❖ Chapter XII ❖ Downcast ❖

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[Y/N]'s POV

A date with Skull himself.
A dream literally came true and I felt like I was in a wonderland.

At the moment whe were sitting on a bench in a café, which was very good camouflaged, and ate pleasurable a big bowl of ice cream.

It was a honor to get invited from him and very smart, that he sent somone else before to check, that I would come alone. Luckily Gloves and Half-Rimz were away and actually supposed to bring Mask back into our mixed up team for my first league battle, but they let themselves apparently a lot of time..

I wondered what the hell they were doing, but at the same time I concentrated myself on this special date, which was way more important.

A bit later, the bowl was empty and as I placed the spoon to the side, I stood up and wanted to go next to him. Just as I sat down again, trying to get closer, the front of the café get slammed open.

Everyone in the café flinched and stared with big eyes towards the door, where four inklings came in.

With taking only some seconds, I knew with whom we have to deal soon.

The orange team.

My smile disappeared and as I looked over to Skull, I noticed his anger too, while making a death glare straight to the leader, Army himself.

Of course they weren't here because of eating something in the same café as us, but rather because they were here to ruin our date.

I wasn't sure though and let them enough time to go closer towards us. Next to our bench and the empty bowl Army stopped walking and turned himself to me.

"Army..." Skull mumbled angry next to me and still looked at him. I felt the anger between of them, but I totally wanted to prevent another escalation, so I stood up and headed to Army so close as never before.

"Listen, Army. Actually I have no idea what you want from us, because we're through. I insulted your manual and you destroyed my weapon. So, what the hell do you want?" I asked serious and looked then some seconds at his teammates Forge and the two Sailor's.

"Nothing. I thought we could sit next to you two, because you guys seem so lonely" he defended himself and acted like an innocent angel. He placed his hat away and so, his orange tentacles came to the fore.
His teammates did the same and sat on our bench without waiting for our answer to this idea. Of course I couldn't sit next to Skull and instead, Army was there, which was actually even worse.

The situation was so clear.

He wanted to prevent us being together, and I wondered strongly ... why.

I could be also wrong with that, but it was definitely the best decision to be careful for his next moves. Army is unfortunately a man, who's unpredictable and thanks to his manual it was like this anyways, since apparently nothing can stop him.

Because the orange team was so to speak new visitors, the waiter came and stood in front of us all six.

"Aye. I see you brought some friends, is that correct, Skull?" the dude asked and took a notebook, to write down the orders.
As he was ready, Skull stood silently up, smashed his notebook down and just left the café, with not a single word. He didn't say a reason why he did that and he didn't even say a goodbye to me or something. This date was good planned, to get rid of everyone at the beginning, but he didn't have some thoughts about somebody else in his plan, who could possibly destroy something from us.

Army successfully did it, plus made the gloomy guy really pissed.

Everyone was pretty surprised and stared at the door, how he left, except me, who could read his feelings from afar.

I could understand it, and to be honest, I was so much pissed like him. I felt uncomfortable, and would have left too at sometime, just like Skull now.

"What's wrong with him..?" the waiter asked worried and picked his notebook up. I didn't answer his question and chased after him, leaving the café as well.

Outside, I saw him walking away and could catch up with him.
I stood in front of him and wanted to hug him, since this was something great to comfort him right now in my opinion.
Sadly tho, I was wrong, because he instantly pushed me away with much force, that I almost fell backwards down at the ground. I had the balance though but was still surprised about his physical attack out of nowhere to me.

"I ... need a break. Please leave me alone" he whispered and sniffed a bit.
I saw slightly how his bandana became a bit wet, since a tear flew down from his eyes, till his headgear.
Shocked, I moved back and didn't expect such an emotional reaction from my current crush.

After I noticed that, I couldn't hold him back anymore and let him go back to his home.
Apparently, this date found its end faster than ever and it was horrible, as Army came between of us.

I sunk my head and realized that this was all my fault. Army lied and wanted to have more revenge.

This wouldn't have happened if I didn't insult his manual.

This wouldn't have happened if I joined Gloves' team, and since I got closer with Skull, I had the thought that literally everyone had something against that.

I couldn't live my life and somehow I felt controlled, as if a relationship with someone from the S4 was forbidden.

It was really sad, but also angry. I turned myself around, looking to the café, and saw, how the orange team headed towards me.

"What happened with Skull?" Army asked innocent and I couldn't believe, that he still tried to beat me down, but hidden.

With some tears of a terrible comeback, I couldn't resist, but had to slap him straight into the face.

His teammates were pretty surprised about that and helped him getting up again, since he almost fell down.

"What's with this silly question?? Don't you see? You interrupted our date man. And with the thought that we were friends back then really hurts me. With that action from before you're a bad friend, trust me" I yelled and couldn't control my emotions anymore.

My belly was literally filled with anger, sadness and losses of trust.

"W-What are you saying? I realized that we both made a mistake, but..." he wanted to explain, but I really had enough of Army's stupid voice.

"Shut up. Just... SHUT, UP. I'm done with you. So leave me alone" I begged with a bit lower voice, after I yelled to him to shut up with full power.

"Just,,,, leave me alone" I sighed, turned around and went away into a random direction, without even knowing what exactly I wanted to do next.

I just wanted to have a giant gap between of me and Army, because after all these months of not seeing my childhood friend, I expected this kind of 'welcome' at least.

Fortunately, they didn't chase after me and I got away.

I walked and walked and then, as I found a nice park with a fountain in the middle, I sat there and sighed big, sinking my head massively.

I probably looked very depressed but at this moment I didn't care at all.
Everything fell apart.

Skull went away. The date got screwed up and meanwhile I didn't know how Gloves plus Half-Rimz would find me, since I was on another place. I couldn't remember anything and as I looked around, I had to admit, that I was lost.
Completely confused I decided to stay here though for the rest of the day, till the sun even raised down.

I realized slowly as some clouds came over me to show a darker shadow, that I almost fell asleep. I flinched, stayed up from the fountain and run back from where I came. At least I thought so and indeed, I found the inkopolis square pretty quickly again, but... the negative thing was, that my two best friends weren't here at all.

"Where the hell did they go?" I asked myself quietly and analyzed the whole square, even though there was almost nobody anymore, because of the late time. But then I remembered just before giving up completely, that I already had safed Gloves' phone number and so I decided to call him, while sitting on a chair next to some others by crusty sean's car.

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