Mcgonagall's Favor

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It was around the time were Professor Mcgonagll asked all the Gryffindor Kids to come to a room that I don't remember the name of for the life of me.

One we were their there was a rather large record player as girls on one side and boys on the other, so I went to sit next to Hermione even though we were near the mean girls, and I noticed the twins smiling even though they were watching me.

I felt safer around that fact as the Professor told us why we were here.

Dancing... well waltz to be exact.

The Professor got Ron to dance with her as I heard Harry say "You're never going to let him forget this" "Never" they said at the same time making me giggle at them.

I felt fire on me as I could feel Angelina's darting eyes on me, as I got up and went to the other side of Hermione cringly smiling will twiching my eye.

Mcgonagll said for everyone to grab a dance partner and Nevil was the first to ge up 'Man he's becoming more and more braver as each day passes' I thought proud of him as he got Ginny to dance with him.

I smiled as I walked towards the twins but got rudely pushed to the ground by someone as she dragged Fred to dance with her.

I brushed myself off as George lend me a hand, so I took it as he started dancing with me.

It was honestly so much fun, then in the middle of the dance I looked at Fred and saw he was looking away most of the time so I looked at George and he nodded knowing what I was thinking about.

We got close to Fred as he saw us and smiled, I winked at him as he got the same thought as us and spinned Angalina and so George got her hand as I got into Fred arms.

And when Fred lifted my up I just let my arms go up and when he got me down I just started dancing on my own, feeling as if the world around me dissolved away.

At the end I was spinning on one leg like a ballerina I saw ones and ended with one leg behind me and my arms up in a 'O.'

I noticed no music and just relaxed and opened my eyes as I saw most people ither staring or just on the ground watching.

I pretty much just fell to down and Fred catched me "You alright Julia?" he asked helping me up and I said in a cracked up voicev"I'm fine Fred I just WOW" I yelled as I fell again cause my legs were shaking and wobbling a little bit.

"Wait I WAS DANCING WITH GEORGE?" Angalina yelled before ditching him completely.

"Class desmis, Julia may I have a word with you?" "Y-Y-YES, Professor" I said as everyone left "We'll be outside the door if you need us" George said as they left as well.

I was now with Professor Mcgonagll as she said "Take a set" as she sat down next to a table, so I sat down on the oppoest side of her.

"Where as that fire been?" she asked smiling at me "H-huh?" I was more confused about this, I thought she was going to scold me for detracting everyone.

"As you were dancing I saw a fire as you danced and even if it was small it showed bravery, and don't think I haven't noticed you being shy ever since the first year Julia" she said as she lend out her hand.

"Take my hand" she said so I hesitantly did and when she did she led it strongly "I could tell when you were dancing you felt something, I could see spark of light with in the ice of your hands" she said and I just looked down "My dear, you can always stay in the cold, I want you to be free with take in the Gryffindor Fire inside you" she finished.

"So I must ask a favor of you" she said "Of course" I said nodding "I would like you to help entertain the kids of the school" she said and I was thrown got a shock.

"Enter...tain?" I asked shyly "Oh and if you can sing that would be absolutely wonderful" she said happily.

I wanted to say no but I knew that if I ever want to become more comfortable and show I'm a Gryffindor and not a Hufflepuff or even become a little more happier with myself I had to "I... alright, I'll do it" I said smiling weakly as she put her hands on mine "I know you'll blow them all away" she said and let me go.

Ones I was out the door Fred lifted me up and spun me around in the air and I laughed "You were WONDERFUL" he said "Tell be about it, where did you learn to dance?" Geroge asked "I honesty just improvised... but I guess watching a ballerina might have something to do with it" I said thinking about it.

"Well what ever it is that was beautiful" Geroge said nuzzling my forehead with his while Fred nuzzled my hair as he let me down.

'Oh golly this is going to be quite a ball.'

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