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Third Person P.O.V

          One month after Albus was found he had improved a bit. He still didn't talk but he was more comfortable with his family. He was able to cuddle with them when he felt up to it and he sat at the table when he wanted to. Other times when we was feeling cranky or too lost in his mind, he'd curl up and hide in the corner or even under his bed. Small spaces. But since he couldn't talk, it was hard to catch his kidnapper and his case was still being investigated as much as it could without his testimony.

            What Albus loved most though was that Scorpius was always at his house and he could be with the blonde with the gentle voice. He told Albus that he had school which Albus didn't like but when he saw the blonde, he was excited that it didn't matter. He even got to see the boy at night because one night when he had a nightmare, Scorpius made a makeshift bridge between the houses. Albus could crawl on to the board to get to Scorpius' room or likewise.

            At first, Draco was very concerned that his son was spending so much time with his obsession.

            "Don't you think it's unhealthy?" He asked his wife one lonely dinner.

            "Sweetheart, Scorpius has showed no interest in having friends... ever. I think it's good for him to have friends finally. He's come out of his shell so much, isn't that what we wanted?" Was her reply and he pursed his lips. He had to admit, he liked having his nights alone with his wife and that his son was happy.

            James and Scorpius walked through the door to see Harry sitting on the couch. He was still on a leave, which was six months, and he used this time to help Albus improve.

            "Hey dad." James spoke.

            "Hello boys, how was school?" He asked.

            "It was per usual, I got a perfect score on my history test." Scorpius smirked and shoved James lightly.

            "How did you do?" Harry asked.

            "I got a 90." James answered. "Where is everyone?" He asked looking around.

            "Your mother picked Lily up from school and then took her shopping. Albus was here but he went to the bathroom." Just ask he finished that sentence, Harry heard the toilet flush and Albus came barreling into the living room.

            "Ah there's my buddy." Scorpius smiled and Albus rushed over to him. He wasn't crawling anymore and he was on his two feet when he hugged Scorpius. He was shorter than him by at least a foot and Scorpius could hug the boy and place his chin on Albus' head. "I missed you but the weekend is here so I can spend it with my favorite person."

            "Hey." James sounded from behind them.

            "Sorry Jamesie." Scorpius spoke in a sing song voice. "He's my favorite."  Scorpius laughed.

            "Well then am I your second favorite at least?" He asked and Scorpius pondered a bit. "Hey."

            "Of course you're my second favorite you twat." He said and then he looked over to Harry. "Sorry sir."

            "It's fine Scorpius." Harry laughed. "You've done a lot for us, you can at least curse here."

            "Thank you." Scorpius smile and then Albus pulled away. He pointed to his mouth then to Scorpius. "I could eat yeah." He nodded. Albus looked at James and did the same thing.

            "Yeah I'm starving." He said and Albus took them both by the hand bringing them into the kitchen. "Ah dad made some snacks." James said sitting down and Albus pushed the plate of cookies in front of the two of them.

            "Thank you Albus." James and Scorpius said in unison. Albus nodded once and took a cookie himself. He shoved it in his mouth and then chewed it. James grimaced but Scorpius chuckled.

            "Easier there Albus." He told the green eyed boy. Said boy looked at him wide eyes then opened his mouth closing it like a fish. "One day buddy. One day you'll talk again." Albus leaned closer to Scorpius and Scorpius stroked a hand through his hair. "Only when you're ready Albus. Only when you're ready." Scorpius told Albus. He closed his eyes as Scorpius threaded fingers through his hair. Scorpius turned his head and gently pressed a kiss on Albus' head. This was the first time he did and after he did it, Albus turned around wide eyed. "Sorry I di-" Albus put his finger to Scorpius' lips and shook his head. He slowly gave Scorpius a smile. He rarely smiled, he only ever did when he was extremely content or happy. So Scorpius was reassured and he smiled back. He leaned against Scorpius again and he felt very content, more content then he felt in a long time. He actually felt loved.

Albus' P.O.V (This might get confusing)

          Scor-pius.... Blonde hair, soft lips, very nice. He found me. I safe with him. He kept me safe. Dom not happy I left probably. Mad. Very mad. I was scared. He left me alone. All alone. I ran. I didn't want to be with Dom. Dom liked to hurt. I didn't like hurt.

            Hand enclosed on shoulder and I cried out.

            "Hey Albus, shh I didn't mean to scare you." Soft voice. Scorp-pius. Open mouth, no word. Why no words?

            "Albus, do you want to play a game or something?" Rougher voice. James. Brother and also gentle. Open mouth again then close. Blink one, two, three then nod one. James eyes wide.

            "Okay, we can play a card game." Soft voice. Open mouth, no words. Close mouth, blink one, two, three. Panic. Panic. Panic.  "Woah, Woah, Woah." Soft voice and then hair. Jerked, warm embrace. "Shh calm down." Fingers and hair. "Shh." Scor-pius. Close eyes. Warm embrace, darkness surround and sleep.

Scorpius' P.O.V

            Albus fell asleep on my chest so I looked at James.

            "Guess it's just you and me." I told him and he shrugged.

            "I think you should lie him down or something." He suggested.

            "I guess. I'll take him to his room then we can go to mine." I told him.

            "Okay." He shrugged. I lifted Albus up bridal style and stood up. I walked into the living room as James was right behind me. Harry was fast asleep on the couch so I stifled a laugh.

            "Long day it seems." I whispered to James who laughed. Albus was sleeping away as I climbed the stairs and walked into his room. I placed Albus on his bed before kissing his head. I turned to James and motioned for him to come. He walked in and I stepped on the make shift bridge.

            "This is so dangerous." He muttered and I shrugged.

            "Maybe but sometimes Albus needs me." I said and balanced on the small piece of ply wood. I hopped on my desk then jumped down. He did the same and we sat on my bed. "Now let's play some cards." We sat on my bed and I dealt the deck to play Egyptian Rat Screw. We were going back and forth before James asked me question.

            "How did you know you were gay?"

            "Um I don't know, I was never into girls." I shrugged and placed down a jack.

            "Did you hook up with any guys?" He asked me and I grimaced.

            "I told you I didn't have any friends but yes I have. In the bathrooms at school. I was openly gay there so a lot of guys wanted to try it out."

            "In the bathrooms?"

            "Yes." I laughed shoving him on the shoulder. "Now why are you asking? Want to take a ride on the Scorpius coaster?" I teased with a wink and he blushed.

            "As much as that does sound tempting, no." He chuckled. "I was only asking because the only other gay person I met was Albus." He told me and my heart staggered.

            "What?" I asked and he took a deep breath letting it out with a sigh.

            "Albus came to me a few days before he was kidnapped and told me he was scared. I asked him what it was about and he told me that he had no feelings towards girls. He told me that he did find his teacher attractive though and it was a male."          

            "His teacher?"

            "I don't think he was gonna act on it." He scowled playfully. "I think he was just telling me he was attractive."

            "And this happened before he went missing?" I asked and he nodded.

            "I thought, for the longest time, he ran away because he was scared our parents wouldn't accept him. But when they couldn't find Albus anywhere I knew someone must have taken him."

            "And soon we'll find out who did."

            "I just wish he'd talk again then we could really find out who did it." He told me and I frowned. I squeezed his shoulder and he looked up.

            "Soon James. We'll find that bastard or bitch who hurt your brother and I will personally do my best to make sure they suffer." I promised and he nodded but didn't say anything. I let go of his shoulder and ruffled his hair. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

            "Stop you git, I like my hair the way it is." He told me and I smirked.

            "Anything you say Jamesie." I teased and shoved me.

            "You're losing so let's finish." He smirked and I only rolled my eyes but we did finish the game.


            I stripped down to my boxers and got into my bed. I had had a long day so I was ready for bed. It wasn't anything that happened that made it long, like when I found Albus, just that I was up for so long. So I closed my eyes and was snuggling my pillow when I heard a loud cry out. I jumped and sat up in bed to hear the bridge being used. I saw a dark figure appear in my room and then it jumped on my bed.  Albus was whimpering and shaking so I moved over in my bed opening the covers.

            "Come here Albus." I told him and he was quick. He went under my covers and curled up to me. "I'm sorry, I'm only in my boxers." I whispered and then started to play with his locks. His hair was still the same length because Ginny wanted to cut it but he freaked out when she came near him with scissors. "You need a haircut Albie." I told me and he sighed at the nickname. "I love you buddy." I whispered before we both fell asleep.

Guys, I'm seeing Megan Trainor tonight, i'm so excited!

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