Moving In

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I drove down the highway, staring straight ahead. The window was open, my arm hanging out of it. Many fields passed by in a boring blur. I shifted a bit in my seat and scratched myself. The clock on the dash said it was around 2. The sun lit up the inside of the car. Trying to keep myself awake, I looked around the cab.

That's when I saw the map and envelope on the seat. That envelope was what started all this.

It showed up at my house a few days ago. The red seal made it seem important, so I opened it and read:

To whom it may concern:

Congratulations! Due to your exceptional combat skills, you have been selected to join Smash. Should you accept this invitation, please make your way to the Smash Mansion as soon as you are able; directions are included with this letter. We look forward to meeting you!


Masahiro Sakurai

A program that made use of my combat skills? Sounded good to me. Maybe I could make some money. I threw all my stuff into a duffel bag and hopped into my rusty car.

That was early this morning. I was still on the road, staring at the road and the sky. When would it end?

As soon as I thought that, houses showed up on both sides of the road. Trees loomed above, creating shadows in the cab. Looked like a suburb of sorts. About time.

I looked further ahead and saw a river. A bridge stood ahead, crossing that river. Had to be the entrance to downtown. I drove up the bridge and got a look at what waited on the other side.

As I thought, it was downtown. The buildings looked on the short side, with a few big ones placed around. One of the big ones reflected the sun into my eyes; I couldn't see the damn road. My free hand rose to block it and I kept driving. The sound of car engines and horns filled the air. Once off the bridge, I turned right onto the first street.

I slowed down, scanning each building to find the mansion. A short way down the road, I noticed a building with a ton of colorful flowers. A large, round symbol, with two lines through it, the same one from my letter, was placed on the front. Yep, this was the mansion I was looking for. I rolled into the parking lot, looking for an open spot. A short distance in, I found one near the entrance, under a tree. After turning the car off, I got out. After hours of driving, my body was stiff as hell, so I began stretching. Stretched my arms up, then out, then twisted my body. Then I shook my legs a bit to get the stiffness out. Feeling better, I opened the rear door and pulled out my dusty duffel bags, my backpack, and my tool kit. I closed the door, but it didn't catch and swung open again. I let out a grunt and slammed the door; it caught this time.

After picking my stuff up off the ground, I walked down the front path. Looking up at the mansion again, I noted now clean the building was. I could tell the building was new.  Turning sideways, I pushed the door with my shoulder and made my way in.

The smell of the building hit me first. Paint, drywall, carpet; it was the stink of a new building, as I thought. A pair of double doors led out to some kind of area, likely a commons area. I'd check it out later, but I needed to drop my stuff off first. To the left of the double doors, there was a reception desk, and an old man looking down at something. I walked up to the desk.

As I came to the desk, the old man looked up and grinned. "Hello there!" he said cheerfully. "You must be one of the new members of Smash. Can I have your name please?"

"Brad," I replied.

"Do you have any identification?"

"Just a second." I dropped my bags and dug around my pockets. As I did, I found my wallet and pulled it out. Under these lights, the leather looked even more faded than usual. I pulled off the rubber bands holding the wallet together. As I pulled off the last one, the wallet fell apart in my hands. I sifted through the cards until I found my wallet. After pulling it out, I tossed the card onto the desk.

The old man took a look over it. "Yes, this checks out." He made a mark on the paper and gave me my license back. "You seem to be overburdened. Want to borrow a cart? We have a few here in the back."

"Yeah, sure."

While I slid my license back in my wallet and bound it again, the old man turned to the back and pushed a cart from behind the desk. I bent down and grabbed my bags before placing them on the cart.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"Now that you're registered, you'll need your keys." The old man dipped below the counter for a moment. When he came back up, he was holding a small container. "There are three copies in this container. Your room number is listed in there as well. Feel free to visit the desk here if you need more."

"Thanks." I stuck the container in my pocket. "Where's the elevator?"

"It's to the right, at the end of the hall."

I turned and made my way down the hall to the pair of elevators. As I pushed the button, I noticed the shine of the metal trim. It was only for a moment, as the right elevator opened. I pushed the cart into the elevator. Realizing I didn't know where I was going, I reached into my pocket for the key container. I opened it and found a card listing the number 504 on it. I pushed the 5 button and waited, leaning on the cart.

A short time later, the doors opened to a beige hallway. I slowly pushed the cart down the hall, checking the doors for my room number. I eventually came across room 504. I pulled out the container again and took out a key. It was then that I saw the weird shape of the key;  it was a shiny brass key, and looked like something from hundreds of years ago. This was some fancy shit. I stuck the strange key into the lock and turned. The lock made a loud click as I did. I put my hand on the door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

Stepping in, I looked around. My eyes widened; the room was so new! The scent of fresh paint and new furniture filled the air, even stronger than before. To the right, a full kitchen gleamed; to the left, a small dining room. Right ahead, there was a big living room and what looked like a balcony. Just beyond the kitchen, there was a hallway. The walls were all a nice, deep brown. Before I explored any more, I needed my stuff. I returned to the hall and pulled the cart into the room. I then grabbed my stuff off the cart and walked down the short hall. Two doors, one on each side, stood ahead. I entered the one on the left.

It turned out to be the bedroom. I set my bags on the floor and took a look around my new bedroom. A bed sat in the center of the room, lit up by the light from the window above the headboard. To the right, a nightstand stood next to the bed, a simple lamp and digital clock on top of it. A desk was also on my right, closer to the door; I placed my tool kit next to it. I opened one of my bags and took some clothing out, placing the items in the closet to the left. The rest of the bags stayed at the foot of the bed; I'd sort through them later.

Entering the living room, I looked at the couch. The couch looked so soft and inviting. I just had to touch it. I felt like I was grabbing a cloud. I wanted to lie on this cloud couch, just to see how it felt. I'd have time for that later, though. This place was new, and I had to check it out.

I left my room and took the elevator back to the main floor to get a better look. Once I was down there, I looked around near the desk. Just past the front door, there seemed to be a lounge of sorts. Walking over to get a better look, I noticed the furniture. White couches and armchairs, brown tables and chairs, a few TVs... green carpet? Bit of a weird choice. Some folks were sitting at tables, playing board games. Quiet chatter filled the air, with the occasional chuckle or groan added in.

One guy caught my eye. He was sitting on one of the couches, focused on a large hardcover book. His bright red hair and green skin stuck out, even more so against his plain hoodie and jeans. He didn't seem to notice I was there, so I decided to move closer to the couch. I leaned against the armrest and stared at him.

Seconds passed in silence, me staring at him, him reading his book. He shifted slightly. "Piss off, kid, I'm busy," he said flatly, his eyes never leaving the page.

I said nothing, instead taking a seat next to him on the couch. Unable to see the page, I leaned closer to him.

He leaned away and turned to look at me. "I said piss off," he repeated. "What's your problem?"

"Just want to see what you're reading," I replied, pointing to the book.

"What, this?" He pointed to the book. "It's just a history book. Found it at the library."

"Huh, neat. I'm not much of a reader myself."

"Why not?"

"I dunno, just never got into it. I'm more about punching stuff."

The man turned to me and smirked. "Are you now? Why is that?"

I smirked back. "You look smart; you figure it out."

His smirk widened into a grin. "Whoa, getting sassy! I like your style." He set the book down on his lap. "Name's Ganondorf. You've caught my attention. Seems I'll have to keep an eye on you."

"Thanks. Say, you mind if I turn the TV on?"

"Sure. I can't stop you. Just keep the volume down; I still want to read this book."

I grabbed the remote off the nearby table and turned the TV on. Some action movie filled with explosions was on. I slouched a bit in my seat and settled in.

Only one day here, and I already had a great room, and possibly a friend.

This is gonna be great!

* * *


Trees, fields, sky, road... All passed by in an uninteresting blur. Hour after hour of this would bore anyone else to tears.

Thankfully, I didn't have to be. I was watching movies on the screen in my dash. My shoes were off, feet on top of the dash, seat leaned back. Ah, cruise control; truly a magnificent invention.

I turned my head to the right and began to sift through some papers in the center console. After a moment, I came across the document I was after; the letter, once sealed with red wax.

It turned up at my house not long ago. Though it wasn't uncommon for me to receive letters such as this, something about it revealed its importance even before I opened it. As I read it, I realized there was an opportunity here of some sort.

Evidently, so did my father. "This is a great opportunity," he said after reading it. "I know a few people in the city. It's a chance to meet them yourself." He even went so far as to help me pack my belongings.

I left just that morning and had been cruising that whole time. The road may have been rough, but my ride was buttery smooth. The movie was decent, too. It kept me distracted, at least.

A dinging sound rang through the cab. I jerked up in shock and began to survey the outside. Just ahead was the beginning of a suburb. I adjusted my seat and sat proper. The cruise control clicked off as I regained direct control. As I rolled through the suburb, I observed the aesthetics. Small houses, old and worn fences, rough roads, inexpensive cars. Looked to be a lower middle class neighborhood. Quaint enough, if one was in that economic class.

Still, this was but a prelude to the city proper. Near the river, I approached and drove to the crest of the bridge.

I looked ahead and saw the city. There it was. New Kyoto. It looked to be rush hour; many cars bustled below. It was backed up to the bridge, leaving me stopped for a time. I didn't mind all that much, though; New Kyoto was a beautiful city, and I had an opportunity to look over it longer. Some of the architecture was truly outstanding; the one huge tower near the center was my personal favorite.

Some time passed before I was able to get off the bridge. I drove down the street the mansion was supposed to be on. I found it fairly quickly; the parking lot adjacent was gated, and with a rather ornate gate at that. The gate opened as I approached, and I rolled in slowly. I needed to find a parking space. The sun was shining down intensely, and I realized I needed some shade. Luckily, there was a space in the back corner under a tree that was still free. I pulled in there carefully, leaving plenty of room between the wall and the car.

Once the sedan was turned off, I took a quick glance in the mirror. I quickly ran my hand through my hair to put it back in place, and adjusted my sunglasses. I then reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed my sword. Only after this did I climb out of my car. Before anything else, I slung my sword across my back. I opened the trunk and grabbed my suitcases. I extended the handle of one and set the wheels on the ground before carrying both toward the door.

As I passed the front of the mansion, I finally got a chance to take a closer look at it. The exterior of it was constructed from dark grey stone. Though simple, it had a sort of elegance to it. It also allowed the emblem above the door to shine. And shine it did; it appeared as though it had been buffed and polished to a mirror finish recently. The windows were perfectly clean as well. Out in front, a luscious, well-manicured lawn and multiple flowerbeds contrasted greatly against the building, adding some much-needed color to the property. I was impressed; this was fantastic design.

Once I was in the building, I removed my shades and stuck them in the front pocket of my blazer. After moving to the desk, I set my suitcases on the floor. There was an elderly, well-dressed gentleman tending the desk, absorbed in some kind of document.

"Excuse me, sir..." I began.

His head popped up immediately. He smiled warmly. "Good afternoon!" he said. "You must be here to register. Your name, please?"

"Seth." I pulled my license out of my wallet and presented it to him.

"Excellent." He made a note on his document. He then ducked under the desk for a moment before standing upright again, now with a container in hand. I stretched my hand out, and he placed the container in it.

"My keys, I presume?"

"You presume correctly. Three copies, and a card with your room number on it. The elevators are to the right."

"Thank you, sir."

"My pleasure. Check in if you have any questions."

I turned from the desk and opened the container. The card was placed on top. Room 1305. Below the card were three identical keys. I couldn't believe it; these keys were of an older, regal design. I pulled out my key chain and stuck one on there, leaving the rest in the container.

I walked down the hall to get to the elevators. To my left, there was what appeared to be a dining facility of some sort. It was hard to tell, as the lights were off in it. To the right, the dining area was extended, with seating for many more people.

I got to the end of the hall and entered the elevator. I scanned the buttons of the elevator; including the basement, there were 15 floors. My room would be on the second highest floor. I pushed the button and waited.

As the doors were closing, I noticed a woman running up to them, her hand outstretched. "Wait!" she shouted. Thinking fast, I put my hand out between the doors, forcing them to open again. She walked in and took a moment to catch her breath.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes." She looked at me. "Are you part of Smash, as well?"

"Yeah, just got here. I'm Seth."

"I'm Kamui. It's good to meet you!" She smiled and pushed the button for her floor.

As the elevator ascended, I got a better look at her. A black long sleeve shirt and grey knee-length skirt combined to make a tasteful outfit, accentuated by her long, silver-blonde hair.

Upon looking at her skirt, I turned my head away quickly. I shouldn't be staring.

The elevator opened on the ninth floor.

"Well, this is my stop," Kamui stated. "Maybe I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied, focusing on her face.

Kamui got off the elevator and the doors closed again. As I went up the next few floors, I wondered who else I may meet.

The doors finally opened and the floor was revealed to me; bright grey walls with a single dark grey strip horizonal in the middle, bright white carpet, a few landscape portraits, some dark brown doors, and a guy sleeping on the floor.

After a quick look around, I found my room. On closer inspection, the door had a shiny brass doorknob to match the key. I pulled out my key chain and found my key. One quick turn, and I was in.

Once in, I glanced around. Full kitchen, living room, dining room... Nothing spectacular, but a decent room nonetheless. If nothing else, it would be suitable for my stay here. Maybe I could add some decorations to it later.

I carried my suitcases to my bedroom. I got lucky; my room already had a desk in it. After setting the handheld suitcase on the desk, I put my attention to the rolling suitcase. It had my clothes; shirts, pants, undergarments, shoes. I placed them all in the closet. My more formal outfits were notably absent; they would come by delivery at some point in the future. Hopefully it would be soon.

I then turned my attention to my other suitcase. Popping it open, the first thing I saw was a large folder filled with various papers. I set it aside for now and turned my attention to the other items. The laptop was next; I placed it on the desk. The wireless mouse came out after and was placed next to it. Lastly, a smaller case, and an important one at that. I put it to the corner of the desk; I had to be able to get at it quickly.

All that was left was the sword. There was a free corner of the room where I could put it up for now. I pulled the scabbard off my back and placed it in that corner, hilt facing up.

With that, the unpacking was complete. I stepped out of the bedroom and into the living room. Sunlight seemed to be shining into the room. I looked to see the source; it was a glass door leading out to a balcony. I stepped through the door to get a good look at the view. My balcony was facing out toward the city. From up here, the view was nice; this was the tallest building in this section of the city, so I could see quite a distance.

As I gazed out on the buildings, I felt as though there was something I needed to do, a detail I had overlooked. Perhaps it was in the hall. I left the balcony and went to the front door to take a look.

The moment I stepped out of my room, I saw him. It was the guy I passed earlier, still sleeping in the same place. A long black overcoat stretched over his body like a blanket. I gave his shoulder a shake.

He stirred slowly, a quiet groan escaping his lips. The man eventually pulled himself to his feet. His turtleneck and khakis were wrinkled from his snooze. He gazed at me and smiled.

"Hey," he said, still looking tired. "Sorry about that."

"What were you doing there?" I questioned.

"I tripped a bit earlier, and the floor was comfortable, so..."

"You just fell asleep on the floor where you fell?"

"Yeah, pretty much." He shrugged. "Oh, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Robin."

"I'm Seth." I extended my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." He grabbed my hand and gave it a good shake. His grip was firm. "Did you just arrive?"

"Yes, only about a half hour ago. I've been unpacking."

"You must be a bit tired, then. I'll leave you to relax." He turned to leave, but stopped. "I'll be meeting with some folks tomorrow afternoon for lunch. Would you care to join us?"

"Yeah, I should have the time for that."

"Great. I'll tell you the details tomorrow. See you then!" He walked down the hall to the elevators, hands in his pockets.

With that sorted out, I returned to my room. Since I had finished unpacking, I was free to do whatever I felt like. After the long car trip, I was feeling a bit sluggish. Perhaps some TV would do me some good.

I looked around the living room. The TV remote was on the coffee table. I picked it up and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and changed it to the news. As I watched, I sunk further into the couch.

Yes, this was all right.

* * *


I stared out the window, clutching my bags tightly. The hum of the bus drowned out any conversation, as well as most of my own thoughts. The bus hit another rut, bouncing me off my seat momentarily. This had been happening for hours now. I wished I had my van.

I'd heard of Smash even before I got my letter. To think I was considered worthy of joining... Well, I had to make sure to live up to their expectations.

An entire day of being on this bus, looking out on bland scenery, was wearing me down. My legs felt numb. I could barely keep my bags balanced. At least the scenery was nice.

Suddenly, the fields gave way to houses. People walked down the streets, children played in their yards, and they seemed happy. It seemed a lot like my own home.

Within minutes, the bus moved on to a bridge, giving me a perfect view of the river. The flowing water and the sunshine bouncing off the waves made for some lovely scenery. Even the bridge itself was interesting; a large suspension bridge, silver in colour. It was hard to tell where the river led to.

We coasted off the bridge and into the heart of the city. The sidewalks were crowded with people scurrying about, cars driving by not far away. The buildings started off short, but got taller as we got closer to the center. Some were stone, others were metal, and a few seemed to be made of glass. Though muffled, the sounds of car horns pierced through the bus.

An odd building came into view. Unlike all the others surrounding it, it was short, only about two stories. A crescent road stretched out in front of it, with another bus stopped on it. This was it; this building was the bus stop, the one I was looking for. My bus pulled in and, at long last, the doors opened.

As soon as the doors slid open, madness ensued. Likely stir-crazy from being on the bus for so long, everyone scrambled to gather their things and get off. For my own safety, I waited until the others moved out of the way before trying to get up.

Once I had some space, I shuffled toward the center aisle. I grabbed the handle of my bags and case and, with one great forward thrust, brought myself to my feet. I had to lean against the seat to keep from falling while the feeling returned to my legs. Once I was steady, I ambled over to the front and jumped off.

I looked around to fully appreciate the situation. I had made it to New Kyoto. Now I just needed to find the mansion.

I dug around in one of my bags and pulled out the map I was sent. A quick scan revealed where the mansion was; down the first street after the bridge. I had passed it on the way to the stop. It seemed I would have to walk the rest of the way.

I began to walk down the sidewalk, trying to blend into the throngs of people bustling about. Trying to keep ahold of my things proved to be difficult, as I kept bumping into people. This attracted some annoyed glances; I felt my face become flushed. Hoping to get out of the crowd, I picked up the pace.

After a time, I found the street. A short ways in, I found the mansion. A large building, given it was on the outskirts. The flowers out front were pretty, and the large tree was nice too. There was a parking lot; maybe I could use that when I got my van back.

As I passed the front on my way to the door, I caught a glimpse through the window. I couldn't see much; the area was dark.

Inside, I made my way to the desk. The elderly man there smiled at me. "Hello! What might your name be?"

"Megan," I replied, taking out my license.

He glanced over it. "Yes, I see. Here's your keys."

"Thank you!" I turned to the elevator and trudged along. Along the way, I passed someone. It appeared to be another Mii! He was looking straight ahead, focused on something else. He didn't appear to notice me. Strangely, he seemed grumpy. Maybe I should talk to him later.

In the elevator, I checked the card inside the container. Room 1006. I might have a decent view.

Once at the tenth floor, the doors opened. I was so tired, I almost didn't notice the suit of armor in the middle of the hall. I almost bumped into it before I saw it. I jumped, almost dropping my bags. This suit of armor was huge, towering over me. One arm was replaced with a miniature cannon.

Huh, seemed like this person was similar to me.

The person reached up and pulled off the helmet. My eyes widened as a blonde ponytail popped out before the rest of her face was revealed. The person in the armor was a woman!

"Oh, hello there," she said. "You look scared. I apologize for scaring you."

I took a breath. "I'm okay, thank you," I replied, retightening my grip on my stuff. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Megan."

"I'm Samus, and the pleasure is mutual." She raised her arm cannon. "I was just taking a moment to calibrate my power suit. Must seem weird to see someone with a firearm on their arm."

"Actually, I have one myself." I nodded my head to the hard case.

"Oh, rather impressive! Say, I was talking with a couple of folks here earlier, and we were thinking of working on our shooting skills. We have plans for tomorrow, but we should have enough space for one more. I mean, you probably know your way around firearms."

I smiled. "I was hoping someone would ask. I'd be glad to join you."

"Good. Hmm... You look kind of wiped."

"I feel wiped."

"I'll just leave you to get to your room, then." She turned and entered her room.

I looked around and found my room directly to the right. I pulled out the key and with one turn, stepped in.

The room was rather nice. Simple, clean design, and a full kitchen!

My legs were shaking; I needed to find somewhere to set my stuff down. The hall just beyond the kitchen probably had the bedroom.

After shuffling down the hall and entering the first door, my assumption was proven right; this was the bedroom. I dropped all my stuff at the foot of the bed. The bed looked so comfortable.

First, though, I had to see the view. I stumbled out of the bedroom and through the living room toward the balcony. I shoved the door open and stepped outside. The breeze brushed across my face, and the sun warmed me slightly. I grabbed firm onto the railing and looked down. The view of the river was stunning, and the neighborhood across the way was nice, too. Further down, next to the mansion, a few people walked around the back garden. The fountain in the middle bubbled gently. Hedges surrounded the yard, and more vibrant flowers were sprinkled throughout. I would have to take a stroll down there later.

I yawned; I needed to get to bed soon.

As I stumbled back to the bedroom, my eyelids weighed heavy. I barely avoided tripping over the couch and running into the doorframe.

Finally, I was next to the bed. I did a quick heel spin, stuck my arms out and collapsed onto the bed. It was soft, yet also firm. It was plenty good enough for me. More would be done tomorrow; for now, I slept.

What would await me tomorrow?

* * *


Wow, this was a lot of paperwork.

It was an absolute mess, with papers strewn about my desk, completely disorganized. The only clear spot was where my laptop was. The screen was somewhat hard to see, as the sun shone through the window behind me onto the desk. The only sounds echoing through my office were the breeze from the window and the clicking of my fingers on the keyboard.

The peace was welcome; it allowed me time to think.

It wouldn't last, though. There was a knock at the door. Loud, but with purpose. There was only one person that could be.

"Come in, Reggie," I said, looking up from my laptop.

The door opened to reveal Reggie. He walked over to my desk, his stride exuding confidence. He towered over my desk, the breeze causing his perfectly pressed grey suit to flutter slightly. He had some papers in his hands; no doubt they were for me.

"Hey, Sakurai," he said, a small grin on his face. "I have the papers you requested."

"The ones from the reception desk, right? Just place them on the corner there. How many do we have today?"

He placed the papers on my desk, covering up some other documents. "According to Gustavo, three people checked in. How many does that bring us up to?"

"Hmm..." That was strange, I couldn't remember off hand. I shuffled through the documents on the left. I had it written down somewhere...

Suddenly, I saw it. The roster! I yanked it out. Before I said anything, I needed to update it. Turning to my right, I grabbed the stack Reggie brought in and sifted through it. I pulled out the three papers relevant to the roster. Grabbing a pen, I quickly marked off the three fighters who showed up today, then scribbled the new total at the bottom.

"We currently have eighty-three fighters registered," I stated matter-of-factly. "That means there are still..."

"Five unaccounted for," Reggie finished. "We have most of the roster here now. Should we go ahead with orientation?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes, let's do it. Send the message to everyone; the meeting will happen in the conference room tomorrow morning."

"And the fighters not here yet?"

"They've already confirmed their participation, and that they'll be a bit late. They've committed to arriving before the first round of fights. Send them letters with the important information."

"Great. Looks like I got my work cut out for me." Reggie chuckled. "I'll get right on it."

"Thanks, Reggie."

With that, Reggie turned and walked back out of my office, closing the door behind him with a loud thud. With his departure, the room fell silent again.

After a moment, my eyes began to wander around the office. First to the left, gazing at the seating area, then to the right, toward the bookshelves and fireplace. I had been so busy lately, I hadn't had much time to appreciate the office. It was easily my favourite part of the mansion.

Since I was already distracted from my work, I figured I might as well get a glimpse of the outdoors. I spun around in my chair and got up. The river flowed slowly not too far away from the building; it was calming. I then turned my attention to the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The sun, while not setting yet, was getting close to the horizon. It was a beautiful day. Maybe I should go for a walk...

I sat back down and turned back to my desk. No, I couldn't afford to take a walk right now. The frivolities would have to wait.

There was still work to do.

* * *

A/N: Hello, readers! I finally published the first real chapter of this book. It took a shocking amount of time, but I wanted to make sure it was better than the original. I also changed the names of the Miis to reflect the names given to them by the Mii Fighter Discords. I hope I've done a better job of introducing these characters than before. If you have the time, please leave a comment below telling me what you think of the chapter and where you think I can improve; I welcome all criticism. Hopefully I'll be able to get another chapter out in a more timely manner. Stay tuned for the next part!

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