Quidditch Cup Match

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Today was Quidditch match and it was rainy outside.

Right now I was in my yellow rain coat having breakfast with the twins, and yet I wasn't eating anything.

I didn't have anything on my plate while they eat, I felt there eyes on me and then they asked "What's wrong Julia?" Geroge asked "You're usually more excited about Quidditch" Fred said.

I sighed and said "Fred, George must you really have to play, I don't want you guys getting hurt, and also the Dementors they might..." I couldn't finnish my sentice but they got what I ment.

They just looked at me and patted my head "Don't worry your little head Julia, we becarful" Fred said "Yah we've been doing this for quite sometime" Geroge said.

"I know it's just that... I have a bad feeling about this and the weather is just making my feelings worse" I said, then Geroge just handed me a piece of toast "If we get hurt you can scold us" Fred said as a joke and I smiled weakly and nodded.

Then George just opened my mouth and placed the toast in there and close it, I blushed and bite down on it and they smiled "Good girl" they said and I just froze on them.

"Julia?" George asked and he nugged me and I just fell on Fred's lap and said "Please... never call me that again" and they just laughed loudly and patted my head "You are just way to cute for your own good Julia" they said and helped me back up.

Then George just pulled me under his wing and said "It's gonna start soon, come on let's go" he said walked me to where the game has always been played at.

When we got their I was just about to leave there side when they said "Hold on little missy" so I turned around and saw them give me a binny hat and a jacket "You can keep them till we win this game" Fred said and George nodded.

I took off my yellow rain coat and put them on and the just hugged the clothing and awed at me and nussiled there hands on my head "I'll see you after the game my twins" I said and as I was scurried off I turned and kissed them on the cheek.

I was blushing like crazy not wanting to see there expresion and just ran in putting my rain coat on when it started raining.

I found Hermione and sat next to her as the game began.

The wind was really harsh and blow away some peoples umbrella and I was just holding onto Fred and George's clothes they leand to me.

I was trying to find them just because of the rain I couldn't, that's when I became more worried so I said "Hermione I-" "I CAN'T HEAR YOU JULIA SPEAK UP A LITTLE LOUDER" she yelled so I stopped trying not wanting to yell.

Then I saw a something Black flying around "Dementors..." I whispered with my puples shrinking and that's when I saw Harry get too close to one and fall off his broom.

Everyone panicked and so the game stopped.

I saw everyone rush out if the place but I waited for the Twins and saw them rush to the Hospital Wing so I ran after them.

Harry was on the emergency bed and passed out and his friends Ron holding a broken broom wrapped up in a towel and Hermione, I was holding the twins hands woriedly "Goodness Julia your becoming cold as ice again" Fred said "Sorry..." I said and then we were all in silents.

"He looks a little bit pinkish doesn't he," Ron asked braking the silents "Pinkish what did you expect he fell over a 100 feet" George said astounded.

Then Fred spook "Ya come on Ron let's walk you up the Astronomy Tower-" "-and see what you look like" George finished "Probably a right side better then he normally does" Ron said gloomy.

Then Harry's eyes started open up Fred said "You have us quite a fright there lad" and Ron showed Harry the bad news about his broom and how it got to the Weeping Willow or what I like to call it The Destroying Willow.

"And it was a really lovely broom" I said to myself quietly as we had to leave, we went to the mostly empty common room.

"Julia are you alright?" Fred asked wrapping an arms around me "Ya you froze up in there" George said.

I felt like I was getting colder and colder as every second passed by "Good Lord you're still getting colder" Fred said "Ah Come on" George said light the fire with his wand and carryed me closer to it.

"That should warm you up" Fred said as they got side by side to me and helped me out of there jacket "Come on Julia get in some warmer clothes, you're gonna catch a cold or worse, a fever" Fred said and I nodded and went up.

After I got some pajamas on I went back down to the common room to see them changed as well and motioned me towards them so I sat down with them again.

They placed the now dry binny on me and we just say there and watched the fire roar silently "By the way Julia what was it you said earlier today?" George asked smirking at me "I believe it was 'my twins' so mind filling us in on that" he said.

"Um well I... can we please drop it" I asked "Alright doll put just this one's since you have us that kiss for good luck this morning" Geroge said and they cuddled into me "Thank" was all I said before I fell asleep on them.

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