Frozen Roses

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Book 3

Today the Winter snow was falling and I was by myself with the rabbit that I helped out and was taking in the peace and quiet of the forest and the very few noises of the animal around me.

I felt the sun hit my cold skin and I relaxed into the ones crying weeping willow.

I felt the rabbit cuddle ageant me so I picked him up and patted him softly and saw some of the animals come to me and just relax with me.

'I like it here I think this will be my new favorite place to visit when ever I wish to be at peace' I thought as I felt a doe or what some may think is a deer nug me and slept on my shoulder and some of the birds rested on my head and shoulers.

I giggled lightly and like there company and it was relaxing then the silents of this interrupted by a twig snapping and the animals and the rabbit running away.

I got up and looked around the tree and saw no one until- "GOTCHA" I yelped in fear as hands went on my hips, and I turned to see Fred then George in a very proud voice said "WE CAPTURED THE PRINCESS" and he picked me up and spun me around and I laughed at what they were doing, and also in realf that it wasn't someone else.

"My goodness you both scared the life out of me" I said giggling with a small blush across my cheeks, then they just looked at me and blushed before hunching down onto the ground "My goodness are you guys alright?" I asked worriedly and all I got out of them was them saying "To cute" and I just blushed more and smiled.

Then Fred jumped me and they started to run towards the school in a hurry "Why are we going back so soon?" I asked holding my grip on them "Well we have a feeling it's going to a blizzered soon" George said as we entered the school.

Soon enough we were all in the common room and no one was really there so they placed me in the couch and sat side by side to me.

"Do you have the thing Freddie?" "Of course, and you Gerogie?" and George nodded and I just closed my eyes wanting this to serprise me.

"You can open your eyes now" Fred said so I looked down scared of what it might be and saw two roses one blue and the other orange.

I looked at the flowers and Fred tryed to move my bangs from my eyes but I didn't allow it, he sighed but smiled and just put it on the other side of my head while George removed my hair-tie and let my hair down from its low braid.

Then George started to put his flower into thr other side of my head and Fred just twisted his fingers into my hair.

This felt strange to me but I kinda liked it, and ones George placed his flower in my hair he said "Fred what do you think?" "George I think I might go blind from beauty" Fred said.

"Me too Fred" George said and brushed my cheek I looked at them serprised "Y-you really think I'm beautiful?" I asked looking at them, biting my thum.

They looked at me and in just a few seconds they had a nose bleed and I panicked and they just wipped away and said "Your eye" Fred said and then they both just looked at me and George grabbed my hands and asked "PLEASE show us your other eye" "Wait, WHAT?" I asked serprised at them.

"PLEEEEASE" they begged and I was about to say 'no' but the looks on there faces, and felt my eyes star up so I smiled.

I gave in "Alright" I said and they looked at me and pulled a checkly smiled and I closed my eyes as the moved my bangs to the side.

I opened the eye I always showed so they would look almost sad and looked away from there faces "Come on Julia don't make us pass out because of your adorable sleepy gaze" George said 'Sleepy Gaze?' I thought serprised, so I nodded and I closed my eyes and turned to them.

I slowly opened my eyes to show my other eye.

It was mostly black with only a bright green circle in the center.

They just started at me as I began to tear up thinking they were disgusted by it "This is why I hide my eye... I hate it, I just want them to be normal like everyone else's" I said letting them fall "No, NO, Julia please don't cry" George said.

"YA there really unique but in a cute way, and this is what tells us that it's really you" Fred said pulling me close as George layed on my chest.

I blushed and heard something like cracking and saw the roses that were in my hair were now covered in ice.

"Oh goodness" I said a little down and touching the flowers then Fred and Geroge just touched my check and calmed me down.

"Hey can we stay in your room tonight?" Fred asked so I nodded happily cuddling into his as George cuddled into me.

Then I heard a lot of snow hit the windows and I watched as it fell and people rushing into the school and I just closed my eyes feeling wet drip onto my hair but didn't bother checking it.

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