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Base Stats:
Hp- 123
Atk- 77
Def- 72
SpA- 99
SpD- 92
Spe- 58


Aurorus solidifies itself as one of PU's most threatening wallbreakers due to its good offensive typing, fairly high Special Attack, and access to high-powered STAB moves in Blizzard and Refrigerate-boosted Hyper Voice. Both of Aurorus abilities are brilliant offensively, with Snow Warning giving it a perfectly accurate Blizzard and supplying chip damage on foes and Refrigerate making Normal-type moves into STAB Ice-type attacks and making them stronger. Its access to Freeze-Dry allows it to threaten Water-types that resist Blizzard and Earth Power gives it a way to pressure Steel-types, thus giving it perfect coverage. Aurorus is also capable of pulling off a Choice Scarf set to outspeed and KO some of its offensive checks that attempt to revenge kill it like Shiftry. Aurorus can also function as a lead for offensive teams, taking advantage of its typing allowing it to threaten most forms of entry hazard removal, Snow Warning helping Aurorus against Focus Sash and Sturdy users, and its access to decent support options like Encore and Stealth Rock. Snow Warning allows Aurorus to serve as a decent stop to weather teams, since the hail replaces the weather they had set up upon switching in. Unfortunately, Aurorus solid bulk is offset by its bad defensive typing, which burdens it with a weakness to both Stealth Rock and common attack typings in Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water, though it does leave Aurorus resistant to Normal. Furthermore, Aurorus is prone to being forced out by common offensive Pokémon such as Togedemaru because of its low Speed, forcing it to commonly employ a hit-and-run strategy.

Choice Specs: PU
Aurorus (@ Choice Specs)
Ability: Snow Warning / Refrigerate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest / Timid (+SpA / -Atk) (+Spe / -Atk)
- Blizzard / Hyper Voice
- Freeze-Dry
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Rock


Blizzard is Aurorus strongest attack and becomes rather spammable due to Snow Warning perfecting its otherwise low accuracy. If Aurorus is using Refrigerate over Snow Warning, Hyper Voice should be used. Although it's slightly less powerful than Blizzard and doesn't offer hail to further wear down checks, it does comes with the advantage of hitting Pokémon such as Oricorio-G through their Substitutes and doesn't chip away at any of Aurorus teammates. Freeze-Dry allows Aurorus to hit Ice-resistant Water-types such as Carracosta, Lanturn, and Pyukumuku for super effective damage. Earth Power gives Aurorus coverage for Ice-resistant Pokémon such as Aggron, opposing Aurorus, and Togedemaru. Hidden Power Rock targets Articuno, which would otherwise stall Aurorus out of Blizzards and put it on a timer with Toxic. Flash Cannon can be used over Hidden Power Rock to dent Assault Vest Crabominable, potentially 2HKOing after Stealth Rock damage if Aurorus is Modest. Flash Cannon also threatens to cleanly OHKO opposing Aurorus and 2HKO specially defensive Articuno.

Set Details:

The Speed and Special Attack investment serve to maximize Aurorus offensive potential, with a Modest nature further augmenting its Special Attack. A Timid nature can be used instead to outspeed Pokémon like Hitmonchan, Lanturn, and Jolly Aggron as well as Omastar in exchange for some of its power. Choice Specs amplifies Aurorus wallbreaking capabilities, making its attacks harder to switch into. Snow Warning should be used if Blizzard is chosen over Hyper Voice, as this increases Blizzard's accuracy and chips away at Aurorus switch-ins. Refrigerate is an alternative that turns Hyper Voice into a strong Ice-type attack and doesn't come with the drawback of wearing down Aurorus team and crippling teammates that rely on weather-dependent recovery such as Musharna.

Usage Tips:

This set is geared towards wallbreaking, and while it can do so at almost any point, it is best when used to punch holes in teams early-game. While Aurorus bulk is good, it shouldn't recklessly switch in on attacks it doesn't resist, especially if Stealth Rock is on its side of the field. Aurorus should mainly get in after one of its teammates is KOed, through the use of Volt Switch or U-turn, or on double switches. However, it can switch in on weaker, resisted attacks from the likes of Skuntank and Weezing or on the predicted use of recovery moves against foes like bulky Oricorio-G. Once in, Aurorus should mainly use its strongest Ice-type move, as it will deal a heavy amount of damage to most foes. While both moves are rather spammable, if Aurorus predicts an Ice-resistant foe to switch in, it should use the appropriate coverage move to deal with them. This allows it to more reliably spam Blizzard or Hyper Voice late-game. Aurorus is capable of beating certain offensive threats in a one-on-one situation such as Oricorio-G and Swanna; however, doing so often requires Aurorus to take a fair amount of damage first and leaves it unable to break as effectively, so be cognizant of such a trade.

Team Options:

Fighting-types such as Hitmonchan and Primeape pair well with Aurorus due to their collective ability to break Steel-types and weaken the specially defensive Pokémon that Aurorus finds itself struggling with. Hitmonchan can offer Aurorus much-appreciated entry hazard control, while Primeape can get Aurorus safely in versus Pokémon like Weezing with U-turn. Checks to Fighting-types are also important because of Aurorus 4x weakness to their STAB attacks, so Pokémon such as Mesprit and Weezing make for good partners. Both provide entry hazard support to wear Aurorus switch-ins down, with Mesprit also providing Aurorus with a slow U-turn and Healing Wish support in the event that it gets weakened too quickly. On that note, entry hazard support is very appreciated due to it further weakening Aurorus checks, so Pokémon such as Clefairy, the aforementioned Mesprit, and Omastar make good partners. Due to Aurorus weakness to Stealth Rock, it appreciates entry hazard removal support from Pokémon like Swanna in return. Swanna is also capable of checking Fire- and Fighting-types for Aurorus, while Aurorus weakens the specially defensive Pokémon that Swanna tends to bait in. Late-game special sweepers such as Combusken and Lilligant appreciate Aurorus punching holes in teams so that they have an easier time finishing them off. Choice Scarf users such as Primeape and Togedemaru and Thunder Wave users such as Clefairy can help keep Aurorus offensive checks in check, giving it an easier time with breaking. Primeape and Togedemaru can both use U-turn to pivot into Aurorus, which is appreciated due to this giving it an easier time switching in. Other pivots such as Eelektross and Lanturn are good at getting Aurorus in safely against foes, and those two can both further support Aurorus by wearing down switch-ins with Knock Off and Toxic, respectively. If Aurorus is running Snow Warning, Alolan Sandslash makes for a perfect partner due to Slush Rush doubling its Speed under hail. Alolan Sandslash can break through Pokémon like Audino and Clefairy for Aurorus, which both pose as annoyances due to their high special bulk and can also clean late-game.

Choice Scarf: PU
Aurorus (@ Choice Scarf)
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe / -Atk)
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Rock


Blizzard is the strongest attack in Aurorus arsenal, and it becomes rather spammable due to Snow Warning increasing its low accuracy. Freeze-Dry gives Aurorus coverage for Ice-resistant Water-types, allowing to take advantage of builds that rely on Water-types to check Ice-types. Earth Power gives Aurorus coverage for Fire- and Steel-types such as Ninetales and Metang. Hidden Power Rock allows Aurorus to beat Articuno one-on-one, which would otherwise stall it out of PP for Blizzard and cripple it with Toxic.

Set Details:

Maximum investment in both Speed and Special Attack maximizes Aurorus offensive presence and makes it as fast as possible. A Timid nature in tandem with a Choice Scarf allows Aurorus to outspeed Pokemon in the base 110 Speed tier and below such as Alolan Dugtrio and Scyther. Snow Warning increases Blizzard's accuracy, thus making it reliable. Snow Warning also disrupts weather teams, since it removes the weather they set up, and helps chip away at Aurorus switchins.

Usage Tips:

Despite lacking a power-boosting item, Choice Scarf Aurorus still functions as a wallbreaker that excels more against offense due to its heightened Speed allowing it to outpace typical offensive checks, and it can also function as a late-game cleaner due to its decent Speed and solid Special Attack. This set isn't that common, so take advantage of this by luring in faster foes like Shiftry that attempt to revenge kill Aurorus and hitting them hard. Keep in mind that once Aurorus set has been revealed, it is much easier to deal with due to its attacks not being as strong as usual, so refrain from making it obvious that Aurorus is using a Choice Scarf unless it is necessary to KO a foe. Aurorus can act as an emergency check to weather teams due to Snow Warning and its ability to outspeed Chlorophyll and Swift Swim users under hail, so after a teammate has been KOed, bring Aurorus in to deal with them. Aurorus should refrain from switching in if Stealth Rock is on its side of the field due to the chip damage shortening its longevity. Similarly, Aurorus should also refrain from switching in on stronger, neutral attacks due to its bulk being only average and this leaving it more susceptible to priority.

Team Options:

Since this set struggles heavily with specially defensive Pokémon, Aurorus appreciates physical wallbreakers such as Scyther and Zangoose tearing through most of them. In return, Aurorus can weaken their defensive checks like Weezing and remove some of their offensive checks like Oricorio-G. Aurorus appreciates checks to Fighting-types, since they threaten it with 4x super effective STAB attacks, so Pokémon such as Mesprit and Psychic Spiritomb are good teammates. Teammates that can check Fire-types such as Clefairy and Lanturn are also appreciated, since Fire-types can switch in very easily on Choice Scarf Aurorus and overwhelm it with their strong Fire-type attacks. Entry hazard removal from Pokémon such as Skuntank is appreciated, since Aurorus weakness to Stealth Rock can prove quite troublesome when it attempts to switch in on more passive Pokémon. Entry hazard support is also nice due to Aurorus inability to KO certain offensive checks without a bit of chip damage, so Pokémon such as Metang and Mesprit make for good partners. Despite using a Choice Scarf, Aurorus is not the best way of keeping faster Pokémon in check due to its low Speed, so additional Choice Scarf users such as Togedemaru
and priority moves from Pokémon such as Hitmonchan and Skuntank are appreciated.

Stealth Rock Lead: PU
Aurorus (@ Focus Sash)
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Hasty / Timid (+Spe / -Def) (+Spe / -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Blizzard
- Encore
- Rock Tomb / Earth Power


Stealth Rock is a useful entry hazard, chipping away at foes as they switch in, and Aurorus makes for a fairly effective offensive user of it due to its good offensive presence and Focus Sash. Blizzard is Aurorus strongest attack, and it is not hindered by its low accuracy thanks to Snow Warning. Encore dissuades the use of entry hazards, setup moves, and recovery, allowing Aurorus to either set up Stealth Rock or use Blizzard with fewer issues. Rock Tomb prevents Fire-types such as Ninetales from freely switching in on Aurorus. It also lowers the Speed of foes, which helps Aurorus outspeed opposing leads and set up Stealth Rock more easily while also supporting slower teammates. Earth Power is another option for the last slot, which allows Aurorus to remove Steel-types like Aggron and Probopass without worrying about being OHKOed by their respective STAB moves. Freeze-Dry provides useful coverage alongside Blizzard, but is somewhat unnecessary coverage for the set as it doesn't need to be able to significantly damage Water-types like Poliwrath or Lanturn in most cases.

Set Details:

The investment in Speed and Special Attack maximizes Aurorus's offensive presence, with a Timid nature helping it outspeed as much as it can. If using Rock Tomb, a Hasty nature should be opted for, as this gives Aurorus the ability to have a decent chance of 2HKOing Ninetales. Focus Sash allows Aurorus to always take one hit from full health, meaning that it will almost always set up Stealth Rock or use Blizzard. Snow Warning is chosen to perfect the accuracy of Blizzard, to break opposing Focus Sash and Sturdy, and to chip away at defensive Pokémon.

Usage Tips:

Aurorus should almost always be the lead for teams, as its main priority should be to set up Stealth Rock as soon as possible. After doing so, Aurorus should mainly use Blizzard to punish incoming entry hazard removers or Encore to disrupt them as they remove Stealth Rock. Aurorus doesn't need to be preserved like other users of Stealth Rock, since it is a lead, so don't feel too pressured to keep it around. However, if it is paired with Alolan Sandslash, it may prove useful not to let it get KOed immediately after setting Stealth Rock due to the hail support Aurorus offers. If running Encore, use it on the predicted use of entry hazards, setup moves, or recovery moves, as this can create chances for Aurorus to set up Stealth Rock or use Blizzard, as well as setup opportunities for Aurorus's teammates. If using Rock Tomb, use it on faster foes such as Simisear so that Aurorus has a better chance of either setting up Stealth Rock or using Blizzard.

Team Options:

This set functions best on offensive teams that can take advantage of the entry hazards and hail racking up damage on opposing teams. The more offensive the team, the less likely it is that Stealth Rock can be removed. Due to Slush Rush doubling its Speed under hail, Alolan Sandslash appreciates having Aurorus as a partner, as this gives it an easier time breaking through and sweeping teams. Setup sweepers such as Lilligant, Omastar, and Oricorio-G appreciate their defensive switch-ins being worn down by a combination of Stealth Rock and hail damage as well as Aurorus ability to potentially create setup opportunities for them with Encore. Spinblockers such as Haunter, Oricorio-G, and Spiritomb prevent the removal of Stealth Rock via Rapid Spin and also pressure common users of Defog such as Shiftry, Skuntank, and Swanna. Due to Defiant allowing it to deter and punish the use of Defog in an attempt to remove Stealth Rock, Primeape can make for a good partner. Spikes setters like Qwilfish pair well with Aurorus, as they apply further pressure to teams by increasing the residual damage they're forced to take when switching.

Other Options:

A Modest nature on the Choice Scarf set sounds useful for increasing Aurorus damage output, but it then loses the ability to outspeed Pokémon in the base 110 Speed tier. Furthermore, Aurorus Speed is the main reason to use the set over Choice Scarf Abomasnow. Frost Breath can also be used over Hidden Power Rock on Choice Specs Aurorus to strike users of Calm Mind such as Clefairy, Musharna, and Spiritomb with a critical hit, ignoring any potential Special Defense boosts they may have obtained. It has very little use outside of this, however. Ancient Power may sound decent over Hidden Power Rock, since it offers a chance to increase all of Aurorus stats, but it has less PP than Hidden Power Rock, making it easier for Articuno to stall out. A Choice Band set of Return, Facade, Earthquake, and Zen Headbutt may surprise many of Aurorus normal switch-ins, but the Choice Specs set has more initial firepower and is more adept at breaking because of this. Rock Polish can be used to turn Aurorus into more of a sweeper; however, it's still outsped by Choice Scarf users such as Primeape at +2, running Rock Polish 
prevents it from using Choice Specs, and its susceptibility to Mach Punch and Aqua Jet hampers the viability of such a set. Other items that don't lock Aurorus into one move such as Never-Melt Ice and Life Orb can be used, but Never-Melt Ice only increases the power of its Ice-type moves and leaves Aurorus other moves noticeably weaker, and the recoil taken from Life Orb isn't appreciated, especially when coupled with its vulnerability to both Stealth Rock and common priority. Shuca Berry can be used on the lead set to allow Aurorus to have an easier time stomaching Ground-type attacks from Pokémon like Kangaskhan, though Focus Sash tends to be more consistent.

Checks and Counters:

Fighting-type Attacks: While none of them appreciate switching in on a Choice Specs Blizzard or Hyper Voice, Fighting-types such as Gurdurr, Hitmonchan, Primeape, and Throh all threaten Aurorus out due to its 4x weakness to their STAB moves. Gurdurr and Hitmonchan can both deal heavy damage to Aurorus with Mach Punch, as well, with Gurdurr only needing a little bit of chip damage to OHKO. Fighting-type coverage from Pokémon such as Zangoose threatens Aurorus, too.

Faster Pokemon: Aurorus low Speed, poor defensive typing, and only decent bulk leave it easily pressured and revenge killed by faster Pokémon such as Floatzel and Shiftry. Most of them do have to watch out for a potential Choice Scarf set, however.

Specially Defensive Pokemon: Various specially bulky Pokémon such as Audino, Clefairy, Munchlax, and Type: Null are capable of taking even Blizzard from Aurorus and PP stalling it out of the move. Munchlax ability in Thick Fat only makes taking it out even more difficult. Encore locking these Pokémon into one of their support moves can be annoying for them, however. Assault Vest Crabominable is capable of countering Aurorus if it isn't running Flash Cannon, and Choice Specs-boosted Flash Cannon only has a chance to 2HKO if Aurorus is Modest and Stealth Rock is up.

Steel-types: Steel-types such as Aggron, Metang, Probopass, and Togedemaru can all take advantage of Aurorus being Choice-locked into Blizzard, Hyper Voice, or Freeze-Dry and threaten Aurorus with their respective 4x super effective STAB moves, with Aggron and Togedemaru also being able to outspeed Aurorus. Metang can even utilize Bullet Punch to pick Aurorus off after it takes a bit of damage beforehand. While they don't appreciate switching in on Earth Power, or Blizzard in the case of Aggron and Togedemaru, their presence can force Aurorus to predict them to switch in, which can in turn backfire on Aurorus.

Hope you all enjoyed the Christmas update! Consider this your present. :)

Next update will be on Saturday.

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