Chapter 6

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Chapter six

Jay's P.O.V

"And done!" I announced proudly as I placed the tracker on the counter. Zane and I have been working on it all day, and it was finally finished. "Nice work." Lloyd said. I grabbed it and started heading towards the door. It was time to rescue our friends!

Queen of Hearts P.O.V

I heaved my idiotic brother out of the rubble those little ninja caused. "Oh uh Alissa! Good to see you!" He knows I hate it when he calls me that. "Don't play dumb with me! I know you let the prisoners escape!" I scolded him. "And that's QUEEN OF HEARTS!" He frowned, "Do you want me to go out and find them?" "No you fool! I already caught them on the way out!" I said starting to get pissed off. "Oh so then where are they?" "Where do you think?" He smirked at me, "in the abductor." I nodded and my own smirk appeared on my face, and we both let out an evil laugh!

You might be wondering why we put them in there. Simple, they have been put under a spell by our rival, Bethy. Bethy has been stopping us from taking over the world for years! And the only way we can defeat her is by casting her own magic upon her. And before you say anything yes our arch nemesis is an old lady, don't laugh ok, she has very strong muscles and a very big brain. Making her almost impossible to stop. But once we suck out all the magic on the two boys nothing and nobody can get in the way of us ruling Ninjago! Whether they make it out alive or not is really not my concern. "Uh hearts," King of Spades said. "What happens if their friends come and rescue them?" "What do you think they're just gonna break down the steel doors and say a dorky line?" I walked around the room imitating them. "Stop right there!" I said in my deepest voice. And we both cracked up.

Just then we heard a loud noise behind us, and there stood the other ninja, the steel doors shattered around them. "Stop right there!" The green one yelled, my brother chuckled at my puzzled and slightly embarrassed face. "Let our friends go!" Shrieked the one in blue. "Never! We still need them, but you can have their bodies afterwards." I smiled, right before we launched an attack. We were winning too even though we were outnumbered we were still way better fighters. I managed to pin the white one on the floor. "Not so tough without your friends huh?" I taunted him. Just then, a blast of fire hit me causing me to yelp in pain." "Not so fast!" I turned around to see the red ninja hands on hips standing back to back with the other one. 

The black one rolled his eyes. But couldn't stop a smile from escaping his lips "What, how are you-" "back to normal?" The red one said, still smiling. "Yeah" they both groaned." okaaaay if you really want to know. I'll tell you."

(Time lap, back to when they were in the abductor)

Kai's P.O.V

"Let us go!" Cole screamed as he banged against the clear stone wall. It was no use, that stuff is impenetrable, except to elemental powers. But since we were still 8 year olds we didn't have any. "Ugh" he let out a sigh before giving up, his head hanging low. I hated seeing him like this. Things have been really bad between us, and now because of it we were probably going to die, but I didn't want to leave things like this. If we were gonna go out, I wanted things to be cool between us first. And now that we were alone, no one could interrupt us. "I'm sorry Cole, I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you." I looked down trying to dig my toes into the floor. "I was just really upset, but still it was wrong and I'm sorry." "Yeah I'm sorry too" he sighed "we're brothers Kai! Not enemies! We should have been honest with each other instead of bottling this all up." He smiled at me, I smiled back. "Took you long enough." Said a familiar voice.

Can you guess who it was? Yes that's right- wait no not Santa. "You!" We both shouted, while we stood face to face with the elderly woman. "You turned us into kids!" She had some serious explaining to do,my mind raced thinking of all the possible excuses she could come up with. "Yes." Oh... well that was no fun.

"Yes? That's it?" Cole said, sounding more angry by the second. "Why?" "Because you hooligans have been fighting with each other since FOREVER!" We looked at each other, "not anyone," I said, "we made up." Corny yeah I know but come on we're KIDS! "I see" she started talking sweet again, seriously she should totally be an actress. "I guess this means I can return you into your cocky teenage bodies" "huh" we asked a little surprised, "you guys solved the riddle, you apologized!" She replied also sounding a bit surprised. "Well look at that Zane was right for once." I said. "What do you mean? Zane's always right." Cole said. The old lady shook her head. "Are you two arguing again?" "NO!" She smiled. Then after a quick dance routine she clapped her hands once, twice, three times and we were back.

Just like that.

Wish we knew that'll work sooner.

(Time lap, back to the present)

King of Spades P.O.V

"Wow," we were all comfy and snuggled up, listening to the brothers tell their story of how they turned back. "That's quite interesting." The one in white said, which I learned later was Zane. "Yeah, who'd thought Zane would've been right about this one." The one in blue laughed. (Jay) my sister rolled her eyes, as I offered everyone another chocolate chip cookie. "Wait, weren't we doing something before this?" I asked. "Yes! We were in the middle of a fight!" She wailed, oops I got so caught up in what happened I completely forgot about the reason we were there in the first place! "Right," a moment later we all got into our combat stances but we needed to wait for the green one to tie his shoe. (Lloyd) "Are you ready now?" Hearts asked impatiently.

We all nodded in agreement then launched into an epic fight. There were battle cries and corny catch phrases and every kind of flip known to mankind! I saw Jay back away then mumbled something into some sort of speaker. Just then 4 heavy armed trucks broke down the walls while police scrambled out. "Oh come on! The door is literally open!" I yelled. "By the power invested in me I declare that you two are under arrest!" One of them said firmly, completely ignoring my previous complaint. Rude!

A few minutes later we were cuffed and driven off to kriptarian prison. Where they practically FORCED me to wright my side of the story. So there happy now?


Jay's P.O.V

"Cole!" Kai yelled running into the game room. "Did you take my hair gel?" "No, why would I take your hair gel. I'm not opposed with hair!" He shrugged. "Yes you are!" "Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too!"

I smiled, yeah sure I hate it when we argue, no wait I DESPISE it!

But we're brothers, and sometimes brothers fight, but you can always bet that in the long run, we've always got each other's backs.

To protect not to stab I mean.

The end

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