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1] Title: Psychotic love
Participate username: MaknaeVickookie

Cover: 5/5. Cover is amazing. The Victorian era style of cover is great fitting the story. Great job.

Title: 4/5. Your title is good.
First impression: 8.5/10. First impressive was good. The detailing really caught my attention and it was mysterious too. Good job.

Grammar and punctuation: 15/15. It's like you don't even know what grammar mistakes are. Great job.

Plot: 14/15. Plot definitely is totally unique and the way you designed it is also great. Good work.

Vocabulary: 9/10. Good vocabulary. Wide range of words were used making it more interesting.

Descriptive writing: 10/10. The best amount this book is the descriptive way you write. Great work. The artistic way you write is great.

Description: 3.5/5. I think you need to change your blurb into something better. Keep the suspense plus do leave some space in it. It looks clustered.

Character development: 7/10. Your character should be more expressive also I think there are tons of questions about Yoongi and Jungkook you should clear them soon.

Emotions: 13.5/15. Your book did kept me hooked and I loved it. Good work.

Total marks: 89.5/100


2] Title: Icy Love
Participate username: @AlienboyfriendTae

Cover: 5/5. The cover is totally beautiful. The color and way Jungkook is laying feels like he is trapped in his icy love...the vibe is great.

Title: 5/5. Most suitable title as per the story.

First impression: 9/10. The first impression was like wow...it was great. The female lead Iclyn is made so strong and sassy with such aura that it makes me wanna know more about her.

Grammar and punctuation: 15/15. Your grammar is on point. Damn girl do you even know there are things called grammar error cause that doesn't look like to me you do.

Plot: 12/15. The plot is amazing. I just think you should be more open to the emotions. Show their confusing about their feelings etc plus show more bonding time with other members.

Vocabulary: 8/10. I think your vocabulary is great but it can be better.

Descriptive writing: 9/10. Your way of detailing and descriptive is amazing. Great work.

Description: 4.5/5. Your description is great but I think you can make it better using some quotes or something.

Character development: 9/10. To be honest the most development and most attractive character in book is Iclyn, the way she is not perfect and had her helpless movement but still she make sure to keep her head up and work harder is something that really hit me hard. Great work.

Emotions: 14/15. I really enjoyed the whole story until now. I really wanna read more soon. Great work.

Total marks: 90.5/100


3] Title: The girl of my dreams: Elegia
Participate username: KimGits

Cover: 5/5. Cover is outstanding and eye-catching. It's so beautifully designed.

Title: 5/5. Best title for the story.

First impression: 10/10. Since first para you already caught me with your detailing and play of words...like girl it's amazing. Your words are so beautiful it makes me wanna ready more and more.

Grammar and punctuation: 14/15. There are few spelling mistakes but overall it was great. Your grammar is totally perfect.

Plot: 15/15. At first I thought it was a simple love story but damn it turned out amazing. It's mind blowing actually.

Vocabulary: 10/10. Did you learnt the whole dictionary cause damn your vocabulary is so unique and strong that I have to search up for words lol. But yeah this is one of the best vocabulary I have seen in a book.

Descriptive writing: 10/10. I think we can all agree your way of describing things is so beautiful like I am literally mind blown to the point that I want you to teach me how to write that. Aint even kidding at this point.

Description: 5/5. Most people fail to make the description perfect but you made the plot clear and used a poem which was a great idea btw it really is eye catching.

Character development: 9/10. Although I am bit disappointed that both characters met ill fate. There is something disappointing that they gave up so easily but it I should also keep on mind how painful it must have been for both characters. Good job.

Emotions: 14/15. I am suing you for making me cry. After all those cute and beautiful moments you did took the whole revenge at last. But I did enjoyed reading the whole book. Good job.

Total marks: 97/100


4] Title: The queen of darkness.
Participate username:CutieGhost0746

Cover is fitting to the story.

Title: 4/5. Good title.

First impression: 2/10. The first impression was not so great. You did character sketch in one chapter and did continue in the same chapter. I suggest you do both in different chapters plus if you are giving information (character sketch) give all the details properly. Don't leave things and make one character information long other short. Do all information necessary. Plus also from starting of the story it was a bit too much in my opinion. Their fathers died and what they did? Just went to their home and did nothing much of it. It disappointing to see such lack of emotion. They should be shown devastated and crying but they were simply standing which is ...odd.

Grammar and punctuation: 4/15. Your grammar needs a lot of work. There are grammatical error and spelling mistakes and alot of them.

Plot: 3/15. Your plot in my opinion was not that eye-catching. It's way too cliche. Plus the way things were progressing it's way too much drama. Jungkook forced main character yet she keeps quiet...she is a queen girl she can take steps. Plus they gave seen her how come they forgot her so quickly?
There are lot of questions. Plus you didn't even detailed the story. It's way too chaotic in my opinion. Your flow is way too fast too.

Vocabulary: 1/10. Vocabulary is not that special. Your words are way too limited. No special creative words or flow of creative words.

Descriptive writing: 1/10. There is not much detailing as I already said. It's just plain text writing. There is no flow of words.
Description: 0/5. Description is way too short and I don't think it gives much information about story plot. No it doesn't. Try to change it up to something better that really revolves around story. 

Character development: 0/10. Everyone is so aggressive. Main character is a queen and power yet she can't do anything when she gets forced. Identity expose or whatever dude if she is really taht powerful she can just control Jungkook. And Jungkook I don't get him he hurts her says sorry when she ain't there then hurt her again then say sorry in mind. Listen they need proper character sketch. Try to make more sense in story please.

Emotions: 2/15. I seriously don't really see it as anything more than cliche plot of supernatural.

Total marks: 21/100


5] Title: Destined boyfriend
Participate username: SN_Angel

Cover: 2/5. Cover is way too simple.

Title: 3/5. Good title but not the best I think. You should try to experiment with new words.

First impression: 6/10. At first I think it was a cliche story. Also the grammatical mistakes and all made it less appealing to read. The flow of story is kinda fast in my opinion too.

Grammar and punctuation: 7/15. Your grammar is good but I think you can make it better. Try to be more attentive on the way you write.

Plot: 8/15. Although plot was good but there should have been better detailing. There are many things that doesn't match like how Jimin was the only one member there. Plus your dialogue are too confusing. It's not clear who said what. Try to fix that. Plus the time Jungkook went wild and ended at the abandoned house. Readers would have liked to read taht about that and what happened.

Vocabulary: 4/10. Your vocabulary is way too simple. Try to add more creative words and creative flow.

Descriptive writing: 1/10. There is not much detailing or properly outline of the plot.

Description: 3/5. Description is good but it's kinda misleading. Jungkook is a spirit who left his body but blurb makes it look like ghost story.

Character development: 4/10. There certainly is a development in character although there are times when it's way too fast and many things happening. Personally I think you should have put more feeling in them cause there is lack of emotions and thus readers can't understand much of their feelings.

Emotions: 7/15. Story was good and enjoyable but there are few things lagging and I hope you fix them. As already said. Steady flow. Also don't rush it too much. Add more descriptive writing and also feeling into your character.

Total marks: 45/100


Category: Jeon Jungkook

Cover:4/5, Nice cover, but as you have mentioned that the edit is not yours and you’ve only made slight changes to it, so I guess it’s fair for the owner as well.

Title:5/5; An apt title. It suits the story completely and gives the glimpse of what lies ahead for the reader as well. Overall, a suitable title.

First Impression: 9/10; A nice first impression. Keeps the readers hooked as well. But in the very first chapter, I find the female lead proposing a guy and it seems too fast paced. So, kindly keep in mind that the way a story should start; it should be able to sink in the reader slowly but at the same time keep them hooked.

Grammar and Punctuation:14/15; There are a few grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes throughout your story.Make sure you use commas,inverted commas at the correct place to put emphasis on particular parts.

Plot:14.5/15; A pretty good plotline. The plot is steady except for a few places where it seems either too slow, or too fast. I really liked the idea of your plot! Good work!!

Vocabulary:8.5/10; The words are too simple. Maybe you can try giving some thought to the right choice of words to make your story more impactful.

Descriptive Writing:9.5/10; Some scenes have been described beautifully whereas for some scenes I felt that just a bit more would have been better. So, make sure you elaborate the scenes properly in order to give that context for the leads or the secondary characters.

Description:3.5/5; The blurb is too short and neither does it give a proper glance of what a reader can expect in the story, because the words aren’t enough.

Character Development:10/10; Good work with the characters. There is a constant development of all characters throughout the story, be it the leads or the secondary ones. Good work!

Emotions:14/15; Emotions have been depicted quite nicely. From the beginning towards the end, a reader can feel everything but wise choice of words can make it even better!




Category: Jeon Jungkook

Cover:4/5; A nice cover, but maybe you can try making it more attractive by using proper contrasts and various bold fonts.

Title:4/5; A fairly good title. Might seem weird at the first glance, but the reader is surely bound to dive into your story after reading the title.

First Impression:10/10; Amazing first impression. The initial chapters are so impactful that they make the reader to read further no matter what, so a very good work on that.

Grammar and Punctuation:15/15; Throughout your book there was even once that I found a punctuation error. So, very well done with the grammar and punctuation.

Plot:15/15; An excellent plot. The story has a steady pace, and not once did I feel like skipping even a bit. It keeps the reader engrossed fully. Till the last chapter, a person would keep guessing. So, an extremely good job! You nice, keep going.

Vocabulary:9.5/10; The words have been used very nicely. A good thought seems visible in the choice of words. There are a few spelling mistakes though.

Descriptive Writing:10/10; Your way of elaborating a scene is amazing. The way you have provided context for each and every upcoming emotion or dialogue is mesmerizing.

Description: 5/5; An appropriate blurb. It fits the story and gives a good glance. It’s adequate and makes the reader to indulge in the story.

Character Development:10/10; All the characters develop pretty well. Be it Jungkook or other characters, I like the way you have given depth to each and every character.

Emotions:14.5/15; Emotions have been depicted quite good. Sometimes the reader can actually imagine them inside the story. So, a very good job on that as well!!




Category: Jeon Jungkook

Cover: 4.5/5; The cover is attractive. It has a nice contrast of different colours and I like the picture that you’ve used.

Title:4/5; The title seems simple.It does suit the story but that seldom happens.

First Impression: 8.5/10;The first impression was quite nice. The way you start the story is a bit off actually. You need to give a background of the characters. Everything seems to be happening very quick.The story should begin on a calm note. So, kindly keep that in mind.

Grammar and Punctuation:13.5/15; The grammar is used properly but you lack with punctuations. Your story would have been quite better if punctuations and italics were used properly to give emphasis on particular parts.

Plot: 13.5/15; The plot is good. The storyline seems good as well. The problem arises with the pace. As I mentioned earlier too, the story seems very fast. Within the first few chapters, we see the female protagonist meeting everyone and she’s very acceptable, but on a genuine note; everyone takes time to accept a few things. So, overall it’s a good one, but if you would have kept the pace a bit slow and steady it would have surely been upto the mark!

Vocabulary:8.5/10; I found the words to be very simple. Basically, word play is an important thing in keeping the reader hooked. When you use different words,to depict or show the simplest of things it gives a very nice impact. There were a few spelling mistakes as well.

Descriptive Writing:9/10; I really liked the way you have described the scenes between the leads and secondary characters. So, nice work with that!

Description:4.5/5; It was a nice blurb. Though, I feel that you could have put a bit more thought into it,it could have been an appropriate one. As they, the more the merrier!!

Character Development:8.5/10; The characters develop very slowly. And there isn’t much variation in the way the characters were at the beginning and the way at the end. The development is only evident in the leads, so try to focus more on secondary characters as well.

Emotions:14/15; Emotions have been depicted very well. A reader can laugh with them, smile with them and kind of live with them as well. As I said earlier, the problem arises with the correct choice of words. Else, a great job with them.



Jeon Jungkook

Cover:4.5/5; A nice cover but “NETFLIX” is way more bolder than the actual tittle,so keep that in mind.

Title:4.5/5; The title is good and one can get a clear idea of what the story is about.

First Impression:9.5/10; The initial chapters are good and give a nice first impression. A reader will surely stay hooked your story till the very end.

Grammar and Punctuation:14.5/15; You have used grammar and punctuation marks quite properly, there were mistakes rarely;so good work.

Plot:15/15; It is a well-knitted plot.A reader is bound to get engrossed with your story and most importantly you have a nice pace maintained throughout the story which makes it even more interesting.

Vocabulary:9/10;The words have been used wisely. I would say that you can try to avoid very long paragraphs and cut them short and simple.

Descriptive Writing:9.5/10;Descriptions are pretty good, but sometimes the long paragraphs take the essence away so try to focus more on cutting the paragraphs short.

Description:5/5; An accurate blurb. It gives a glimpse of Jungkook’s obsession towards Y/N, and a reader can clearly know what to expect in the story.

Character Development:9/10;Characters grow throughout the story and you have given a nice depth to each and every character. Good job.

Emotions:14/15 ; Emotions have been depicted very nicely, try to focus a bit more on choice of words for some particular set of emotions.



Jeon Jungkook

Cover:3.5/5; The cover is good, the fonts are good as well; but the pictures overlapping eachother doesn’t look good to the eyes.

Title: 4/5; It’s a good title and it suits the story pretty well.

First Impression: 8.5/10; The initial chapters aren’t impactful. They miss the thought that could have made them really better.

Grammar and Punctuation:14/15; Grammar and punctuations have been used properly except for a few places. Good work on that.
Plot:14.5/15; It’s a nice plot. The contract thing and then the leads becoming partners. Good thought.

Vocabulary:9/10; I encountered some spelling mistakes, moreover use can try using different words to make the situation more interesting.For eg, when she is getting ready for the party or something.

Descriptive Writing:8.5/10; You have described scenes quite nicely. Good job on that.

Description:5/5; An accurate blurb.It succeeds in sinking into the mind of the reader and making them indulge in your story.

Character Development:9.5/10; The characters develop quite nicely throughout the story. It is evident in the way the characters speak and gestures they make. Moreover, you have made a positive development in all of them. Great work.

Emotions:13.5/15; At most places emotions have been depicted pretty nicely, but at few crucial I feel a bit more depiction would have been better.



11] Book name :- Reappear
Username/Author - sookwangtae
Category - JJK

1) Cover - 3/5 -  It was a good cover ... But it could be better...

2) Title - 4/5 - Matching with the story line

3) First Impression - 9/10 -  Couldn't stop myself from reading forward...

4) Grammar and punctuation - 14/15 -  it was really good

5) Plot - 14/15 -  plot was really so nice and different..

6) Vocabulary - 9/10 -  good use of vocabulary

7) Descriptive writing - 8/10 -  it was good

8) Description -5/5 - I found it interesting. 

9) Character Development - 10/10 - 

10) Emotions - 14/15 - the author is good at expressing emotions

Total :-90


12] Book name :- A touch of Love
Username/Author - taehyungs_guccigirl
Category - JJK

1) Cover - 4/5 -  Simple, and  attractive in one word perfect ...

2) Title - 4/5 -  perfectly matches the story line...

3) First Impression - 9/10 -  it was so interesting .... It always forced me to read what happened next...

4) Grammar and punctuation - 13/15 -  I didn't find many punctuation error..

5) Plot - 14/15 -  something unique and different from other stories...

6) Vocabulary - 8/10 -  nice vocabulary

7) Descriptive writing - 8/10 -  it was good...

8) Description - 5/5 - I was so fascinated by the discription..

9) Character Development - 10/10 -  Great

10) Emotions - 13/15 - I could feel the emotions as if I was in the story myself...

Total :- 88


13] Book name :- Heartbeat
Username/Author - _Dinae_
Category - JJK

1) Cover - 3/5 -  So beautiful cover ... But it could be better and more expressive..

2) Title - 4/5 -  So meaning full

3) First Impression - 8/10 -  It was good ....

4) Grammar and punctuation - 12/15 - it was perfect .... Simple and fascinating...

5) Plot - 14/15 -  good plot...

6) Vocabulary - 12/10 -  Great use of words...

7) Descriptive writing - 8/10 - Yes the discription was good ... I didn't had to imagine anything

8) Description - 4/5 - Fascinating

9) Character Development - 8/10 -  All the characters are having a particular and important role...

10) Emotions -  13/15 -  Well expressed...

Total:- 86


14] Book name :- Your eyes tell
Username/Author - 123hikibakas
Category - JJK

1) Cover - 5/5 -  Really a amazing cover with so much editing...

2) Title - 4/5 -  it is good and unique

3) First Impression - 9/10 - I bit confusing but as the story moves on everything gets clear

4) Grammar and punctuation - 13/15 - good grammar and great use of punctuation. ..

5) Plot - 13/15 -  beautiful plot...

6) Vocabulary - 9/10 - it was good

7) Descriptive writing - 8/10 - it was good

8) Description - 3/5 - it was only filled with achievements...

9) Character Development - 7/10 - yes it was nice...

10) Emotions - 13/15 - I could feel the emotions

Total :-84


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