Hoco Pranks

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The best weeks ever in your high school careers. 

Dress up days, Spirit, and the annual cheerleader VS Football players prank war. 

The best tradition at east mountain high ever. 

The way it works is the winning team from last year draws a name from the other team and that is their target, Once their target gets out or they get out, the winner of the round moves to the finals which takes place on Friday, whatever team wins Friday gets to do one schoolwide prank that the losing team has to pick up, got it? Good. 

"Okay team! It is that time of the year once again, and since we won last year, we get to draw names, you know the rules, sophomores pick sophomores, juniors pick juniors, and seniors pick seniors" I smile "Draw your name and have fun!" 

I put down the three hats that have the names in them and draw on for myself. 

I open the paper and see the name of the person I actually wanted. 


The last time I had Jacob with Sophomore year. 

I won and I will defiantly be winning again this year. 


"Thanks Mrs. Anderson" I smile, waving to her. 

I walked over to Jacobs car and start putting sticky notes all over it. 

It was currently midnight and that is when the war started. 

And for my first prank I decided to do something simple and easy. 

Aka put sticky notes all over Jacobs car. 

I spelled out a few things like my name and you're welcome. 

It was a simple way to start off. 


Once I was done I walked back over to my house and walked upstairs to my room. 

I layed down in bed and drifted off to sleep.


"Bye!" I yelled as I walked out of my house. 

I looked over at the Andersons house and noticed Jacob walking down the stairs of his porch. 

He looked up and noticed his car and I smiled, setting my stuff in my backseat. 

"Happy homecoming Anderson!" I yell as I climb into my car. 

He looks over at me but before I could hear what he yelled I slam my car door shut. 

I leave my drive way in a roar as I laugh watching Jacob. 

When I get to school I park my car and Kayla runs up to me. 

"What was your prank?" She asks. 

"You'll see" I smile. 

I watch as Jacob pulls into his normal spot, all the sticky notes are off his windows but the rest of the car is still full of them. 

"You didn't" Kayla laughs. 

"Oh I did" I smile, satisfied. 

Jacob gets out of the car and storms up to me. 

"Seriously?" He asks. 

"It's homecoming week, you know the rules" I smirk. 

"No" He whines. 

I just laugh and walk away. 

Kayla catches up with me and gives me a high five. 

"Okay that was good" She smiles. 

Claire 1. 

Jacob 0. 

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