Twin's Plan

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When we got to my room they closed and locked the door and Fred said "Okay Julia, start from the beginning" and I took a breath and started.

"When I got out of there I ran to Dumbledor to warn him and he said that he had a plan and gave me this" I said pulling out the lemon candy "Oh, cool" George said and I continued "So after he hid me and went... um... boom, I tryed to get everything in my power to keep Umbrige's door closed, even blocking it with things."

"Well that explained how she was struggling to open the door" Fred said "Then I tryed to get people out of their, cockroaches in a shoe, a ferrit in Malfoy's pants, spider shadows, and yet I only got two to three classmates out of their" I said falling onto the bed.

"Wait, all of that was you" George asked serprised "Yes, I wanted to help since I got out of there... oh ya and also I got this" I said pulling out of my pocket the paper I took.

"This is the list of students that took Harry's secret class and sighed up for Dumbledor's army, Doll you helped Harry but taking this, Umbrige will have a field day finding out who went since she can't remember every singal face" Fred said "But not every body has a forgettable face for example Harry cause he's litterly a celebrity, you guys cause of your troublemaking and explosive plots, Hermione cause of her smarts and her sometimes sassy attitude, Ron cause he's Harry's best friend, Luna for her not normal nature, and... I forgot the rest..." I said as Fred wrapped an arms around me.

I sighed hopelessly and breathed in his scent "Trust us, you did enough to help us and the others, besides it was impressive on how you avoided getting caught" George said moving my bangs away.

I sighed knowing they was right about me being limited to my helping but I felt I could've done more, like take a bold move and grow just to get caught by Umbrige and let the others have time to get out.

I sighed "So the Owls are soon to come" I said trying to get a conversation going and to forget the things going on.

"Ya... hmm" Fred had that look that said 'sceaming' and said "George, do you remember when Julia got our stuff back?" "Ya, why do you ask?" Geroge seemes confused "One word... fireworks" Fred said and they both finally got on the same level why I was in the dark.

"By god Fred I think this is gonna be the best plan we'll have at this school!" Geroge said getting up with Fred "Wait what are you guys gonna do?" I asked, they both turnes to me and said "Something amazing" and like that they left.

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