Detention With Gavin Day 1

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Beauty In The Beast By Matthew Tuck

I walked to Mr.Doyles classroom, when I got there I was surprised Gavin was already there, I took a seat far away from him and took out my homework and began it as Mr. Doyle walks in,

"After homework is done you both will be cleaning out an old classroom downstairs."

I didn't look at Gavin once, I kept my head down and Mr. Doyle came over to me, he crouched down next to me and quietly asked,

"Where did all those bruises come from?"

"I got in a fight Mr. Doyle my brothers girlfriend is not a nice person," I said automatically, looking out of the corner of my eye seeing Gavin watching me closely.

"Okay," He says and gets up walking back to his desk and taking a seat.

I wiped all emotions from my face and went back to my homework, I finished and put it all away and took a peak at Gavin who was absorbed in his homework still, I grabbed my extra notebook and began writing,

I feel empty, broken and alone. I'm not loved by many, I'm still bullied.....I'm still Fat in most people's eyes, or now I'm the girl that's feisty and fights back...but Gavin crossed a line today. I'm jumpy from my home life with my father, but I'll never tell him he would only make it worse for me.....the hate will be the end of me...because I don't know how much longer I can do this, I thought I was stronger but I'm slowly giving up.....I cut myself last night....deep enough for stitches that I did myself......I just don't know how to make it all stop.....

I closed my notebook then my eyes for a moment, shoving my demons back down inside again, Gavin walked past me, brushing against me, causing me to gasp and open my eyes, I felt like I was being suffocated, my face went blank as he turned to look at me, then he looked at our teacher,

"We're done now, so can we get this moving?"

Mr. Doyle stood up and said, "Yes grab your stuff let's go."

I put everything back into my backpack and stood up as Gavin went to grab his stuff his shoulder hit mine causing me to get angry,

"Knock it off! Watch how close your getting to me Gavin! Damn!"

Mr. Doyle was already in the hallway as Gavin turns to me and says,

"Get over it cunt!"

"Really? More name calling? What are we in 2nd grade? Grow the fuck up Gavin! And leave me alone!" I growl at him, showing him I'm fed up with his shit.

I see amusement in his eyes as he says, "oh come on Fatty you can't play with the big boys anymore?"

"Stop. Calling. Me. Fat!" I hiss through gritted teeth, my eyes flashing with a deep anger.

He was slowly waking up a beast within me that wasn't going to stop until he shut his filthy mouth up. I'm an abused suicidal girl and he's making it worse without knowing it. I shove him as I walk out of the classroom, causing him to hit a desk and say,


Mr. Doyle started walking down the hallway, "detention for two weeks both of you, I heard everything that just happened." would I get away with this from my dad now?

"I'll be here," I say softly, as Gavin looks at me with deep Hatred.

He lead us to the basement classrooms and said, "everything you need is in the closet right there," he points to a closet to our left, "Mr. Close is in his office down the hall if you need him to unlock a door Okay?"

We both nodded, Mr. Close is the janitor of our high school. Mr. Doyle leaves and I put my headphones in and place my backpack down, I hit play on my NF playlist and then I go grab a duster and a broom and begin to clean up the first room, Gavin starts to pack up old books that are covered in dust. We don't speak but I feel him looking at me once in awhile, Mr. Doyle comes back and relieves us for the day around 6 pm, I text my aunt to pick me up, she knew what my dad was doing to me, the only one I could speak to about it, even though it was his sister. I picked up my backpack and left the basement, walking down the hall and going outside to wait for my aunt. I pull out my phone and text my mom,

I have to be here everyday after school for two weeks, we need an excuse to tell dad so he doesn't snap...

I got you sweetie! You're spending time with Aunt Lora!

I love you! I'll let her know what's up when she gets here, she's picking me up and we're going to dinner then she's bringing me home and yes my homework is complete mom

Awesome sweetie! See you later tonight

I left my mom on read, looking up, then feeling a jolt of pain where I sliced myself open, I fell to the ground holding my leg, I hear Gavin say,


Blood starts to deep through my jeans and onto my hand, Gavin bends down next to me and moves my hand seeing the blood,

"You need to take your pants off..."

"Fuck off," I say as my aunt pulls up.

I pull myself up and off the ground, Gavin grabs my hand that's covered in blood, "Wait...."

I pull my hand away, "Stop touching me Gavin."

I limp towards my aunts car leaving Gavin there, my blood on his hand now, I get into my aunts SUV and shut the door and look out the window as Gavin stares at his hand covered in blood. My aunt pulled away and brought me to her place to fix my leg up,

"Jayla please tell me you didn't...."

Tears fell down my face as I Confined in my aunt, "I'm sorry, but dad is getting worse."

I pulled off my shirt since I was already pant less, my aunt gasped at the bruises and small cuts from me hurting myself,

"Jayla you can't keep cutting..."

"I know auntie I know," I say sobbing into my hands.

She ordered my favorite take out and we watched some tv, I fell asleep and she called my dad to let him know I was spending the night and that she'd bring me to school in the am.

The next 3 days were different, Gavin said his mean shit still and didn't show up for detention on time these 3 days leaving me to do a lot of work on my own. I was staying with my aunt until my detentions were over with, a week and a half from now I'll be back at home getting hurt again.


hey readers! Comment vote and share! I want your thoughts on this so far. Am I doing good?

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