Run For It

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As we entered into the Ministry of Magic we fallowed Harry into a hallway and into a room.

I fallowed a little behind but still kept my speed up with the others and when the door opened and we all went in.

The room had many orbs with fates in them or something on the lines of that and someone said to find Harry's.

I shrunk and took to the lower levels of the shelves until everyone began to go towards one in particular so I grew back and walked towards them as well, I was still serprised only the Twins and Hermione know about my shrinking.

We all stared at it... well they all stared at it while I was trying to listen in but heard footsteps slowly come towards us "U-U-Um... guys?" I said and they all turned towards me and I pointed at a person wearing all black with a rather shiny black mask and I think I saw long blond hair.

Someone blasted a spell at him but he reflected it, and we all started to run.

I was freaking out more than anything and looked at everyone scared.

I didn't look back until the twins grabbed me to stop me and I saw there sister Jenny cast a spell and well... I sorta flung him far back and I was shocked.

But then the sounds of crashing became apparent and we all saw the blue smoke like substance at the end of the hall and I yelled "RUN!" and we all did.

We ran like there was no tomorrow and then the door came closer and closer and when it opened there was no floor but a what feels like an endless black abyss.

I shrinked and felt Fred grab me and hold me close and that's when black smoke came around and grabbed everyone, I felt like passing out for all the movement but refused and slid into his pocket for safety.

Then it stopped, I felt Fred stand still, so I peeked out and saw he was being held by a Death Eater and I saw everyone like this as well.

My eyes swelled up on shock as I tryed to reach for my wand but when I tryed to get out of the pocket I was pushed back in by Fred's thumb.

I still tryed to get out but still Fred kept pushing me back in, as much as I loved the twins protecting me I still wanted to at lease help them out.

I still struggled but I was finally let out to fall onto the floor when I heard a loud punch.

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