Chapter 1 ( Edited )

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Autumn woke up suddenly. She had just had a horrible dream, and she felt like it was important. But she couldn't remember it. She shrugged it off and got out of bed. 

Luxio jumped off of her bed and looked up at her with concerned eyes.

"I'm fine, Luxio, don't worry," Autumn assured him, pulling on her regular pink T-shirt and her denim skirt and black leggings.

Today was finally the day. It was exactly one week after her tenth birthday, (tradition stated after one week after the trainers tenth birthday, the could go on their journey of a lifetime) and Autumn was super excited. All her friends had left before since her birthday was in August while their birthdays were in the first months of the year.  

"Today's the day!!" Autumn squealed.

She looked at the mirror in her room and frowned at her bird-nest hair. She grabbed her sky blue brush and tried to pull it through the tangles. She winced as the brush yanked at her hair.

"Let me," her mom said, coming into the room and grabbing the brush and beginning to pull it through easily. "I won't always be here to help you, you know." 

"I know I know." Autumn sighed as her mother began pulling her hair into two buns with two ribbons of hair falling behind them. "You know I'm too young for that hairstyle! In the Sinnoh Region that will be too Unova like!" Autumn complained.

"It will remind you of home." her mom said wisely, and her Pokemon, Arcanine nodded in agreement.

Autumn glanced at Luxio. He shrugged. 

"Do you have everything packed?" her mom said worriedly, still unsure about the whole 'journey' thing.

"Yep yep and yep," Autumn replied, looking at the small tote bag filled with her stuff.

"Alright..." her mom pulled back. She couldn't believe Autumn was leaving to fulfill her destiny of Pokemon. She couldn't grasp the concept of her beautiful daughter leaving into a world of mysteries. 

Autumn stood up, turned to her mother and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you," 

"I'll miss you too," her mom sighed, watching as Autumn left the room, grabbing her backpack and Luxio.

Her mom raced back over to Autumn right as she was about to leave. "Wait, I forgot something!"

Autumn stopped and turned. Her mother handed her a small orb. "Just press it to your heart when you are in danger. It was a gift from....from your father. He wanted me to give it to you when you reached the age of ten. 

Autumn blinked back tears as she remembered her loving, kind father. Autumn put it in her bag. "Bye, Mom."

"Bye," her mother whispered as the door creaked shut.

Autumn smiled at Luxio and she leaped onto his back. His electric shortage had somehow expanded his size, so he was about 3 feet tall while Autumn was only about 4 feet and 8 inches. He zoomed down the street at the speed of light. 

"Yeaaah!!!! Sinnoh region, here I come!!!" Autumn grinned as Luxio raced downtown, headed for the airport. 


The line for the airplane wasn't as long as it normally was since this was the flight to the Sinnoh region. Autumn held Luxio in her arms, marveling about how light he was when she spotted Rose, her best friend.

"Rose!! Rose Rose Rose Rose! Oh my gosh, I have missed you!" Autumn smiled as she called out to her. Rose wore a red T-shirt, black leather jacket, and jeans. She had brown eyes and soft red hair.

"Oh, Autumn..." her voice had a small edge to it, suggesting Rose wasn't expecting to see her there, or she was trying to hide something...maybe both.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left to go to the Johto region. Did you come back just to see me?" Autumn replied, hiding her suspicions of Rose. 

"Oh yeah...My parents...decided...I was too........young to go on a Pokemon journey!" Rose said, obviously lying straight through her teeth. She kept glancing at a container that was slightly open on a seat. 

Autumn gave her a confused look. "What are you hid-" 

"Totodile, use Mist!!" Rose interrupted, pulling out a Pokeball and having her Pokemon, Totodile, use Mist. she quickly grabbed the container as fog clouded everyone's vision.

"Hey!!!" the security guard of the plane exclaimed, running towards her.

"Whoa!! Hey!" Autumn shouted. 

Autumn blinked against the mist. Luxio growled before using Flash and lighting up the fog. She caught a glimpse of Rose as she escaped into a separate part of the plane, locking the door behind her. Autumn noticed on the back of her jacket was a large R barely before Luxio's shortage kicked in and his light flickered out. The roar of an engine was heard as the secret compartment Rose raced into turned into a makeshift plane. The whole plane jerked as Rose escaped. The guards were on the ground, unconscious. 

Luxio growled again before dashing to the open space where the compartment was, lightning surging out of him as he used some of his true power.

"LUXIOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" he yowled as he used Discharge, jumping up on his hind legs as it shot out of his claws.

"Luxio no!!!" Autumn called. 

Autumn barely managed to catch him as he fainted on the spot. His electric charge hit directly onto the oval-shaped vehicle Rose rode in.

Rose's ride suddenly sparked with energy, stopped, and swooped down into the ground. Autumn covered her eyes as the thing exploded, shooting electricity everywhere. 

Autumn coughed as the smoke cleared. The crash had happened right in the small forest leading up to the Unova region. She looked around. Everything she saw was covered in black from the smoke and dirt. 

"I wonder what that was all about," Autumn said to herself.

Autumn stood, carrying Luxio delicately. Rose wasn't who she used to be. She wondered what had happened to her other friends, Spencer and Tim. Were they crazy enough to steal half of a plane and knock out security guards? She shrugged it off and looked off at the forest. Crazy or not, Rose was still (kind of) her friend. She had to know what happened to her.

Hi guys, thanks for reading the small rewrite of Chapter 1 of Smile! I hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was a little long, but please comment and vote and keep reading! :D

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