Girls Day

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"So that's pretty much it!" My mom smiles. 

"I love your house! And thank you so much for letting me stay here Mr. And Mrs. Emerson" Rylee smiles. 

"It's no problem! It isn't the best situation, But we are here, we promise" My mom smiles. 

"Thank you" Rylee states. 

"You two can head upstairs" My dad says. 

Rylee and I walk upstairs to Aspens old room. 

"Her and Carlos just moved out, so it's all yours!" I smile. 

"Your family is the best" Rylee states. 

"The town did so much for us after Ryland...Especially your's the least we could do" I explain. 

Rylee nods "Do you miss him?" 

I take a deep breath in and nod "Everyday" 

There is silence until I finally speak up and say goodnight. 

This week has been crazy. And it's only Tuesday. 

Rylees parents were not happy...They kicked her out with 30 minutes to pack, She came here and we explained to my parents what was going on. My mom cried and my dad just looked at Rylee with pity and worry. They decided to take Rylee in, After everything her family did for us when Ryland died, it was the least we could do. 

I walked into my bedroom and instantly started my homework. 

It was piled on us this week. 

I barely had a break. 

And like I said, It was only Tuesday. 

Wednesdays are usually our off days though. 

Thank gosh.


1:05 Am

My phone started buzzing like crazy. 

I picked it up to see that Kayla was calling. 

I pressed answer and put it on speaker phone. 



"Claire guess what?" 


"Emergency girl day tommarow!" 

Emergency girl day. 

Each year Kayla and I go on a girl day when the stress is high and we need a break. 

"Are you sure you want it for tommarow?" I ask. 

"Yes!" She shouts.

"But what about-" 

"Nobody cares! See you tommarow! Have your mom call you in!" Kayla states, before hanging up. 

I laughed and finished getting ready for bed. 

And before I knew it, it was morning.

I got out of bed and ran down the hall to Rylees bedroom. 

"Rylee!" I yell, knocking on her door. 

"What?" She asks, opening the door. 

"Get ready and meet me downstairs in 30 minutes" I state. 


I run back to my room and start getting ready. 

I put my hair in a low ponytail and throw on some jeans and a black shirt. 

As I grab my bag my phone dings. 

I laugh and send a quick "Love you too, Dork" Before shutting my phone off. 

First rule of girl day: No phones unless it's for pictures

Second rule: Nobody can know about girl day until the day is over

Check and Check. 

I sling my bag over my shoulder and head downstairs. 

"Good morning my wonderful mother!" I smile. 

"What do you need?" My mom asks. 

"Call Rylee and I into school" I state. 

"Let me guess, girl day?" My mom asks. 

"Classified information" I roll my eyes. 

"Fine" My mom sighs "No more missing school unless you are dying then" 

"Deal" I kiss her cheek and skip over to the door. 

"Rylee! You coming?" I yell. 

"Yeah!" Rylee says, walking down the stairs. 

I grab her hand and drag her outside. 

"Lets go losers!" Kayla smiles from her car. 

"What's Kayla doing here?" Rylee asks. 

"Car, then questions" I state. 

Rylee and I climb into Kaylas car and Kayla gets into the drivers seat. 

"Okay Rylee! Welcome to your first Emergency girl day!" Kayla announces. 

"Emergency girl day?" Rylee asks. 

"Yup! When stress gets to high, Kayla and I have our parents call in sick so we can miss school and have a fun day" I explain. 

"Cool!" Rylee smiles. 

"Lets do this!"


The day went by in a blur. 

Pictures, adventures, And just plain fun.

I'm going to miss these two next year.

Kayla has one more year, but poor Rylee is stuck in high school for 2 more years, as a mom. 

"This was officially the best girls day ever!" Kayla shouts. 

"It was so much fun!" Rylee smiles. 

"The best for last" I smile. 

"No pity parties!" Kayla laughs. 

"Right! Right!" I laugh. 

We were currently sitting on the hill that over looks our town eating ice cream. 

"But in all honesty, We're gonna miss you" Kayla states. 

"You are the actual best" Rylee states. 

"Stop it" I laugh "It just sucks that I wont get to meet your baby" 

Rylee laughs "I know, but on the bright side you both are still going to be the aunts" 

"Yay!" Kayla smiles. 

Kayla took the news good, she almost cried too, which is not like Kayla. 

"The rest of the year is going to go by perfectly" I state. 

"We can hope" Kayla laughs. 

We could hope and wish. 

But I knew it wouldn't work. 

By that time one last storm was coming. 

And we all knew it. 

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