortable, but suddenly someone came in. Since I didn't turn around yet, I didn't know who it was and actually thought it was just stranger. I acted cool and didn't change myself to be nervous or whatever. 

"Hey {Y/N}" then a voice yelled and I could directly assign it to Half-Rimz. 

"Oh hi, do you two know where Sheldon is?" I asked a longer question than else, not to be embarrassed, just to say only 'hi' for example.

Gloves shook his head and swallowed, as if he had seen something scary. "No ... but do you have any idea who that was????" he asked earnestly, coming closer to me while Half-Rimz stopped walking in the background. "Yes? That was Skull and he explained me a lot about the chargers, basically everything he knows. You might think his knowledge is unlimited there, but at least it's very huge in his specialty" I smiled, still amazed and thought of this dark purple inkling, who I won't forget to 100 percent.

"Yeah, but you know ... it's THE Skull. Skull-Kun ... from the S4!" he spoke louder and pushed me against the wall. I didn't know what was going on with Gloves, but I've never seen him like that before. It may be that I should know more about this Skull and because he stung into my eye from the beginning, I listened with pricked ears. Half-Rimz knew right at my questioning face, which I made at the same time, that I had no idea about what he was talking about. Because of that, he whispered to him that I needed an explanation. 

After taking a deep breath, Gloves apologized and moved away from me a bit, leaving me enough between of us again. "The S4 is a team made up of four strong members. Each of them lead their own team. They're unbeatable and in my opinion the best team in inkopolis" Gloves said, and spoke his last sentence so seriously, that he wanted to scare me with it. 

"Gloves" Half-Rimz interrupted after a short awkward silence and it seemed he objected to what he said. "Don't forget the champion ... and maybe other teams too" he murmured disappointed and Gloves gave himself a gentle punch. "Anyway, you've just met a member of the S4, an absolute ace with the E-liter 3K Scope. I'm sure he can handle the 4K too since it has no particular difference with the values" he mused aloud, looking back at Half-Rimz to make sure if he was correct. He nodded, which Gloves pleased.

"But where is Sheldon now?" I asked again and looked around. The three of us were silent for a moment, while waiting, but nothing happened. The little man with the glasses was nowhere to be seen. But soon after I gave up, he came down out of nowhere, directly on top of me and brought me down towards the floor. I hit my head with the ground and it started to hurt very badly. 

"Oh god ... I'm so sorry" Sheldon stammered, who apparently wanted to kill me. Half-Rimz came to me immediately and helped me up. I pressed my hand against my head and groaned. "Argh, was that so necessary? Couldn't that went more gentle?" I asked furiously and was a bit mad at him. "I like to surprise someone, especially if it's a freshman, just like you. I certainly didn't know I'd weigh so much to knock somebody down" he laughed, but calmed down immediately as he looked at my facial expression. I didn't think it was funny at all and the crash on the ground with my head still hurt.

I tried to forget this accident and came straight to the point. "Sheldon, where have you been?" I asked with interest as the two green inklings looked down over my shoulders at Sheldon.

"This unknown inkling whispered an offer to me and of course I assumed, that happened while you were absent. I didn't hesitate and accepted it. Anyways, do we want to go on?" he asked with a bright beam and was again extremely motivated to introduce more of the dozens of weapons. Apparently this offer was something which wasn't my business at all but I accepted it, because somehow I had no interests in it either anymore. I nodded and signaled that I would follow him at any moment. 

"This time, please stay here" I whispered to my two friends, who were looking to each other and from that point on they didn't budge anymore. They pressed themselves against the wall near next the door and stood there like two statues, who were keeping guard. I was a bit disappointed that they exaggerated it but then I focused on Sheldon, who was waiting for me by the buckets. I headed to him and then he began to pop out his stories. It went from the one weapon family to the other, except for the snipers, because Sheldon already knew that Skull has already shown me these. Apparently Skull couldn't bear it and wanted me to know everything about the chargers and not just what Sheldon knows. It could also be good that he wanted to get to know me more well and because I was just close by the chargers, it was of course a perfect moment for Skull. It remained as a mystery tho ...

Sheldon knew more than anyone else over all weapons, and from the very first words, I knew for that I'll forget most of it after this so-called training. I'm sure that I shouldn't know everything, because you can actually read it anyways at any time on the cards here inside the shop, next on each unique weapon. Nevertheless, I listened to him and tried to avoid yawning from boredom. The facts about the dozens of weapons were special, but at some point I was tired of listening to all the jingles of him. I didn't want to be rude and let it be, even tho I would rather just take a weapon and get away. Unfortunately, I still have to decide and buy one ... and well, I don't think Sheldon will sell anything until he's done with his stuff, what he was doing right now. 

I listened to him and after a while, as my eyes closed slowly, he was done and looked at me confused. "HEY!" he screamed and then my eyes jumped open again. 

"WHAAAA. How, what, where? ... Oh, hey uhm, I'm sorry" I apologized, ashamed at the same time, which Sheldon thought was right, as I stared at his face. Luckily he couldn't do anything about it and explaining everything to me a second time would be too tedious for him as well. 

"I hope you have learned a lot and will remember it. Well, now be free and decide for weapons, whatever you want" he smiled and hopped behind his desk. There he sat on his chair and waited patiently for me while he watched me and my two friends quietly, who were still glued at the wall. They noticed that I looked at them with a shaking head and they just started to laugh, like brothers. 

"Hey {Y/N}, we're both glad you survived it" Gloves said softly, so that Sheldon couldn't hear it, even tho he was watching us. "Yeah, yeah ... well, what should I take?" I asked, staring at the whole selection. "Don't ask me this ... try everything out what you can and take the one you like the most. Once you've bought your favorite, we can go back to our home and get our weapons. Afterwards we'll go into the first battle with Clip ... plus you" Gloves beamed at Half-Rimz, who had to smile slightly, even though it was hard to see on his face. 

"Good, thank you guys" I replied and went through all the weapons again. I chose one from each weapon family and decided to try one after another in the back inside the training room, which I had previously seen, while listening to Sheldon. It was quite exciting for me and the more I tried a few weapons at dummies, the more I wanted to fight against real opponents. I practiced and the two green dudes watched me without bothering me, which I thought was okay. Half an hour later I knew exactly what was right for me and went back towards the shop with all the weapons I tried. I returned each weapon, except one, namely the {TF/W}. I put this wonderful thing on the desk and asked my two sponsors to me. Gloves gave Sheldon the necessary amount of money, and then we immediately disappeared from the store, because we're done in this shop. "Ciao you three and don't forget to come by again" Sheldon shouted after us, but we couldn't hear the end of the sentence, because the door between us was already closed. 

Inkopolis square was relatively empty, but that didn't stop us from going back to Clip-Chan, Gloves' Teams' house. 

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