Velvet Ants or Cow Killers

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Light let out a small huff as she carried her good friend, Cloud, across the rocky terrains. They weren't searching for anthing specific at all, though Light kept an eye out anyways. She knew how dangerous the wild terrain around this area could be. "H-hey, Light?" Cloud asked "Yeah Cloud?" Light replied "What's eating ya?" "Why are you being so cautious?" Cloud sounded nervous. Light let out a chukle "Just keeping a lookout for Leaf Cutters and Cow Killers. But of those hurt quite a bit and I don't want you getting stung or bitten by either of those. Also, my reason for carrying you" "Oh" Cloud looked relived. "Can you let me down?" "Really?" "Yeah" Light put Cloud down "Be careful, would ya?" "Of course!" Cloud started walking, Light following behind. Eventually night came, and the two set up their camp, both going to sleep almost imidietly. The next morning, Cloud woke up with something on his face, and Light bowed over him with a pair of pincets "Hold still" She spoke softly as she moved the pincets down to his cheeckbone and plucked something off of it "Wh-what?" Cloud stuttered, and sat up, seeing Light, who was now sitting up straight right besides him, a bug of sorts inbetween the pincets "Watch" She calmly instructed. The bug curled up, and a long stinger came out of it's back "See that stinger? It's long, isn't it?" "Y-yeah" Cloud nodded "What kind of bug is that?" "A Velvet Ant, also known as a Cow Killer" Light seemed completely calm about the situation "We're lucky to come across one of theese fellas" "Don't they hurt?" "Oh course they do. They're the 4th most painful insect in exsistance, with a poison that lasts for 30 minutes straight" "O-oh"


Credits for Cloud goes to AnitaSuelho

Credits for Light goes to me

Credits for undertale goes to toby fox

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