The Marauders Map

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It was Poisons class and Snape was choosing favorets ones again with the Slythirin's in the room.

I hated this fact he liked choosing favorites.

I was paying attention to what he was and in all honestly it was about how to find out what's the difference between sirins tears and mermaids tears.

It wasn't that hard when your mother talked to them in her 1st years here.

'Man I have a lot to live up to' I thought as Snape just looked at me "Miss. Maw" he said "Actually it's Moo-" "I don't care about your name you silly short-witted girl" he insulted.

"Well that was rude" I heard someone say but snape ignored them and asked me "What is one of the main difference between a mermaid and sirins?" he askes

I remembered my mother telling me about them when I was about 6 or so.

"A mermaid is a half-woman and half-fish creature, while a siren is a half-woman, half-bird. They both used there voices to attract the sea sailors and, or navigators with their alluring voice and lead them to there doom" was all I said "And?" he asked "And what I named one of the main differences and sameness of them" I said getting a little more irritated of this Snake of a teacher.

He turned around and said "Correct now would you like to join Miss. Grainger for being a-" "Well I'm sorry for knowing and saying something you wanted to hear" I said raising my voice at he then said "5 points from Gryffindor" and just wrote on the black bored.

I had my hand clunched in a fist and my eye's glaring at him, my eyes felt like fire, he just didn't care about his students, Nevil feared him, he shouldn't be a teacher if a STUDENT is terrified of him.

Then the bottom of his robe caught on fire and his Slythirin's told him and tryed to help Snape out which only made things worse.

Some people started to laugh a lot and I joined in quietly until I felt some of the stones move so I looked at the empty desk next to me and saw the twins.

I noticed that we only had about a minute or so till we get out when they said "Come on, let's go" Fred said so I made sure no one was looking so I jumped down and got caught in George's arms while Fred was holding his wand with a light sorce on it.

"Thanks for saving me" I said getting down and them putting the stone back in place "You mean about the catch on fire thing, sorry but that wasn't us" Geroge said and I just began confused.

"Come on we want to show to our little tool for getting around" Fred said "But maybe a little bit more further away from here, I'm beginning to smell a burnt snake" Geroge said and so we went.

"So what did you want to show me?" I asked as they pulled out a piece of patchment paper "George if you'll do the honor" "Of course, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" George said and a map slowly began to become visible.

"What is it?" I asked "That our dear is The Marauders Map" George said "We stole it first year" Fred said proudly "Wow I remember my mother talk about this, it said it can show where everyone every second of every hour of every day" I said.

"That's right Julia, and when ever you want it to disappear all you have to say is Mischief Managed" Fred said  "And besides we also use it to keep an eye on you" "And by the way, why did Snape call you Maw?" George asked, and I became a little more sadder "Well my mom ones... a long time ago like when I was 6 or 8, ran a terrifying and monsterest place called the Maw, and that was our last name before we changed it" I said and left it at that.

"Well come on let's get back at that snake teach him a real lession" Fred said and I nodded.

'One of these days these boys are going to get in so much trouble' I thought.

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