Short Story: Rage Much?

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     "No! You idiot! Why?!" I yelled. I heard my door open as my brother walked in.
     "What up?" I scowled back at him. He slowly backed up towards the door and ran out. I shot up from my desk and slammed the door. I went towards my bed and kneeled. Taking out an old mattress from beneath my bed, I stood slowly, pulling it up with me. I leaned it against my wall and took a few pillows from my bed. Taking and cutting tape, I pinned some pillows up on the walls.
     There. I thought. They'll do fine for now. I gazed at my makeshift sound absorbers, while returning to my desk with new determination. I sat down and once again, failed.
     "Oh come on! What the fork?!" I yelled towards my computer.
     "I can't believe this. This is unbelievable," I muttered. I looked into my recording camera.
     "You guys saw that, right? I mean, I had that! It should've went in! This is complete bull-shirt!" My voice got progressively louder as I spoke. I readjusted my wireless headphones and focused again. I used all my attention and shot.
     "Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!" I grumbled, making a growl like sound come from my throat. "Come on," I yelled. "Game, I will murder you, I swear!" My volume died down as I threatened it. I stiffed and focused.
     "Okay. It's okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Let's do this." I sighed and scooted my wheeled chair closer. I took a deep breath and shot. I could feel my face heat up as I started to growl. The growl soon rose into a yell. I took off my headphones and placed them on the the desk. I stood up in anger.
     "I'm done. I can't do it anymore!" The more I spoke, the angrier I got. Soon, I was yelling again.
     "You're supposed to go IN the hole! Seriously! I mean, how hard is it to get a stupid ball in a forking hole?! Apparently pretty forking tough! I mean, really? You all saw it! I tapped it as lightly as possible! And yet, it still just jumps over that forking hole!" I stormed out of my room. My brother looks at me and gave me a questioning look. I put my hand up, showing I was fine.
     "I hope they like their video today... I forking hate that game," I announce.

Prompt: Write about a conversation that you had with an inanimate object. (In other words, it can't talk back)

     Who knew that I was talking about the game 'Golf with Friends'?

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