Secret Class

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I woke up to see Fred and George standing while streching there limbs out until they saw me "Oh, good morning Doll" Fred said while George picked me up "Lets go, Harry said he'll be teaching us today some new spells" George said.

I nodded and got off George's arms and we ran to where Harry told us to meet but it got hard for me tp keep up so they grabbed my hands and ran with me almost off the ground but mostly I went in long strides.

As we got closer and closer to it Umbrage just came from the cornor of the room and made me go away from the twins.

I panicked as she got closer and she looked around before grabbing my hair "Children must fallow the rules" she said and moved my banings slowly.

I shut my eyes as felt my heart rate rase faster and faster, so put of reflexes I pushed her away and ran for it.

My banings were not placed back properly and I didn't care.

I could feel it glow and more footsteps coming my away, but I didn't look back since if I turn back I would probably trip and fall then get caught.

I shut my eyes as I ran more but I felt hand grab me quickly, two of them on my mouth and two other ones pulling me back into kinda closet and kinda not.

I struggled until I heard the familiar voices of the twins "Shush Doll..." "... You don't want to get caught by her" after they said that I nodded and shut my eyes.

I heard loud footsteps and I turned to them to cower and the steps went away slowly.

George cast a spell for light and whisper "Don't worry Julia... they're gone" and I nodded as I let go of them and Fred looked at me with his head tilted.

"What?" I asked worriedly before he said while getting closer "Hold still..." and he fixed my banings real quick.

"There, your signature look" Fred said and we slowly left before rushing to the secret class.

We got in before a few people and when we were all here Herry showed and properly taught us all how to cast certain spells.

We enjoyed ourselves in knowing we were actually doing something productive instead of starting with the basics.

I smiled as I got a few correct after trying a few time, and the reason why that was happening was mostly because I was nervous around these people still.

Well at least not as much as before, I mean I was a real hermit before I met the twins and I was so happy we became so close and maybe closer than regular best friends.

I smiled to myself when someone pocked me and I saw the twins and Fred said "It's time to go, class ended" and I nodded before saying "I'll be right with you, I just need to say something to Herry."

I walked over to him and when he saw me I bowed in respect like how my mother used to say "Th-th-thank you... f-f-for t-t-teaching us... how do m-m-more th-th-than the basics" and I walked away.

I covered my face and said "Really Julia, that was the best you could say?" and the twins put an arm on me "That was pretty good" Geroge said smirking "Ya a lot better than before" Fred teased.

I smiled and said "Yes, I'm happy I got to speek without shuttering every word" "Oh by the way, what was that boe for?" Geroge asked "Oh mother said to do that when thanking, saying hello, or to show respect towards an elder or teachers" I explained.

"Well, let's rush it before the devil her self comes around and hunts for her pray" Fred said and we nodded as we ran for it.

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