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Base Stats:
Hp- 85
Atk- 50
Def- 95
SpA- 120
SpD- 115
Spe- 80


Togekiss finds itself a comfortable place among the top threats, as it has solidified its role as one of the premier stallbreakers in the meta. Togekiss Fairy / Flying typing comes with useful tools such as an immunity to Ground, a resistance to Pursuit, and the ability to stop many common threats such as Hydreigon, Krookodile, and Kommo-o. Despite being primarily known for its ability to easily power through many defensive cores, Togekiss can bring a wide array of supportive options such as Heal Bell, Defog, and Thunder Wave to a team. Togekiss's ability Serene Grace boosts its Air Slash flinch rate to a whopping 60 percent, meaning just about any Pokémon slower than it is at risk of being broken through, leaving very little true defensive counterplay to Togekiss. In addition to Air Slash, Togekiss possesses powerful coverage moves such as Fire Blast, Dazzling Gleam, and Aura Sphere. Backed by its high base 120 Special Attack, it can bypass many of its conventional checks with the appropriate move. While Togekiss may seem extremely powerful, it has many weaknesses to common Pokémon that hold it back greatly; it is vulnerable to many top threats in the tier such as Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Beedrill, Mega Manectric, Scizor, Nidoking, Cobalion, Lando-T and Tapu Koko. In addition, Togekiss only boasts a middling base 80 Speed, meaning many of the meta's best sweepers and cleaners can easily outpace it. Togekiss also finds it difficult to make itself a quickly threatening offensive presence due to its lack of immediate power or high-powered STAB moves. Combined with a troublesome weakness to common sights such as Stealth Rock, Volt Switch, and Scizor's Bullet Punch, Togekiss is far from impossible to take down.


Nasty Plot: UU
Togekiss (@ Leftovers)
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe / -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Heal Bell / Thunder Wave
- Air Slash
- Roost


Nasty Plot is Togekiss main tool for breaking down bulky Pokémon and teams, as instantly doubling its Special Attack gives it considerable offensive presence. Heal Bell is an effective tool as well, as it prevents Pokémon such as Chansey and Toxapex from wearing Togekiss down with status conditions. Air Slash is Togekiss go-to STAB move, as Serene Grace boosts the flinch rate to 60 percent. Roost is a necessity for any Togekiss seeking to break stall teams in order to recover any HP that is lost while boosting with Nasty Plot. Roost also allows Togekiss to check threats such as Krookodile and Hydreigon multiple times throughout the duration of a game. Thunder Wave is a secondary option that Togekiss can employ to bother many of its would-be checks such as Nihilego and Mega Aerodactyl. With the chance of full paralysis and the Serene Grace-boosted flinch chance of Air Slash, Togekiss often has a fair chance to beat these threats in a pinch. Lastly, Togekiss can opt to run Fire Blast as additional coverage to power through Steel-type checks like Metagross and Scizor.

Set Details:

Serene Grace is Togekiss preferred ability, as it doubles the chance of moves' secondary effects occuring, giving its Air Slash a 60 percent flinch chance. Maximum investment in both HP and Speed gives Togekiss an acceptable amount of bulk while letting it outpace any Pokémon under base 80 Speed. Leftovers allows Togekiss to gain small portions of its health back when not using Roost. If necessary, Togekiss can use a more defensive spread of 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe with a Bold nature or 252 HP / 160 SpD / 96 Spe with a Calm nature to better counter threats like Krookodile while still outspeeding Modest Primarina and a paralyzed Mega Aerodactyl.

Usage Tips:

While Togekiss sports a great typing and above average bulk, it should often avoid switching directly into heavy hitters like Flame Orb Heracross and Calm Mind Latias, as Togekiss gets most of its setup opportunities from passive Pokémon like Chansey, Toxapex, and Mandibuzz. In addition to breaking defensive cores, Togekiss Heal Bell is often extremely useful support for many teams. Togekiss should also aim to have checks like Nihilego and Raikou worn down or removed before it comes in to sweep. The option of Thunder Wave is often more threatening to offensive builds, as Togekiss can threaten to muscle past offensive checks like Cobalion and Mega Aerodactyl with the combination of Thunder Wave paralysis and Air Slash flinches.

Team Options:

As Nasty Plot variants of Togekiss do not have room to carry Defog, Togekiss will always appreciate a partner that can remove Stealth Rock to assist in its longevity such as Starmie, Tentacruel, and Excadrill. Toxic Spikes users such as Nihilego, Nidoking, and Tentacruel can also assist Togekiss by pressuring Electric-types such as Raikou and Mega Manectric. Bulky Ground- and Dragon-types such as Seismitoad, Swampert, and Latias similarly can prove to be useful partners for Togekiss, as Electric-types such as Rotom-W and Mega Manectric are typically the most consistently threatening Pokémon to Togekiss. Seismitoad and Swampert can also generate free turns against bulky Steel-types to set Stealth Rock or spam Scald. In return, Togekiss can check threatening Dragon-types like Mega Sceptile and Hydreigon for Swampert and Seismitoad. Steel-types such as Bronzong, Scizor, and Empoleon also make good partners for Togekiss, as they can pivot in to take Poison-, Ice-, and Rock-type moves aimed at it. Pokémon that can check various Steel-types, such as Infernape and Chandelure, also are imperative for effective use of Togekiss. Magneton can be especially useful, as it can trap and eliminate the likes of Empoleon and Scizor. Togekiss often works as a catch-all check to various strong Dark-type attackers as well, so teammates like Latias and Chandelure will appreciate Togekiss being able to pivot into these. Finally, other special attackers can often cleave through defensive cores once Togekiss has broken them down, so Togekiss often makes an effective teammate for Pokémon like Nidoking and Latias.


Offensive Nasty Plot: UU
Togekiss (@ Babiri Berry / Fightium Z)
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe / -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower / Aura Sphere
- Roost


Air Slash is Togekiss most reliable STAB move, super effectively hitting targets such as Tsareena, Amoonguss, and Infernape as well as neutral foes. Additionally, thanks to Serene Grace, it has a 60% chance to cause the foe to flinch, which aids Togekiss in beating bulky support Pokémon, such as Alomomola, Swampert, and Mantine, that rely on status ailments and recovery to beat Togekiss. Flamethrower allows Togekiss to hit Steel-types such as Scizor, Mega Aggron, Registeel, and Doublade, which otherwise beat it, for super effective damage. Hence, it should be used in conjunction with a Babiri Berry to do the job effectively. Aura Sphere hits Steel-types such as Empoleon and Stakataka super effectively, which Flamethrower doesn't, and should be used in conjunction with Fightinium Z. A boosted All-Out Pummeling allows Togekiss to OHKO Mega Aggron, Rhyperior, and Empoleon. Nasty Plot boosts Togekiss Special Attack, turning it into a dangerous setup sweeper. Roost aids Togekiss in maintaining its HP and acquiring setup opportunities. Thunder Wave, in conjunction with Charti Berry, lets Togekiss cripple faster Rock-types, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Terrakion, and Nihilego.

Set Details:

252 Special Attack EVs maximize Togekiss damage output. 252 Speed EVs, in conjunction with a Timid nature, allow Togekiss to outspeed base 70s such as Volcanion and threaten them with Air Slash. It also allows Togekiss to Speed tie with other base 80s such as Mega Altaria and Chandelure. Serene Grace boosts Air Slash's flinch chance, which aids Togekiss in beating bulky Toxic users, such as Alomomola and Mantine, that otherwise cripple it. Babiri Berry allows Togekiss to take on Steel-types such as Mega Aggron and Scizor more easily. Fightinium Z, in conjunction with Aura Sphere, grants Togekiss access to All-Out Pummeling, which KOes Flying-resistant Pokemon that otherwise beat it, such as Mega Aggron, Mega Steelix, and Empoleon, after a boost. Charti Berry allows Togekiss to take on Rock-types such as Mega Aerodactyl and Terrakion better.

Usage Tips:

Avoid setting up against passive Pokémon such as Chansey and Toxapex that may carry Toxic, as this set does not utilize Heal Bell and is therefore very susceptible to status ailments. However, if boosted, Togekiss can attempt to beat them down with the combination of Air Slash and Serene Grace. Take advantage of Togekiss's bulk and typing to check Dark-types, such as Hydreigon and Krookodile, and Grass-types, such as Mega Sceptile and Tsareena, and set up on a predicted switch. However, because this Togekiss set does not invest in bulk nor has passive recovery, it should avoid switching directly into them if Stealth Rock was set on your side. If it is not up, Togekiss generally doesn't mind switching into them. If Babiri Berry is used, stay in on unsuspecting Steel-types such as Scizor and Mega Aggron to either KO or severely weaken them. It is advised to make sure Togekiss stays at a comfortable amount of HP because even with a Berry, Togekiss does not appreciate taking a Choice Band Scizor Bullet Punch or a Choice Band Terrakion Stone Edge. However, Togekiss cannot reliably survive attacks from these Pokémon after a Swords Dance from full health. All-Out Pummeling can be used as a general nuke that allows Togekiss to beat slower and bulkier Pokémon such as Chansey and Heatran more easily. All-Out Pummeling also allows Togekiss to bypass bulky Flying-resistant Pokémon such as Mega Aggron, Empoleon, and Rhyperior. However, against those, use All-Out Pummeling only if boosted because Togekiss will fail to OHKO them otherwise. All-Out Pummeling could also be used to severely damage faster Flying-resistant Pokemon that Togekiss lures in such as Rotom-H and Mega Aerodactyl on the switch. If Charti Berry is used, stay in on Rock-types such as Mega Aerodactyl and Terrakion in order to cripple them with Thunder Wave. However, against Terrakion, it is advised to scout for Choice Band, as its Stone Edge KOes Togekiss after Stealth Rock damage if boosted by Choice Band. Avoid setting up with Togekiss if the opponent has a healthy check to it, such as Mega Manectric or Nihilego. Instead, take advantage of entry hazards and chip them on the switch with a damaging move.

Team Options:

Stealth Rock setters such as Swampert and Mega Aggron pair well with Togekiss because not only do they help Togekiss wearing down its checks, but they also take on certain checks to Togekiss. Swampert is able to check Electric-types such as Mega Manectric and Raikou, fast Rock-types such as Mega Aerodactyl and Terrakion, and Steel-types such as Scizor and Cobalion, but Togekiss can have an advantage over Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon if it utilizes a Berry. Mega Aggron is also able to take on the aforementioned checks to Togekiss with the exception of the Fighting-types, but it also takes on Nihilego, which can often beat Swampert. Similarly, because the majority of Togekiss checks are grounded, Spikes setters such as Klefki and Toxic Spikes setters such as Nidoking and Nihilego can help wear down foes such as Mega Manectric and Raikou that check Togekiss. Entry hazard removers such as Tentacruel and Empoleon can remove Stealth Rock so Togekiss can continually switch in. The former can also set up Toxic Spikes to support Togekiss. Generally, Steel-types such as Bronzong and Scizor are good partners for Togekiss because they check Ice-types such as Kyurem, Mamoswine, and Mega Glalie. The former can also set up Stealth Rock to support Togekiss. Dragon-types such as Latias and Mega Altaria appreciate Togekiss ability to lure in and remove Steel-types so they can spam their strong STAB moves. They can also check Electric-types such as Rotom-C, Rotom-H, and Mega Manectric. Rock-types such as Terrakion and Nihilego also benefit from Togekiss ability to remove Steel-types. Fire-types such as Chandelure and Infernape check Steel-types such as Scizor and Cobalion, and they also appreciate Togekiss severely weakening bulky Water-types that attempt inflict it with a status ailment and potentially crippling fast Rock-types such as Nihilego and Mega Aerodactyl with the combination of Charti Berry and Thunder Wave. Flying-types such as Crobat and Mega Pidgeot appreciate Togekiss ability to lure foes that check them, such as Mega Aggron and Empoleon, so they make good partners as well.


Support: UU
Togekiss (@ Leftovers)
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
Nature: Bold (+Def / -Atk)
- Air Slash
- Heal Bell / Thunder Wave
- Roost
- Defog / Thunder Wave


Air Slash is Togekiss best STAB option, as it provides a decently powerful move that comes with a 60 percent flinch chance. Roost is necessary for Togekiss, as it needs a form of recovery to sustain itself throughout a match. Heal Bell is a useful option to support Togekiss team, as partners like Cobalion and Swampert appreciate status conditions being healed. Thunder Wave can also be utilized to cripple many offensive threats like Nihilego, Cobalion, and Mega Aerodactyl. Togekiss can also remove hazards via Defog, as its unique typing gives it a good matchup against common Stealth Rock setters like Swampert and Hippowdon.

Set Details:

This set trades Togekiss stallbreaking ability for a sizeable boost to its defensive prowess. When not focused on sweeping with Nasty Plot, Togekiss can do a much better job of supporting its teammates with Thunder Wave, Defog, and Heal Bell. Serene Grace should always be used on Togekiss, as the 60 percent chance of an Air Slash flinch is nearly always more useful than Hustle or Super Luck. Leftovers is the item of choice for Togekiss, as it allows Togekiss to gain passive recovery when not using Roost. 96 Speed EVs allow Togekiss to outspeed Modest Primarina and paralyzed Mega Aerodactyl. The remaining EVs are dumped into Defense to maximize Togekiss physical bulk. If you would prefer Togekiss to make more use of its special bulk for threats such as Latias and Celebi, an EV spread of 252 HP / 160 SpD / 96 Spe with a Calm nature is useable.

Usage Tips:

With Togekiss increased bulk, it can more reliably switch into Hydreigon, Latias, and Krookodile. Be wary of switching Togekiss in repeatedly with Stealth Rock up, though, as it often dampers Togekiss defensive capability; it is important to have Stealth Rock removed as often as possible. Togekiss also makes good use of Heal Bell, which can allow it to cure teammates when they are inflicted with troublesome status conditions. Togekiss lacking Nasty Plot is also significantly more passive than its boosting counterparts, so threats like Raikou and Mega Aerodactyl switching in freely should be accounted for accordingly.

Team Options:

Dragon- and Ground-types like Hydreigon, Seismitoad, and Latias all make good teammate options, as they are typically the most reliable checks to Electric-types like Raikou and and Rotom-W, which can take advantage of Togekiss with little effort. Bulky Water- and Ground-type Pokémon capable of taking on Mega Aerodactyl such as Swampert and Mega Steelix are also helpful. Various Steel-types such as Doublade and Scizor can also reliably check offensive Poison-types like Nihilego and Mega Beedrill that threaten Togekiss. Togekiss also requires the support of teammates that are capable of beating troublesome Steel-type Pokémon. Magneton, Infernape, Chandelure, and Cobalion are all capable of performing this task for Togekiss. Many offensive sweepers and wallbreakers like Haxorus, Latias, and Cobalion appreciate Togekiss providing support via Heal Bell to ward off crippling status conditions. Lastly, Stealth Rock-weak teammates like Mega Beedrill and Aerodactyl appreciate Togekiss's ability to reliably remove entry hazards via Defog.

Checks and Counters:

Electric-types: Electric-types such as Mega Manectric, Magneton, and Tapu Koko are immune to Thunder Wave, resist Air Slash, and can threaten Togekiss with their STAB attacks. Magneton also 4x resists Air Slash, but it must be wary of a potential Flamethrower or Aura Sphere.

Rock-types: Rock-type threats are extremely threatening to Togekiss, as Mega Aerodactyl and Nihilego can switch fairly safely into most of its moves, bar Twinkle Tackle and Thunder Wave. Terrakion is a softer check than Nihilego and Mega Aerodactyl due to its neutrality to Flying-type moves and weakness to Fairy-type moves, but it can still easily scare Togekiss away.

Poison-types: Nidoking, Mega Beedrill, and Tentacruel can all potentially outspeed Togekiss and threaten to hit it with super effective Poison-type STAB attacks, while Crobat can also shut down Togekiss attempt to set up or spread paralysis using Taunt. Assault Vest Alolan Muk can OHKO Togekiss with Gunk Shot, since it's very unlikely that it will go down through flinches completely with its extremely high special bulk.

Steel-types: Scizor and Metagross can switch into Togekiss that lack Fire-type moves and attack with super effective Bullet Punch before Togekiss has a chance to make them flinch with Air Slash. Specially defensive Empoleon, Mega Aggron, and Mega Steelix take little damage from even boosted Air Slashes and can phaze Togekiss with Roar or KO it with Heavy Slam in Steelix and Aggron's case. Cobalion is not as sturdy a switch-in as other Steel-types but can outspeed Togekiss by a fair margin and threaten it with Iron Head.

Ice-types: Ice-types such as Kyurem and Mamoswine threaten to KO Togekiss with powerful super effective STAB moves. Kyurem must be wary of switching into a Thunder Wave, though, as this can give Togekiss a fair chance to beat it in a one-on-one scenario, while Mamoswine typically fears switching directly into most Togekiss sets.

Status: While Togekiss can typically freely use Heal Bell against more passive Pokémon like Chansey, threats such as Mega Aerodactyl and Scizor can potentially switch in freely. Sets without Heal Bell must be wary of status, as paralysis or poison leaves Togekiss heavily crippled with no way to cure itself.

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