Chapter 3

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Chapter three

Cole's P.O.V

We spent all day trying to think of what this means. "I have run through my entire database and I think I might know the answer." "Well what are you waiting for Zane?" Kai asked with desperate eyes. "I believe it is referring to when you were fighting, there is a 89% probability that once you apologize to one another you will return to your formal selves." "That's great!" Jay said all excited. I know he doesn't like it when we argue, but I can't help it! Kai's been getting on my nerves lately. " There's no way I'm saying sorry to him!" Kai said pointing a finger at me.

See what I mean?

"Well good because I'm not saying sorry either" I turned away angrily.



"Guys come on." Nya sighed. "What are you even fighting about anyway?"

I looked at Kai and he looked at me. We both knew the reason we were bickering but we didn't really want the others to know. Instead we just let out a little huff "sorry" "sorry" we both growled. I expected to grow or at least feel something.

But I didn't.

"This isn't fair." Kai wailed. At this point I wanted to cry. And it's very rare that I'll admit that. But I wasn't going to, at least not in front of my friends. "Cole, are you crying?" Lloyd asked. Dang it! "No." I said with tears in my eyes. Jay picked me up and started hugging me. I let out a little sigh. Although I'm not much of a hugs guy it felt nice that Jay was there for me. Kai didn't say anything. My guess is that he's still mad. "I don't understand." I whispered into Jay's ear. " I thought it would make me big." "I know me too" he gently whispered back. "Well it didn't so there's no point in crying about it" Kai looked angry, I mean he always looked angry but you know MORE angry. "What do you wanna do?" I didn't mean to raise my voice. I just kinda did. "I don't know. But we have to figure it out before tomorrow." "Why" "Because I'm meeting Skylor at the coffee shop!" "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Everyone was staring at me, especially Nya. "Knew what?" "Kai likes Skylor!" "I do not!" Nya gave a shriek of excitement "Yeah you do." Kai thought for a moment then I saw a smile appear across his face. Uh oh

"Yeah I do, but you like Vania!" He smirked. "I uh I do not!" "Do to"

"Do not"

"Do to"

"Do not"

"Would you both just be quiet, your acting childish!" Jay said. Which doesn't make sense since Jay is 16 and he acts way younger than that, maybe 12?

"I believe that you have to mean the apology" Zane said. "I did mean it" I didn't mean it. I mean come on after what he did no way not in a million years. Zane didn't look convinced nor did the rest of the team. Ugh why is this so complicated!

Kai's P.O.V

What's he thinking? I stared at Cole. Honestly I knew he didn't mean the apology. Heck I didn't mean it either! I was just so mad, mad at Cole,mad at that woman,mad at myself. Wait a minute! The woman! Of course! she could turn us back. "I've got a plan!" I said "what?" Everyone said at once. I looked at Cole. He looked just as desperate to return back as I was. But a part of me didn't want him to.

Ok I'm sorry but I'm really frustrated at him! He deserves this! But... I guess no one would like it if I told them that. "We need to find that old lady, she turned us into kids, she can turn us back." "Good idea Kai but how can we find her? There are lots of elderly people around ninjago." Lloyd asked. "We could split up?" "Even if we did, Ninjago is huge! It would take us weeks to find her." Nya shook her head. "I got an idea!" Cole said suddenly enlightened by his own imagination. "Kai and I go back on the battlefield where we start fighting again. This will get the Lady's attention and then we can talk to her" I'm not gonna lie, that sounded pretty smart. But no I can't agree with him I'm mad at him! However everyone else seemed to like his plan so that's what we're doing. I let out a sign as I began to pack my things.

"No Kai!" Jay said as he grabbed my sword and put it out of reach. "Oh come on, why not?" "You're just arguing with Cole not trying to kill him" I know Jay hates it when people disagree with each other but I can't help it. I'm in hot water with Cole right now! "Besides your sword's too big for you now you'll hurt yourself" he said with a grin. "This better work" I said loud enough so that only I could hear.

Time skip (on the battlefield )

The place was wrecked! After our combat battle with the deck of cards (that's what we're calling them now) the bank was a complete mess! Nevertheless Cole and I got out in the open where we were last time. While the others hid behind trees and bushes. "This is going to be hard." He said. I looked at him in disbelief. "What do you mean?" "I mean fighting with you! I don't know what to fight about." "Well you did all those other times." I shot back. "What no way! You started them" "Did not" "Did too"

"Did not"

"Did too"

See told ya it was gonna be easy. Cole and I were arguing so much we didn't even notice the grown man dressed in all black sneak up on us from behind. Until it was too late.

"Did not"

"Did ahhhh"

That was the sound of me screaming as the stranger flew a sack over our heads and ran away quickly.

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