Chapter 4

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At the Azur Lane base the new shipgirl known as Nathan (Jamie) James is in a hospital bed still unconscious. Beside her bed was Graf Spee, she was told to watch this new ship girl or Corrupted, right now the Council is deciding her fate to either keep her or execute her. Many are not wanting execution, but a few want her dead, but luckily it's only in the single digits of votes. Right now Council has called in Jamie's quote on quote bodyguard Graf Spee from shipgirls who want her dead and just in case she can kill her in Jamie fully becomes a corrupted.

Council Room.

The Council is filled with it's leaders of each nation.

Norther Union - Sovetskaya Rossiya
Eagle Union - Enterprise
Sakura Empire - Nagato
Royal Navy - Queen Elizabeth
Ironblood - Bismark
Iris Libre - Richelieu
Sardegna Empire- Vittorio Veneto

They also have the Eastern Radiance as an ally but they haven't chose a Council Member yet. However recently Enterprise became the next Council Member for the Eagle Union. Her sister stepped down from a heavy injury that she sustained with the Sirens. Right now they're all conversing on the main subject, and that's all about the new born Destroyer Jamie.

Bismark: "This whole situation is a mess."

Queen Elizabeth: "Indeed it is, I ordered Dreadnought to stay away from Jamie but I have a feeling that she'll disregard my orders."

Nagato: "Knowing her her she will. But if that happens you might humiliate her just like all your other punishments."

Queen Elizabeth then mischievously smiles at the thought of punishing Dreadnought for going against orders. Suddenly the council room doors bursted open, it was RFS Kirov, she's RFS Vyerni's sister. Kirov also did not look happy about this whole situation.

Rossiya: "Kirov what are you doing here?!"

Kirov: "Where you holding that Corrupted Bitch!? She killed my sister!"

Enterprise: "I'm sorry Kirov, but your sister was also Corrupted. But she was dealt with accordingly."

Kirov felt her heart drop from hearing this news.

Kirov: "N-No, Твоя ложь!!"

Enterprise: "I can assure I'm not. I was there, she had all the symptoms and she had the trademark Golden's eyes and the currupted aura around her. I'm sorry Kirov, I really am."

Kirov then fell on her knees with tears streaming down her face. Rossiya stood up from her seat and went down to her friend and put her hand on her shoulder.

Rossiya: "Kirov, please go home right now, we'll hold a ceremony after this meeting. Пожалуйста, иди домой, мой друг."

Kirov nodes her head and leaves the Council Room. Rossiya hung he head and sighed.

Rossiya: "This war, it's not getting any easier is it?"

Richelieu: "No it isn't."

Bismark: "But I have a feeling that this war will have more sacrifices and more losses before we even get close to winning this war."

Vittorio: "But first we do our best for what we can do for now. Speaking of, Nagato, Akagi and Kaga are waiting orders for those two to be part of Jamie's security team."

Nagato: "I know, they were repeatedly asking for me to help watch her."

Bismark: "Graf Spee is fine watching her though, so far for security Spee is qualified to either be her guard or executioner, I just hope Executioner doesn't come."

Queen Elizabeth: "Belfast is also helping her as well. But from Belfast told me from just looking her in the eyes she has gone through some Serious amount of pain and emotional distress. From what I am guessing she has more dealt with more then just the sirens or Corrupted. From what she has faced in her past we do not know. We'll know more once she's awake and tells us."

Nagato: "彼女がすぐに目覚めることを望みます."

Rossiya: "Просто молитва не поможет, но это все, что мы можем сделать на данный момент."


Jamie started to turn in her sleep, when she woke up she was in what appears to be a hospital room. But as she moved her arms they were handcuffed to the bed railings. Jamie has her normal and neutral expression back on her face.

Jamie: "Well, that's unfortunate."

Jamie looked around and see's that same woman that helped her before with Vyerni. But it appears she's in her casual wear. She was also munching on a bag of chips.

????: "Well, good morning."

Jamie: "Umm Morning? What time is it?"

????: "It's......... 11:39. You have been asleep for two days."

Jamie: "That's.... Unfortunate. But please, can you remove these cuffs? I assure you I'm not a threat to anyone."

????: "Well the higher ups are having a meeting to decide your fate."

Jamie: "Wait, my fate? I don't fully understand the situation. If you can inform me please."

Outside the room all the girls besides Enterprise who were there at her awakening are quietly watching her interacting with Graf Spee.

Javelin: "It's like seeing two robots talking to each other."

Akagi: "Yes it is, but I'm happy she's awake."

But they were cut short from the two finally giving names to each other.

Jamie: "Oh, I'm the USS Nathan James. But you could call me Jamie, it what all those other girls called me. Yours?"

Graf: "I'm KMS Graf Spee, you can call me by either Graf or Spee."

Graf reached in her chip bag and pulled out one chip and had the cone shaped chip on her finger and pointed it at Jamie.

Graf: "Want on?"

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