Prologue: Heading Out

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(See the last few parts of "Ask Meggy Anything Part 2" so you can get all caught up)

Mario and Meggy woke up early in the morning and got excited.

Meggy: You ready for our honeymoon, sweetheart?

Mario: Of course I'm ready! Isle Delfino is gonna be fun!

While Mario and Meggy were packing their bags, ReaderFromWR woke up and drank some coffee.

ReaderFromWR: So you two getting ready for your honeymoon?

Mario: We sure are. I'm just so excited!

Meggy: You sure that you're gonna keep this house safe from burglars and other bad guys?

ReaderFromWR: You can count on me, guys. eye-p0d has the rest of the jobs handled.

5 minutes later, they got all packed up.

Mario: Well, we're off.

Meggy: I'm gonna miss you, pets. And you too, Reader.

Mario: The house is gonna be completely protected with your help. We're counting on you, Reader. You got this.

ReaderFromWR: Thanks. Well, bye, Mario and Meggy! Hope you two have so much fun!

Mario and Meggy: Bye, Reader!

They walked out the door, as ReaderFromWR walked over to eye-p0d.

ReaderFromWR: If the both of us work together, then this house will be spotless in no time.

eye-p0d grabbed the clothes off of ReaderFromWR and started to wash them. ReaderFromWR started to cover himself with his hands.

ReaderFromWR: Well, at least you're washing them.

Mario and Meggy arrived at the castle to tell everyone the good news and say their goodbyes.

Mario: Everyone! Come out here!

SMG4, Tari, Luigi, Fishy Boopkins, Bob, Saiko, Toad, Bowser, and Shroomy heard Mario's words and ran out the castle to listen to what he has to say.

Bob: WhAt ThE hElL iS aLl ThE hUbBuB?

Mario: We have an announcement to make. Meggy and I are going on a honeymoon to Isle Delfino!

Everyone except Mario and Meggy gasped at this announcement.

Tari: Oh, that's wonderful!

SMG4: I hope you two have a lot of fun there.

Luigi: That sounds great, but for how long?

Meggy: It's only for three weeks. We're gonna miss you guys so much.

Fishy Boopkins: Aww, thanks, you two.

Bowser: We're gonna miss you too, Mario and Meggy.

They all went over and hugged Mario and Meggy, as a car pulled over near them and opened up. Toadsworth was the driver.

Toadsworth: Hop in.

Mario: Wait, Toadsworth?

Toadsworth: I'm so sorry for putting you in that pa... I mean, that can, Meggy. To make it up to you and Mario, I'll drive you to my private plane. You got your tickets?

Meggy: We sure do.

Toadsworth: Perfect. Now say your goodbyes.

Mario: Well, it's time for us to go. Goodbye, everyone.

Meggy: Bye, guys. We're gonna miss you so much!

Everyone: Goodbye!

Toadsworth: Now get in.

Mario and Meggy got in the car and waved goodbye as Toadsworth started to drive away.

After a few minutes, they arrived at an airfield, where a private plane inside was just rolling out.

Mario: So this is our plane?

Meggy: Interesting.

Toadsworth: I'm gonna be flying this thing. Don't worry. I'm excellent at flying, so you should count on me.

Mario: Okie dokie.

Toadsworth: Alright, lovebirds. Come on in, fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy the flight.

Mario and Meggy walked in to see a couch with seatbelts on it, along with a screen in front of it.

Toadsworth: Also, this room is soundproof, so you two can have a lovely time together in peace even before you arrive.

Meggy: Thanks, Toadsworth. You sure are nice today.

Toadsworth: No problem. Enjoy your flight. And lastly, I promise not to interrupt you two during your honeymoon.

Mario: We understand, Toadsworth. Move along now. Time for you to fly.

Toadsworth got into the cockpit, as Mario and Meggy sat on the couch and put their seatbelts on. Meggy shook a little.

Mario: What's wrong, Meggy?

Meggy: This is the first time I'm on a flight, and I'm a little scared.

Mario: Don't be scared, Meggy. I get scared too, but I later learned to calm down, and you should too. I'm right beside you, Meggy. We'll be fine.

Meggy: You're right, Mario. Thank you.

Mario: You're welcome, Meggy.

The plane's engines started up, as Toadsworth started to fly the plane so it'll make its way to Isle Delfino.

Mario: You okay, Meggy?

Meggy: It feels... fine. Kinda exciting.

Mario: Well, this entire trip's gonna be all that, baby!

Mario and Meggy held hands and looked at each other. They blushed and smiled, as the plane started flying to their destination, unaware that an entire adventure will soon be ahead of them.

The first part of the story is now complete. Also, expect another story taking place at the same time as this one titled SMG4 X Tari: The Gaming Tournament starting later today. Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter.

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