Chapter 11: Pianta Village

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Mario and Meggy were getting closer to Corona Mountain judging by the Shines they have. They kept exploring more of Isle Delfino looking for more Shines, as they saw a pipe on top of the Shine Gate.

Mario: I see a pipe on the Shine Gate over there.

Meggy: How are we supposed to get up there?

They then found out that the Rocket Nozzle they found earlier can also launch them in the air, as Mario accidentally charged it up and got launched in the air.

Meggy: Mario, are you okay?

Mario: I'm okay. I guess this is what the Rocket Nozzle also does. Interesting.

Meggy: This will take us up to the pipe.

Mario then started to carry Meggy again.

Mario: F.L.U.D.D.! Do that again!

F.L.U.D.D. shot Mario and Meggy up to the top of the Shine Gate with the help of the Rocket Nozzle, as they ran to the pipe and jumped in it.

They arrived at a place called Pianta Village, where the first thing they saw is a bridge. They ran across it and saw a burning Chain Chomplet running across the village leaving a trail of hot lava.

Mario: What's going on with this little Chain Chomp?

Meggy: It's burning... and running across this village. I guess we need to stop it.

Mario: Right, Meggy. Let's a-do this, F.L.U.D.D.!

F.L.U.D.D. began to spray the Chain Chomplet, as it started to run towards Mario and Meggy and hit them with its burning body.

Meggy: Ow! So hot!

Mario: Ow, f*ck. Keep spraying, F.L.U.D.D.!

F.L.U.D.D. continued to spray the Chain Chomplet and saved him from burning, as Mario pulled on the Chomplet's tail and launched it towards a puddle of water, as it disappeared.

Meggy: Mario, why did you...

Mario: I still want revenge on Chain Chomps for having me deal with them three times.

Meggy: Okay. Makes sense. I hate those Chain Chomps too.

They continued to find more burning Chain Chomplets, spray them with water, pull on their tails, and launch them into the puddle. The Chomplets disappeared into the puddle, as another Shine Sprite appeared out of the puddle. Once they collected the Shine and returned to Delfino Plaza, something terrible caught Meggy off guard.

Peach, disguised as Shadow Meggy, came back and stole Mario and F.L.U.D.D.

Mario: Help me, Meggy!

Meggy: Mario!

Peach jumped back in the pipe leading to Pianta Village, with Mario and F.L.U.D.D. with her, as Meggy started to get angry.

Meggy: That imposter... stole my husband!

Meggy jumped back in the pipe and returned to Pianta Village. She started to look for Mario.

Meggy: Mario, where are you?

Just then, Meggy heard Mario's voice from a distance.

Meggy: Mario?

Mario: Meggy! Save me! They're forcing me to watch Super Mario Twilight!

Meggy then had terrible flashbacks of that movie, as she went back to searching for where Mario is.

Meggy: Mario! I'm coming for you!

Meggy came across Pianta Village again, but this time, there's lava covering most of the village, and since she didn't have F.L.U.D.D. with her, she couldn't spray the lava off the ground and save the village.

Meggy: What has happened here?

She ran all around the village while avoiding the lava looking for her kidnapped husband, as she came across a hole with something interesting under it. It almost looked like a net. She fell in the hole and stomped on the net-looking thing, as it flipped over and she was now hanging from it.

Meggy: Woah! Now I'm under the village!

She saw more surfaces to climb under in front of her, as she started to climb like a monkey with the help of the bars above her.

She continued to go through obstacles involving bars, fences, swings, and mushrooms, as she went back to above the village in the middle of all the lava. Luckily, she was on an area not covered in lava. She started to hear Mario puking because of what he's being tortured by, as Meggy started to jump over to the areas not covered in lava faster.

Meggy: I'm coming to save you, Mario! Hang on tight!

She continued jumping over lava as she came across a small tower of blocks. While she was jumping up the tower, she came across F.L.U.D.D. and saved him.

Meggy: F.L.U.D.D.! Where's Mario?

F.L.U.D.D.: He's over there!

F.L.U.D.D. pointed his head to an enclosed lava-proof building on the ground.

Meggy: Well, let's get going!

Before she ran to the building, a random Pianta who was in danger ran up to her and shook her hand.

Pianta: Whew! You saved me! Thanks a bundle! Here's a gift as a token of my gratitude to you!

The Pianta gave Meggy a Shine, as she grabbed it.

Meggy: Thanks for that. I got a husband to save! F.L.U.D.D.!

F.L.U.D.D. turned on the Hover Nozzle and cleaned the lava off the building Mario is inside, as she opened the trap door on the roof and fell in.

Meggy: Mario!

Meggy found Mario tied to a chair in a pool of his own vomit because of what he was watching, as she destroyed the TV playing Super Mario Twilight, ran to him, and untied him from the chair. Mario immediately hugged Meggy after being untied.

Mario: Thank you so much. That was so horrible!

Meggy: I know, Mario. I was so worried about you. Looks like that evil imposter got away again. I'll get her for what she did.

Mario: Me too.

They continued to hug and kiss each other, as they went back to Delfino Plaza, with Mario looking at the Shine Gate, which was still dirty.

Mario: Hey, Meggy. How about we clean this thing and make Isle Delfino truly shine again.

Meggy: Sure, Mario. F.L.U.D.D., clean the Shine Gate up.

F.L.U.D.D. sprayed the giant Shine statue on the Shine Gate, as it started to spin again and a Shine came out of it. Isle Delfino now feels brighter again, as Mario and Meggy went back to the roof of the Shine Gate and collected the Shine that came out of it. They realized that they now have enough Shines to make their way to Corona Mountain.

Mario: Meggy. It's time.

Meggy: Time to get to Corona Mountain?

Mario: Exactly, Meggy. You ready to take Bowser Jr. and Peach down?

Meggy: Of course I am! Let's get rid of those two!

Mario: Okie dokie!

They started making their way towards Corona Mountain. Their accidental adventure on their honeymoon is almost over.

Only one final chapter remains. Mario and Meggy will soon get their revenge in Corona Mountain. I'll see you all in the final chapter!

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