Laughs then Screams

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As we all kept walking Fred asked his father "How much longer til we get there?" "You'll know when we get there" he said and we came across a friendly man and his son.

I didn't pay much heave since I was hiding behind the twins "Don't worry Doll" Fred started "Ya he's a friend of our dad" Geroge said so I silently walk  around them to stop hiding but we started walking again.

And when we got there there was a boot "A Port Key" I said remembering my mother telling me about them and went towards it and everyone touched it.

Everything around us was spinning and Mr. Weasily said "LET GO" so we did and we all landed on the ground and I accidentally fell on George "Oh Lord, sorry Georgie" I said getting off him "It's alrig-... did you call me Georgie?" he asked smiling, I didn't get to answer when we said the 2 adults and there son that was in Hufflepuff swiftly land.

I rolled my eyes and helped the twins up and we walked somewhere over a little cliff and saw the Trwizered Tournament camp sight and it was wonderful.

I was still so new to the colorful world around me and this made me feel like the first time I went to Diagon Ally.

I smiled all the way through and Fred put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair a little being careful not to show my other eye.

We stopped when we got to a small text and we went in and me and the guys shared a room and when there dad said "Feet off the table" they said the exact same thing and did the exact opposite of what that said.

Later I started to just my yellow rain coat on and Fred put a rather large green hat me me that fell on my face.

They laughed as I giggled and I lifted it off my face and leaned it back, then they picked me up and we walked out to get to where the tournament was being played out.

They started to carry me up for no good reason even though I was used to long walks or runs "How much longer till we get up there" Fred complained and that was when Mr. Malfoy came along with Draco as he started to brag about how he get to sit with Minister of Magic.

They always wanted to keep me away from them and I get it, he took my shoes and makes fun of there family but still.

I tryed to lession to what they were saying but the croud made it hard to hear but Mr. Malfoy from what I can see was acting suspicious in so many ways.

I mean I SAW him try to hurt Harry our second year and that little elf saved him, man that was one strange year and that's saying something.

We got to the top and it was an amazing view up here, all the lights were shining and the Irish flew in.

It was quite amazing to see a lepercon that was made out of fireworks dancing, but it was destroyed but the red team that I didn't know.

Everyone including the twins started to chant out in a yell "Krum" I was seriously confused about what was going on since I have no idea what's going on, and I was on Fred shoulders since George carryed me up.

As the game began I pocked Fred said and out of the shouting he yell "YA" so I whispered since I don't like yelling.

"Who's Krum?" and he paused and, or freezed.

He grabbed his brother and led me to the stairs to talk "George... she doesn't know who Victor Krum is" Fred said and Geroge looked like he was gonna scream "Julia have you EVER seen any of the Trwizered Tournament team?" George asked and I shuck my head.

"Victor Krum is one of the best players, now can we go back, I'm afread to miss a part" Geroge said and Fred picked me up and went back up.

I felt embarrassed about asking that question that I beairly did anything other than cross my arms, putting them on his head, as well as my head.

I got sleepy and fell asleep.

With the Twin's-

As the game ended George saw Julia sleeping on Fred and laughed a little.

"Fred I think we have ourselves a little sleeping beauty" Geroge said and Fred chucked "Seems so... Gerogie" he teased on the end.

"Very funny... Freddie" Geroge said back as they went back to the tent, on the way back Julia started to walk up and Fred let her down "Is the game over already?" Julia asked and they nodded "Then I learn anything about this event" she said as they lead her in.

"It's fine Doll, don't worry about it" Fred said and patted her head lightly as they went in to joke around.

Back to Julia-

As the time past they started to tease Ron because he was praising Krum while explosions were sounding outside and that when I started to crying a LOT, they began to sing as if they were trying to brake glass.

Fred started "Victor I love you" "Victor I do" then Harry joined in "When we're apart my heart beats only for you" and we started to laugh.

That was when Mr. Weasily came in panicked "NOT IT, it's not the Irish" he said and we all went outside.

People were running away as fire surround the place and my eyes started to cry even thought I was pancakes and not said.

"Shrink DOWN" Geroge yelled and stuck out his hands so I jumped and shrunk down into his hands and he placed me on his shoulder as they started to run.

We got back to the Port Key and got back "Where's Harry and Julia?" Hermione asked, so I quickly grow back and said "I-I'm here" "Alright what about Harry?" she asked scared.

"Oh no" Mr. Weasily said and ran off to somewhere as we got back to house.

Mrs. Weasily looked worried as us and sent us to bed to rest.

"Okay Trwizered Tournament, TOTALLY off on the wrong eye" I said in my pajamas laying sitting on the edge of the bed as the changed they're shirt "Tell me about it" Fred said "Death Eaters just HAD to ruin the fun" Geroge said and I flopped back onto the bed and sighed.

"At least we there and watched it" I said "We did, you slept right through it" Fred said laying down with me and poked my nose and I smiled.

"Well we're gonna stay up a little longer, night Julia" George said as Fred got up.

I nodded and slept away.

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