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Here we see some robbers at the Metropolis bank and we see Babs in her hero uniform burst in.

Babs: "Hold it right there robbers!"

Then something is just beating up the robbers.

Robber: "Ow my knee bone!"

Robber 2: "Ow my nuts!"

Robber 3: "Ow my spleen!"

Then all the robbers suddenly dropped onto the ground out cold as Babs was a bit confused about what just happened.

Babs: "That was weird."

Later, we see you carrying your stuff to your locker which is a bottom locker as we see Jasmine open her locker next to yours.

(Y/N): "Great, the shortest person in the room next to the tallest person in the room."

Jasmine: "You say that like it's a bad thing."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure the faculty gave us these lockers just to mess with us."

Meanwhile in the camera room, we see two of the faculty laughing while watching you and Jasmine. Back to you.

(Y/N): "I can hear them laughing now."

Jasmine: "Well I don't mind your locker being next to mine mate."*pats your head*"You're small and adorable."

(Y/N): " Don't patronize me."

Later at lunch, we see you eating a sandwich while looking at your ant farm that you brought with you as we see the hero girls watching you.

Babs: " Hey who's he?"

Kara: "The one guy in school is just as tall as Karen. That's (Y/N) Dominic."

Diana: "He is lacking in size."

Karen: " Ahem."

Diana: *realizes what she said* " Oh uh I-I mean uh I am sure he has something to make up for it."

Babs: "Anyways, I went to stop the bank robbery and something invisible was attacking the robbers."

Jessica: " Like some invisible person?"

Babs: "Yeah."

Karen then sees a small doll house that you carry around on your back.

Karen: "Why is he carrying around that dollhouse on his back?"

Kara: " Isn't obvious, he has toys with him at all times. He's a kid."

Zee: "I thought he was much older than Karen."

Karen: "Just because you're old doesn't mean you're tall."

Jessica: "I'm more curious about the ant farm he carries around."

Karen: " Maybe it's an experiment?"

Diana then sees Lindsay giving you an invite.

Lindsay: "Here's an invite to a sleepover at my house."

(Y/N): " Oh uh, thanks Lindsay."

Lindsay: "No problem."

Zee: *eye twitches*"She didn't invite any of us but she invited him!?"

Karen: " What's the big deal?"

Zee: "I threw a magic show and I'm the daughter of a famous magician and I didn't get an invite from her!?"

Kara: " Dude it's just a party no big deal. Plus she snuck the invite in your bag."

Zee: "Huh?"*checks her purse and grabs the invite*"Let me guess, X-Ray vision?"

Kara: "I just brought it up so that you don't have a drama bomb. If you have a drama bomb, then we all have to go through it. It took me weeks to get all of those rags out of my butt! I may be bulletproof but not magic proof."

Zee: "Sorry..."

Kara: "Besides for an airhead she's surprisingly sneaky, like some blonde ninja. She snuck you guys invites too."

Diana: *sees the invite* " Great Hera, you are right."

Karen: *to Lindsay*"Hey Lindsay, thanks for the invites. But how did you manage to sneak them to us?"

Lindsay: "I thought it would be a surprise, plus I'm good at staying quiet even when I'm texting to someone. Also (Y/N) told me about this site that teaches people how to do close up magic and it's very helpful."*pulls a card from Diana's ear*"Yay I got an Ace of Spacks."

(Y/N): " It's spades Lindsay. Like a small shovel."

Lindsay: " Oh yeah."

Karen: "Wow, you're good at magic Lindsay."*sees Zee glaring at her* " What? She is."

Zee: " But I'm a pro magician I can do magic too."

(Y/N): " Other people can do magic too Zee, not always about you. Like this."*sticks your hand in your mouth and pull out a royal flush of cards* " See?"

Babs: " Woah awesome!"

Kara: " Cool!"

Zee: " Oh come on! My magic is better than that!"

Kara: "Eh it's okay I guess."

(Y/N): "And check this out."*pulls out an Ace of hearts from Diana's nose*"Instead of the ear, it came from the nose."

Diana: "Fascinating."

(Y/N): "I know right."

Zee: " Ughh."

Babs: " Oh come on Zee this is amazing."

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's good fun."

Zee then felt something in her bra and she checked and saw it was a Joker of Diamonds.

Zee: " How did you-"

(Y/N): " That one wasn't me."

Lindsay: "Did I go too far on that one?"

Kara: " Meh, no you haven't."

Zee: "I'm actually impressed that you did that. Nice work on the Joker in my bra trick."

Lindsay: "Is that what it's called? I thought it was called a Jester."

(Y/N): " No, that's the other card with the medieval clown on it."

Lindsay: "Ooooh."

Later on, at the sleepover, we see that you're the only boy in the all girl sleepover as we see Gwen glaring at Lindsay.

Gwen: "It was supposed to be an all girl sleepover."

(Y/N): " I'm right here."

Lindsay: " Well I don't see what's the big deal, he's a cutie and he's huggable like a teddy bear." *hugs you and feels your head in her breasts* "See."

(Y/N): *muffled*" Um thanks Linds."

Gwen: "Ugh fine he can stay because you made a pretty convincing point. And I can't believe I said that to Lindsay."

(Y/N): *muffled* "She has her moments."

We see the smile on Lindsay's face as we see Jasmine pull you away from her.

Jasmine: "That's enough hugging Lindsay, you don't want to suffocate him with your bust."

Leshawna: "At least he would die happy."

Gwen: " True that."

(Y/N): "At this height, I'm used to seeing butts, but I look away and respect their privacy, I'm no creep."

Leshawna: "We know, you're too cute to be a creep."

(Y/N): *sighs* " Thanks, being short is a blessing and a curse. You know I wish I were taller. You know the other day at gym class Eva helped on the pull up bar."

Gwen: " For real?"

(Y/N): " Yep."

Leshawna: "I guess the macho sister has a soft side."

Eva: "I can be too nice you know, plus he helped me with my push ups when he's sitting on my back as extra weight. Just to make us even."

Jasmine: "Really?"

Eva: "Yep, turns out the pipsqueak is a lot heavier than he looks."*to you*"And for the record, I did not call you fat, got it?"

(Y/N): "I really need to lay off the snack cakes."

Later on, we see you and the girls watching a horror movie and you were sitting on Jasmine's lap. There was a gory scene and we see both Jasmine and Lindsay hugging you in fear.

Lindsay and Jasmine: "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

(Y/N): *while getting hugged* " Augh! Easy on the hugs."

Lindsay and Jasmine: *lets go of you*"Sorry."

(Y/N): "It's alright."

Gwen: "Meh, they really phone it in with the gore."

(Y/N): " Overtop use of fake blood is normal in horror movies."

Gwen: "I know, it's just they use too much fake blood in this movie. Quality over quantity."

(Y/N): "I guess you're right. You know this stuff better than us."

Gwen: "I sure do."

Later on, we see you and the girls reading magazines, the girls were just reading magazines on celebrity gossip, makeup, and fashion mags while you were reading magazines on particle physics and quantum science.

Lindsay: " What's that?"

(Y/N): " Particle physics and quantum science." *sees Lindsay's confused look* " Science dots that move a lot."

Lindsay: " Ohh, neat."

Leshawna: "Take a science break short stuff and get your celebrity gossip on."

(Y/N): " Celebrity gossip?"

Heather: "You know, hearing things about famous celebrities that we don't know about."

(Y/N): "Alright I'll give it a try."*grabs a magazine and reads it*"Huh, what do you know? Blaineley is taking Chris McLean's job due to Total Drama's use of dangerous and unethical challenges, see examples for reference."*sees the examples*"That's a lot of examples."*reads the next page*"Jennifer Walters sentenced Chris McLean to 10 years in prison, well there's no surprise there."

Leshawna: " That fool deserves to go to jail."

Gwen: " Yeah, maybe Blaineley would make a better host than Chris."

(Y/N): "That would make sense."*reads the magazine*"According to this section, Chris and Blaineley along with Don used to go to the same school."

Jasmine: " Crikey, I never knew that."

Leshawna: "That fool went to the same school with her and Don!?"

(Y/N): "The person who found this out is...Sierra's mom?"

The girls then look at Sierra.

Sierra: "My mom is a Chris fan."

Gwen: " Why am I not surprised."

(Y/N): "How did she find that out?"

Sierra: "She looked through the school's yearbook, I got my stalking from her."

Gwen: "Speaking of stalking, how are you and Cody?"

Sierra: "Not very good, he gave me one too many restraining orders."

Leshawna: " Gee I wonder why?"

Gwen: " He probably saw the All-star season when Sierra thought Cameron was Cody."

Sierra: "Yeah Cody and I had a mutual break up since that happened."

Leshawna: " And you took it well?"

Sierra: "Well....nope."

(Y/N): "Maybe a hug will cheer you up?"

Sierra then hugs you and you hug back.

Sierra: " Thanks."

(Y/N): " You're welcome."*let go of Sierra and sees that she's not letting you go*"You can let go of me now."

Sierra: "Five more minutes."

Sometime later, we see you reading some more celebrity gossip mags and we see Leshawna patting you on the head.

(Y/N): " What are you doing?"

Leshawna: "Patting you on the head baby cakes, you're a cutie."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I get that a lot. Almost every time."

Leshawna: "How about you sit on my lap."

(Y/N): "Oh thanks."*sits in Leshawna's lap*"Wow, this is pretty soft."

Leshawna: " Thanks sugar, plus size girls like me can be really comfy to sit on, especially these."*puts your head between her breasts*"A set of triple D breasts can make any man go crazy. But you sugar, they don't make you go nuts."

(Y/N): " I'm not that kind of guy who would go nuts for a woman's pair of breasts, I'm not a creep."

Leshawna: "I like a man who thinks that way."

(Y/N): " Thanks, it's a good thing I'm not a creep."

Leshawna: "Tell you what, I'll help you out little man, but I ain't gonna tell you what it is."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Leshawna: "It's a surprise."

(Y/N): " Why am I getting a bad feeling?"

Sometime later, we see the girls putting makeup on each other and you were reading celebrity gossip mags, Leshawna then whispered into Lindsay's ear.

Leshawna: *whispers* "Hey Lindsay, work your girl power on the little man."

Lindsay: "Give him a makeover, sounds fun. I'll start on his nails."

Lindsay then pulled out some nail polish.

(Y/N): *looks up* " Uh Linds, what's with the nail polish?"

Lindsay: "I want to give you a makeover, don't want you to be left out."*to the girls*"Hey girls, wanna give (Y/N) a makeover."

Gwen: "I'm in."

Anne Maria: "Me too."

Heather: "Eh why not."

(Y/N): " Wait what?"

We then see the girls applying makeup on you such as lipstick, blush, eyeliner, powder, nail polish and much more. Once the process is done, you look like a woman.

(Y/N): " This is demeaning."

Gwen: "Sorry."

(Y/N): *looks at your reflection*"Then again I do look nice. Lindsay really knows her stuff."

Lindsay: "I wish I could do this everyday with you."

Leshawna: "If he's your man, then that means you can make him fabulous at home."

Lindsay: "Really?"

Leshawna: " Yep, do you mind having a man in your life that is half your height."

Lindsay: "I do like (Y/N), even though he's not very tall, I don't let that get in the way of things."

Jessica: "Well if you like him, then you two would be happy together."

Lindsay: "Really? Like a couple?"*sees the girls nodding*"Yay!"

Lindsay then hugs you and then kisses you on the lips.

Lindsay: "I love you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I think this was Leshawna's plan."

Leshawna: "Hey I said it's a surprise."

Lindsay: "You helped (Y/N) out by getting him to be my boyfriend, yay! Thank you Lesfanda."

Leshawna: " Leshawna. And you're welcome."

Heather: "How sneaky, I like it."

Leshawna: " Thanks, I like to be sneaky if I wanted to."

Later, at an empty clearing in the forest, we see you and Lindsay standing in the clearing as Lindsay was a bit confused.

Lindsay: "Are we at your house?"

You then place the dollhouse on your back and you then pull out a remote and the doll house turns into a full size doll house in seconds.

(Y/N): " We are now."

Lindsay: " Woah, how did you do that?!"

(Y/N): "Pym particles, it's useful when you're the Ant-Man."

Lindsay: "Oh that makes so much sense, you're small and Ant-Man is small."

(Y/N): "Pym Particles don't make things small, they also make things big. Come on in."

We see you and Lindsay enter your house and she sees a lot of things in your house.

Lindsay: "Wow you have a nice house."

(Y/N): "I always carry my house with me, be careful around the ants, some of them can be dangerous around humans."*puts on an earpiece*"Without proper guidance."

Lindsay then sees a large swarm of ants carry a recliner and she sat into the recliner.

Lindsay: "Wow, this is amazing. Where did you get all of this?"

(Y/N): "Well I learned from Dr. Hank Pym, the Ant Man before me and Scott Lang."

Lindsay: " Wait, are you saying you're a superhero?!"

(Y/N): "Of course, and I work at X-Con Security Consultants for a part time job. I'm a good locksmith. But you can't tell anyone about me being a hero."

Lindsay: "I promise I won't tell, I know some secrets that I don't put in my diary. I'm just afraid of someone finding my diary and reading it or sometimes I forget to write it in my diary."

(Y/N): " Like the incident with your sister?"

Lindsay: " Yeah and I apologized to her after coming back home."

(Y/N): " That's a relief, but uh just curious why did you want to be my girlfriend?"

Lindsay: " Because silly, you're cute, smart, and I like hugging you like I'm hugging a teddy bear, but whenever you're around me I feel like I'm the smart one."

(Y/N): " Well I can tutor you if you want."

Lindsay: " Really?"

(Y/N): " Sure it's what boyfriends do."

Lindsay: "Oh thank you (Y/N)!"*hugs you between her breasts*"Thank you, thank you!"*sees you between her breasts* " Oh sorry."*let go of you*

(Y/N): " It's okay, it's normal, well normal for me that is."

Lindsay: " Well since you're my boyfriend, you can feel them if you want~."

(Y/N): *blushes* " I uh, um."

Lindsay: "Come on~. You can touch them."

(Y/N): *blushes* " Well, if you insist."

Lindsay then takes her top and bra off as she places your hands on them.

(Y/N): "I remember you saying you got your breasts done."

Lindsay: "I did, but turns out they were gonna put implants in my breasts. I just want you to feel them cause I don't remember if I got a boob job."

(Y/N): " Wait, you don't remember if you got a boob job or not?"

Lindsay: "My memory is not that good sometimes."

(Y/N): "Alright." *feels Lindsay's breasts*"Hmm, no cut lines or silicone implants. They seem perfectly natural and yet they were a bit bigger. Wait a second."*pulls out a newspaper and reads it*"Scientists were working on an experimental nutritional supplement that could possibly use the organic consumables of normal everyday food to increase the mass of a woman's breast, and it worked."

Lindsay: "Mmm, Huh?"

(Y/N): " It's a pill that makes women's boobs bigger. When they eat a healthy diet of course, apparently they use this for supermodels."

Lindsay: "That would explain why my butt and boobies are bigger than usual."

(Y/N): " Wait, did you take one of those pills?"

Lindsay: "Oh yeah I remember now, I didn't take the pill because I'm comfortable with my body. The bigger butt and breasts is just me eating meat and forgetting the veggies."

(Y/N): " Linds you gotta have a balanced diet, can't just rely on one food group."

Lindsay: " Good idea."*kisses you on the cheek*"Thanks sweetie."

(Y/N): " Anytime. Um not to sound like a creep, but what size are you?"

Lindsay: " Hmm, oh it's that letter that comes after I."

(Y/N): " J?"

Lindsay: "Size J, that's the one."

(Y/N): " Woah uh, that's impressive how your back is not in pain?"

Lindsay: " I don't know, maybe I have strong bones from drinking so much milk I think. Or I get that from my mom."

(Y/N): "Well I guess it is possible."

Lindsay: "Wanna feel my butt too~?"

(Y/N): *blushes* " Um, uh..."

Lindsay: *giggles* "Oh you're so cute when you blush. Here let me help you."

Lindsay puts her top and bra on as she then takes her pants and panties off and she places your hands on her rear.

(Y/N): *blushes* " Woah...."

Lindsay: *giggles* "Aww don't worry sweetie, it's just you and me here~. Give my tushy a squeeze."

(Y/N): *gulps* " Okay if you say so." *Gives Lindsay's tushy a squeeze*

Lindsay: *giggles* " Your hands feel nice on my tushy sweetie, I like it."

(Y/N): *blushing* "Um, can I stop now?"

Lindsay: "Oh sure." *Feels not stopping* *giggles* "I said you can stop now."

(Y/N): *snaps out of it* " Oh uh, sorry sorry." *stops* " I, uh, lost myself there. I've never felt something so soft before or had a girlfriend."

Lindsay: *giggles* " Oh it's okay sweetie, I don't mind it. And I hope you don't mind if I pick out an outfit for you to wear."

(Y/N): "Outfit?"

Sometime later, we see you wearing a ball room gown that fits you and we see Lindsay adoring you.

Lindsay: "Oh you look so pretty."

(Y/N): " Not that I mind but why am I wearing this? It's not prom night."

Lindsay: "I just don't want you to miss out on wearing fashionable clothes, I even put fake breasts and butt on you so that you can wear a bra and panties."

(Y/N): *looks into the mirror and see you reflection*"I think the dress makes my butt a bit big."

Lindsay: "My gosh you're right. Let me make some adjustments."

We see Lindsay making some adjustments and you just stand still.

(Y/N): "I guess when it comes to girls who like fashion I end up being a model. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Next: Chapter 1: Pintsize Heroism

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