Chapter 7: Noki Bay

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Mario and Meggy has just found out that Bowser Jr. and Peach were the ones disguising as Shadow versions of themselves, as they told the IDPD about who's to blame.

Mario: Police! We know of the two actual criminals that disguised as us!

Police Pianta 1: Hmm... go on.

Meggy: The two people that looked like us are actually these two in disguise. They used some magical brush thing to show their disguise, and they're now in their base in Corona Mountain.

Meggy showed pictures of Bowser Jr. and Peach, as the officers laughed at the comment they made.

Police Pianta 2: That's ridiculous. She's the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, and he's the son of the turtle who keeps kidnapping the princess.

Mario: One, Bowser doesn't kidnap her anymore, and two, what we're saying is true, officers! Ever since we first openly stated that we're in love, Peach just... disappeared, waiting for her revenge.

Meggy: Aren't you two supposed to be fired?

Police Pianta 1: We are.

Mario: This is a waste of time, Meggy. Let's just go find the Shine Sprites. We don't need the cops.

Meggy walked away with Mario, as they started collecting Shines like they need them. With the help of F.L.U.D.D., they have been collecting Shines nonstop. They needed to get to the real criminals' location. However, after they got another Shine, a large beam of light appeared in front of the fountain.

Mario: What's this light coming from?

Meggy: I don't know. Let's take a look.

They ran over to the beam of light, as they went inside of it.

Meggy: I wonder how this actually works.

Mario, like the retard he is, looks up into the sunlight, as he started to get teleported away in front of Meggy's eyes.

Meggy: Mario! Oh no, Mario, where did you go?

Meggy looked up at the same direction that Mario did, as she got teleported away as well. She arrived at Noki Bay and began looking for Mario.

Meggy: Mario!

Mario: Over here, Meggy!

Mario was on the boat to the left trying to get a Blue Coin.

Meggy: I'm coming, Ma...

She realized that water is in front of her, and she stopped running.

Meggy: Actually, you get that Blue Coin, Mario. I'll wait.

Mario used F.L.U.D.D.'s Hover Nozzle and got the Blue Coin, as he went back to Meggy and she immediately hugged him.

Meggy: Where are we, Mario?

Mario: I don't know. I just looked up in the beam of light, and suddenly I'm here.

Meggy: Going through portals to get to different areas is one thing, but this is ridiculous.

Mario: Let's see if there are any Shine Sprites here. Get to the boat with me, Meggy. I know how to move this thing.

Meggy: But... there's water.

Mario: I'll hold you, Meggy. F.L.U.D.D., take us to the boat.

F.L.U.D.D. used his Hover Nozzle to get them to the boat, and used the Spray Nozzle to move the boat.

Meggy: Interesting.

Once they arrived on dry land, they realized that they have to jump from platform to platform above water. Meggy got a little scared until Mario started to carry her. Meggy began to blush hard.

Mario: Take it away, F.L.U.D.D.!

F.L.U.D.D. used the Hover Nozzle to make sure that Mario and Meggy don't fall in the water. They made it up to the second floor, as they now have to scale a grassy mountain with goop on it. F.L.U.D.D. sprayed some of the goop off of the wall, as another piece of ground came out of the wall.

Mario: Don't ask why that happened, Meggy. You'll get extremely confused.

They continued to scale up the mountain, while cleaning up a lot of the goop along the way, as they came across a cannon guarded by a mole inside of it shooting Bob-ombs.

Mario: Aw shit.

F.L.U.D.D. sprayed the Bob-ombs as they landed near them, and Mario and Meggy threw them at the mole. Once the mole got hit a few times, he fainted inside the cannon, as an explosion inside of it caused it to jump up. They saw that a huge cork is under the cannon, and after it landed, the cork got out, causing a huge spout of water to get out, along with a Shine that appeared beside Mario and Meggy.

Mario: Uh... what just happened?

Meggy: A cannon... a giant cork... tons of goop... what?

Mario: I'm as confused as you are, Meggy. Let's just grab the Shine and get out of here.

They grabbed the Shine and returned to Delfino Plaza, trying to forget the weirdness that was what they just saw. Just then, they saw Bowser Jr. Shadow Mario returning and holding a big egg with spots on it.

Meggy: Looks like he came crawling back.

Mario: And he's stealing Yoshi eggs?

Meggy: You come back here!

They began chasing Shadow Mario around Delfino Plaza until F.L.U.D.D. does the job and sprays Shadow Mario with water a bunch of times.

Bowser Jr. (Shadow Mario): Darn! And I was just about to ride that Yoshi too!

Mario: You're coming with u...

Bowser Jr. (Shadow Mario): Nope!

Bowser Jr. teleported away back to his base.

Meggy: Damn it.

Mario: Well, look on the bright side. At least we now have a helper alongside us.

Mario tried to open the egg, but it wouldn't budge.

Mario: Open sesame!

He kept trying every other way to open the egg, but it still wouldn't open.

Mario: Open, damn it!

Mario accidentally threw the egg to where a fruit is, as a Yoshi came out of the egg and ate the fruit. Mario started to get pissed by what just happened, but Meggy stopped him.

Meggy: Calm down, Mario. We got Yoshi out of the egg. That's all that mattters.

Mario: I know. Sorry, Meggy.

Meggy: That's alright, Mario.

Mario and Meggy ran over to Yoshi.

Mario: Finally! Something to ride on!

Meggy: Aww, how cute!

Yoshi: I want to die.

Mario jumped on Yoshi, but Yoshi's legs fell because of Mario's weight.

Mario: Oops.

Meggy: Let me ride him. His legs won't be broken by my weight.

Mario: Okay. For you, Meggy.

Meggy jumped on Yoshi and she had a fun time riding him.

Meggy: This is fun!

Mario: Glad you're loving it, Meggy!

Yoshi is now on Mario and Meggy's team, as they continued to look for Shine Sprites.

Now we get to the hardest chapter to write for this story.

Gelato Beach.

There are so many popular Shines in this level that just trying to pick one is quite a choice, but which one should be focused on?

The giant mirror?
The giant Wiggler boss?
The Sand Bird?
Il Piantissimo?
The Watermelon Festival?
Which Shine should be the focus?

Seriously, I'm in quite a lot of trouble here, so I have to let the fans decide on an Amino poll that ends same time tomorrow. Yes, I'm not kidding.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter tomorrow.

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