❖ Chapter VIII ❖ The Next Level ❖

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I probably snored so loud like a whole big train, but I didn't care at all, since I had a beautiful sleep so far. Suddenly I felt something on my skin, which was more like a push then, and sadly, it got after some more attempts out of my deep sleep. 

"H-huh?" I mumbled and yawned big at the first place with blinking many times with my eyes. I was still very sleepy, but as I recognized Gloves in front of me I quickly got up from bed and went to the window to make some more space between of us, because he was really close as he tried to woke me up.

At the same time it was clear what touched my skin, then it was nothing else than one of his hands. 

I sadly forgot to take the blanket with me, because as I looked to him, I had a bad feeling, why he was staring at me so big like that. Apparently with the hottness throught the night I couldn't resist but had to pull my clothes off at sometime, without knowing it, and therefore I stood here almost naked. 

"AH! YOU PERV" I yelled extremely embaressed and pushed with much force Gloves out of my room. As he wanted to apology, I just slammed the door closed in front of his face. Then I put my gear on and layed myself at the bed across. I needed a moment to calm down after this mean action from before and had to concentrate myself. I saw Gloves and the rest of the team as friends, so it would be dangerous to do such close things with one of them, like Gloves. 

I had a crush on Skull and not on anyone else. I found it best, to avoid close contact with the green boy, so the reaction from me was acceptable, I guess. 

Luckily Gloves didn't bother me by opening the door again, so he probably realized that it was a mistake. I slowly opened the door and looked at each direction where I could go. The whole house was still very silent but by only one look to outside it confirmed, that it already was time to wake up. Therefore all of Gloves members, except Straps of course were here for sure.

I went downstairs and wanted to look after Gloves, but neither he, nor somebody else was in the main room. I kept looking around and started to worry about each of them. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" a female voice asked behind me and gave me a big shock. I almost jumped out of my shoes and turned myself around to the female, who was non other than Clip-Ons. 

"Oh, hehe, did I scare you?" she asked and got shy. I had anger in myself but because it was her, I couldn't let it out. Not on someone, who looked so innocent like her. 

"Yes, you did. Where's Gloves?" I asked back and wanted to forget this. I calmed myself down a lot faster than I ever thought, but by such a soft hand and a quitly voice it was obvious why. 

"I'm really sorry about that and ... Gloves is already outdoors waiting for you, including Half-Rimz" she smiled and pointed to the exit of their house. I smiled back and carefully walked to the door between me and Gloves. I opened it up and saw the two, how they sat on a bench, admiring the sunrise pretty clearly. If I had a weapon in my hand, I probably dropped it, because this sight right here was just amazing. The two didn't notice yet that I was standing behind their bench but at somehow, my main goal changed from the two to the sunrise. This was rather more unique to me, not to mention that I've never saw one before. 

It slowly raised up and showed itself with their multiple light rays. Then, as the orange light at the horizon decreased and everything turned clearer, the sun was yellow seenable, which burnt down to us. At exactly the same the two green friends turned their heads to me and smiled.

"Pretty beautiful. Wasn't it? Just like the sunset from yesterday with your crush ..." Gloves mumbled and started to tease me. I was like, for real now ... but he was just kidding and slightly slapped my back. I kept my anger inside me and just shook my head a bit, letting it be like this. 

"Well, our team is sorry what we did yesterday. We just lost the hope of winning the round against Army's team. You were a great fighter. A real nature talent for the first round in our opinion, right Halfie?" he asked his buddy and he nodded as Gloves nudged him with his elbow.

"Yes. Indeed it was quite impressive. Well done. We promise to look after the win next time, no matter what. Well, did you sleep well?" he asked me kindly and stood up from the bench, to show, that he was really here for me. Gloves did the same and stood next to his friend. It kinda looked like more than friendship, because he slowly grabbed his arm and leaned on his shoulder, while Half-Rimz didn't give a single fu** about that. Instead, he smiled to him down and then back to me, still waiting for an answer.

"Hmmm, yeah .. I slept well with having dreams of course. I hope you guys had a nice night too" I spoke and glared at Gloves, who chuckled. I knew exactly, about what he was thinking, but only with looking at him, he didn't start to talk about it. Luckily...

But he was right. I lowkey dreamed about Skull. It wasn't much though and not even long. We just had a small date or something by an ice cream parlor. After we were done with licking our own ice creams away, the dream was over and I opened my eyes. This whole scenario happened in super high speed and it felt like it went like one minute. But whetever. It was a dream and it would be never come true at someday anyways, even though I'd wish it but whatever. 

The two boys nodded in agreement and gave me a thumps up, while we hear then something on the door, which opened itself more from the inside. I turned myself around and saw Clip-Ons. 

"Hello boys and ... Y/N. Also from my side we're deeply sorry. I hope we can mend it by the next match" the girl sighed and let her head hang. 

"It's alright guys. It was my first match after all so I accept the loss which we had. At least we can do it better next time or ..." I asked and almost wanted to booyah into the air, but at the last second I refused, as a question got into my head. 

"Would this be today?" I asked curious and with much happiness because somehow I felt pumped for some more games. 

"Mhm. Better to say, now ... but this time we go one difficulty higher, since we think you're prepared for ranked" Half-Rimz added and let me move my head again, since they were all seperated around me. 

"Ranked?" I asked confused but remembered, that I heard about that before ones.

"Yes, currently the time is tower control, so we try our luck by this mode on one stage against a random team" the same inkling explained, while he gave his friend, Gloves then the word.

"We'll tell you how it works but now we should prepare ourselves first with four fighters and four functioning weapons" Gloves sighed and pointed his finger in the air. At this point, Gloves gave Clip-Ons a sign, for going away. She did it and disappeared back into the house again. 

"We have one problem. Clip-Ons won't be sharing money for weapons again, so we're supposed to gain some in multiple ranked games. Well, of course we have a solution to this problem" he smiled and layed his outstretched hand on my shoulder, pointing towards the house from Gloves' team again.  

I asked myself what it would be, because how could we even gain some money if we won't be able to get a weapon for me, but as Clip-Ons was back with her dualie squeltchers, offering them to me, I knew where this was going.

"No way... you're not going to give me your weapons and pass some fights, right?" I asked and didn't want to be the only girl honestly, but I was correct with my first guess. Clip-Ons nodded and pressed into each hand of mine one of the red dualies. 

"False. I pass. It's gonna be okay. I just rest here and wait. You guys should search after someone fourth first though, ha ... hahaha" she laughed and slammed the door closed as she was back into her home. This action was somehow scary and even by the two boys, who knew her much longer than me, I saw some sweat drops, while they looked rigid at the door. That was definitely a sign for us that we were supposed to go on without her and so, there was no turning back. 

The plan was setted. We were forced to search after a fourth member, who could join us for some matches and I assumed it wouldn't be so hurtful if the certain one would be actually in another team. I immediately thought about Skull and had already sparkling eyes, how cool this would be to fight on his side. I looked at the two green inklings and they thought about a fourth member as well, just as I thought, which was good, because I wanted to begin so soon as possible. 

"No Y/N. Not Skull. We search better after another" Gloves thought out loud and read out from my sparkling eyes, that I thought about my gloomy crush. It shooked me, how easily he could see that but on the other hand it was understandable, how obviously I thought. I mean, so far, I didn't meet anyone else except Army's team, but of course we wouldn't ask him, since he destroyed my weapon, after the manual got insulted. I still felt guilty for that and totally forgot that he always would feel offended whenever it comes to this case, since it's been awhile as I saw him. As I thought about him I remembered our childhood and it was really great. I never thought he would be this amount of aggressive but he already started with the manual at a young age. Already back then he was willing to be the best and acted sometimes evilly. It scared me so much and now he really improved a lot and this, everwhere in his life. He still saw me as a friend though, because I had to go through this situation a lot. It was normal, so I didn't really think too much about Army. Then I wondered, what rank he had and sadly forgot to ask him just in time. It was too late for that, but I'll ask him as soon as I see him again, because I really had no clue and wanted to know it. Well, maybe something around S but ... eh, no idea. 

At the same time Half-Rimz snapped with his fingers. Gloves and I looked at him and instantly stopped thinking.

"I have an idea who we could ask to join us" he smirked and turned his head to Gloves. They went closer to eachother, showing me that they would be a great couple, but in reality, he just whispered something in his ear, which was probably the idea from him. Apparently it was a no go that I'd hear it too and just waited, till he was finally done with the explanation. 

The two smiled brightly, so it was ... accroding to them a great idea. 

Half-Rimz reached behind the bench and took out the weapons for the him and his friend. 

"Let's go" Gloves grinned and we all started walking, but ironically into the wrong direction, where the inkopolis tower NOT was. I guess this was part of the plan and I just followed them silently with much curiousity, where we were going to.

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