The Letter and a Bump In

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(* REMEMBER is this not fallowing the Little Nightmares story mostly Harry Potter one and these are only small details hinting to Little Nightmare... ps FRED WON'T DIE IN THIS
This is an AU of the movies so THINGS WILL BE DIFFRENT.
And also note I'm not a genius about The Potter World so don't kill me if I get a few things wrong

(Just in case Julia Moore has long dark brown hair, long bangs that covers her right eye, skiny, pale, and big eyes the one that you can see is dark blue and the other is soon to come along)

I am Julia Moore (*Or Maw).

I am a seriously 11 years old girl that is way to short for there own good that now lives in London after some... nightmarish things happened in my first home called the Maw.

But I happy to get away from that place, but the fun part about me is that I can shrink down to about 8 inches when ever I want to, and I am a daughter is a daughter of a witch that people call 'The Lady' but her real name is Hanako Moore.

I was in my room looking outside my window to see the gray outside world of London, and I couldn't go out because I was "sick" for most of the time and when I'm not sick I still can't got out because of a "condition" I have.

The "condition" was that I'm usually was way to skinny for my own good and had to wear over sized clothing so people won't worry about it or call me names even though I was born like this.

But to be honest that isn't really why...

BUT, I never minded though, me and my mother live in a house that caters and  entertains guest since she was a Gashia from Japan before my late father took her here for marrige, but go live on the Maw and had me there.

Oh and when the guest come I go small to watch them from time to time.

But usually I wonder around it at night when my mother is asleep and I get to see the the staff/friends that helped my mother around since 8 hands were better than two.

They were my only friends and interaction to people as well and they are usually monsterest but my mother gave them something to look more normally like.

But at night they look like there true selfs.

So one of my friends/staff is named Roger, he who was blind and his skin was already covering his blind eyes, but when more normal he has some type of ribbon wrapped around his eyes.

Then there's Dave, he's the nicer one and the twin chefs, and Cecil sour one, they both had twisted faces even after the posion so had to wear a frowning and smiling mask.

We usually would play 'Hide n' Seek, TAG' or sometimes they would tell me about the outside world, and heck Roger was a collector and showed me things from the outside world and he was blind as a bat.

But still I wanted something to happen since today was now my 12th Birthday.

Soon enough my mother came in without her make-up and mask then sat next to my bed "Good evening Mother how was work? I could hear some of the guest arguing and I was getting worried" I said as her brushed my long dark brown bangs aside to see my covered eye.

"Oh it was just a drunk wizard trying to pick a fight, I delt with him quickly but I have a surprise since it's your 12th birthday" she said and pulled out her wand "Mother I though you said that-?" "The ministry of magic said not to use magic... BUT there are no muggles here, so I won't get in trouble" she said with a smirk.

I giggled as she flicked her wand and showed a present "For you my Lucky Little 6" she said and handed it to me.

I carefully undid the ribbon and opened it to see my bright yellow rain coat that I thought I lost when we left the Maw, my mother's old clothes when she went to school at Hogwarts, a few other things, but in the middle of it all an envelop.

I first pulled the yellow rain coat first.

"I though of when you said you missed your old rain coat so I found it in one of the boxes in the attic" she said and gave me the envelop.

"Miss. Moore,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall.

Mother do you mean?" "Yes you've spent most of your life in captivity, and have be home school... and I don't want that for you anymore, I want you to live your life and see what my old school was like, and I bet you'll be sorted into Gryffindor since most of my family including me did" she said and I cryed a little "Thank YOU" I repetied at least six times and she laughed a little.

"We'll go shopping for your things tomorrow and get you some extra pills just incase, but for now sleep" she said and kissed my head and said goodnight.

The Next Day

I was got up a little earily and got on a red and orange long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, black boots, and my yellow rain coat and soon enough my mother came in with her kemono on and saw me ready and said "Come let us go" so I ran to get to her side since she was really tall.

"Roger please 'watch' over the place while I'm gone, me and Juila are off to get her school supplies" "Of course ma'me... what school supplies?" he asked shocked "Yes Julia is going to Hogwarts, my old school" she said and Roger just nodded with a small sigh.

As we were going there I looked out the window of the car and saw so many sights I've never seen before. Londen was very beautiful... and very disgusting at the same time.

At Diagon Alley

"Mother this place is so enchanting, look at all the pretty colors" I said happily looking around to take in the amazing scenery and we finally got to a Wands Shop "Miss. MOORE it's been SUCH a long time" he said "Good to see you to, this is my daughter Julia she needs a wand" she said and he looked at me.

"A wand you say well alright, on the house" he said and got 3 boxes then started to name them each.

"The first one is Unicorn Hair 10 inches
The second one is Phoenix Feather 14 inches
And the last one is Dragon Wing Ash 8 inches.
Try them" he said and my mother pushed me a little towards towards them.

I looked at each of them nervously and was about to choose the Phoenix Feather one but stopped, and looked at the looks at the Dragon Wing one.

So I picked it up and flicket it like how my mom does and it felt like wind was swerling around me and my mother smiled "You found your wand" she said "And at the first try just like your mother" he said and smiled.

"Child I must say that that wand has something extra in it" he said to be so I asked "W-W-what w-would that b-b-be?"

"That wand is part of a gryffens feather and a small essence of a sirins heart, it's a one of a kind wands so don't lose it" he whispered and I looked at the wand and nodded.

As we left my mother gave me a small bag of coins and said "While I'm getting the rest of your things go in there and get something you like and stay there until I come back" so I as asked and opened the door and almost got hit my head by what I think to be a fire craker.

It was so fast that I was luck to get onto the floor and into a muggles 'tornado drill' pose and thought with small tears wanting to come off my eyes 'Oh GOD it's off with my head, good bye cruel world.'

"SORRY" I heard a two voices in unions and so I looked up to see two beautiful red headed twins infrount of me "Here let me lend you a hand" the one on the right said but I was hesitant let my hand towards them but quickly backed off and picked myself up and stood there awkwardly looked at the ground shaking a little.

I've never spoken to other people that were my age, actually I've never spoken to ANYONE except for the people that wok in my house, I quickly made sure my right eye was cover by my bangs not wanting anyone to see my other eye and just stood there.

"Can you speek?" the one one the left said and I nodded and still was shaking.

"A shy one aye?" "No worry" the one one the right and they held out there hand and said "I'm George Weasily" "And I'm Fred Weasily."

"I... I'm J-J-Julia, Julia M-M-M-Moore" I said softly I was too scared to speak, and then I looked up to see there were really tall, I was at the middle of there stomachs or a little higher than that, but still I went to shake there hands but they moved them.

I tryed again but the moved again and on the last time I tried I finally got a hold of there hands and it shocked them "Man your hands are cold as ice, there like negative 100 degrees" George said then Fred said out in a sarcastic voice "And it feels like 100 degrees outside."

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry i-if you think I'm w-w-weird o-o-or a f-f-freak, I-I'll j-just g-g-go now" I said moving away from them but there arms interlocked with mine whiched lifted me into the air, it felt like when I was 'little' and dangling on both of Rogers long arms when we play around.

"We don't think your weird or a freak" Fred says then George spook next "We just think your hands are weird" "And also your height, you're seriously small" and they let me down.

"So you going to Hogwarts" Fred said "Y-yes I-I-I-I am" I said and softly smiled at them "Great, we've been going there for at least a year and so we'll be see you again there" George said and I quietly giggled a little.

"WELL since your here, wanna walk around with us so you can find something that you like?" and I nodded as they led me through the place.

Soon after I payed and waited outside with the Twins just talking until our mom's came too get us "Umm... s-s-see you a-around a-a-at school" I said and they said "We can't wait" they said and I laughed a little and saw my mother smile.

"Looks like you have two new friends other than the staff do ya, you remind me of me when I was in school and charmed people" she said but I smiled at the words 'New friend.'

The Weasily Twins POV

"George" "Yes Fred" his twin asked in there laying down in there room thinking of Julia Moore "That girl is so enchanting" Fred said "And mysterious" Geroge said just thinking of her.

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