Day 5: You

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It was finally the last day at the cabin. 

We leave tommarow morning. 

Thank gosh. 

I've been in my room all day and whenever Aspen checked on me I just told her I didn't feel well. 

Obviously a lie. 

Carlos stayed with me for a while trying to get the truth out of me. 

But I couldn't get it out so it just was two hours of tears and hugs. 

Now I'm currently laying on my bed, starring at the ceiling. 

I couldn't cry anymore. 

Aspen had this problem before. 

Liking two guys at one. 

 "If you are ever in love with two boys at once, choose the second one, because you wouldn't of fell for him if you truly liked the first one" 

Jacob was first. 

Sam was second. 

But I can't choose Sam...because he hates me. 

And that makes the pain worse. 

I hate that kind of sadness. 

Where it physically hurts too. 

There's a knock on the door and I get up to answer it. 

I open it and there he is. 


He looked horrible. 

I didn't look better. 

"Hey" I whisper. 

"Can we talk?" Sam chokes out. 

"Sure" I say. 

I let him in my room and he sits on my bed. 

I close the door and sit next to him. 

"About yesterday...I didn't mean anything that I said" Sam stated "You aren't a loudmouth...or manipulative....or a bitch" He states " I was just mad because..."

He pauses. 

"Because?" I ask. 

"I was confused" I admits. 

"About what?" I ask. 

"That didn't mean nothing"

I look at Sam and he looks away. 

"It didn't?" I ask. 

"No, It meant so much, Claire..."  Sam looks at me "I think I've liked you for months now and I just used Emmet as a distraction...which I know isn't okay but I really really like you-" 

I cut him of with a kiss. 

When I pull away I admit my secret. 

"I like you too" 

With that, Sam pulls me into another kiss.

It got heated and that's all I remember.

It was all a blur after that. 

I finally had my answer though. 

It was Sam since the beginning. 

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