Chapter 19

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Autumn cried her heart out as the moon began to rise into the night sky. She remembered she had put a tissue into her pocket for her allergies, and her hand fell into her pocket to retrieve it now. But she felt something cold and hard instead. She pulled it out and memory flashed before her eyes. 

It was the orb her mother had given her for her trip to the Sinnoh Region. Autumn hadn't used it in a while, since she didn't need to be able to talk to her pokemon, ever since their connection together, trainer and pokemon, had grown immensely. She remembered her mother's words, and pressed the orb to her chest.

Colors and light exploded through the shadows, and the orb disappeared. Autumn sighed at the beauty of it all. Her mother always knew how to make her smile.

Suddenly, Autumn felt someone behind. She turned around and gasped.

It was Celebi, the time travel pokemon. Autumn's mother had spoken of Celebi in mumbled whispers, saying something about prophecies and other stuff. Celebi came closer to Autumn, her blue eyes sparkling. "Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile." Celebi spoke, her voice sounding like twinkling lights. "Now let me show you something..."

Celebi grabbed her arm and suddenly, Autumn was pulled out of her skin and into a time travel space. Everything was a light blue color, and everything was frozen. They flew together over back into the secret hideout. Darkrai was battling Raikou, looking like he was about to give up. The man that had Darkrai was unconscious in the other room. In another room, Cody was working on shutting down the machine, looking like he was having trouble. But the worst thing Autumn saw, was Luxio, trapped in the machine, his agonizing face making Autumn want to cry.

"Luxio!" Autumn called, her voice sounding like they were underwater. 

"You must give him the courage to keep trying. He is the only one who can save us from the beast, Raikou, that Team Rogue has summoned. You must help him." Celebi explained. She snapped her fingers and the time had started up again, except that Celebi and Autumn where still ghost-like people. Autumn flew over to Luxio against the glass oval and pressed her hands against it.

"Luxio, I believe in you. You can do this. You have to do this. For me." Autumn encouraged, giving him a smile.

But it wasn't enough. Luxio looked more exhasted than ever, his small body trembling with effort.

"Luxio! Please! Push through it Luxio!" Autumn shouted. Luxio's eyes were filled with fear.

"I love you, Luxio. Please, do this, for me." Autumn said softly. That was when Luxio believed. Autumn knew he could do it. He knew he could too. Luxio stopped, and suddenly...

"LUUUUUXIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luxio pushed all his power onto the machine, and suddenly, everything went down with a huge, BANG!!! The machine exploded. All the pokemon were free once more!

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