End the Game

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It was the last day of the Championship and the tension was high, my mother ones told me that the last part of this bloody championship was possibly the deadliest.

I didn't know what to think next, I was worried yes but... I didn't know what to think since I didn't know what the challenge was going to be but I was anxious.

Everyone was excited about what was going to happened and I was clinging onto Geroge's arm as Fred lend us through the crowd to get seats... and also to get bets.

I couldn't help but smile at them but worriedly glance at the hedge maze from time to time.

'Why must it be a Hedge Maze?' I thought to myseld and sat down awaiting for the challenge to begin, and let's just say went it started... it went off with a bang.

I covered my ears when that canon went off and yelled irritatedly while everyone was screaming and shouting excitedly.

Then everything went silent "So um... is there something suppost to happen or..." "I don't think so" Fred said and rested his head on his hands broadly "And why do we come out here even thought we're not allowed to watch the game?" I said a little disappointed.

George then leaned his back onto me and said "We could have been in school setting up for some new preaks" and we nodded with a sigh.

After a while we just began to play a random game of 'Eye Spy' and other games that I forgot quickly.

And after almost 30 minutes someone yelled out "WHAT WAS THAT?" which grabbed everyone's attention before saying "NEVER MIND... IT WAS JUST THE WIND" and everyone groaned.

After what feels like an hour Later

I felt like some of my brain cells disintegrating until two of the competitors aka Harry and... Cedric?

"Wait why is he just laying down?" I asked why all cheered before hearing Harry's sobs.

"HE'S BACK, VOLDAMORT'S BACK!" was all I could process before realizing that he was dead.

He killed him, and his father came down and started to cry out in pain, it ran shivers down my spin and I held onto Fred as the crys continued and Harry was tooked away by Mad Eye Moody.

I felt the Twin's arms come around me and I could feel everyone start to cry silently and held each other for comfort.

I noticed the teachers rush some where and people slowly start to leave as Cedric father's crys become more silent.

Soon enough we left without a word and went to the Gryffindor Common Room.

We sat on couch until Geroge broke the silents "I can't believe he died... he was a young heathly man" he said and I curled up into a ball and sat there "Ya and what Harry said... I think everyone got scared" Fred said and then they noticed my reactions of fear.

"I can't believe this happened... his father's crys are still echoing through my head" I said leaning on George and they wrapped there arms around me.

There one thing for sure and I thought 'Soon, something worse shall happen... but today, a young student has died.'

End of Book 4

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