Chapter 1: Taken Away

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Hello, Happy World just finished playing their song for the next live happening at CIRCLE.

They all panted hard, sweating.

"Wuuuuu~~ That was so fun!" Kokoro jumped up and down, ecstatic as ever.

"Yeah, I think our show will make our fans smile even more!" Hagumi beamed.

Kaoru chuckled. "Ah. The thought of the kittens smiling as they hear our melody... Ah~... Hakanai..."

Kanon and Misaki watched the three cloudheads as they talked.

"Misaki-chan, this is starting to get really exciting, huh?" Kanon asked.

Misaki agreed. "Yeah. Crazy that our show is next week. But, I'm starting to get nervous."

Kanon held her hand. "Don't worry. We'll get through this. It will all be worth it in the end." She smiled warmly.

"You're right. Let's do this." Misaki smirked.

Then, Kokoro called out to the two girls.

"Misaki! Kanon! We're gonna head back home! Come on!"

"A-ah, matte, Kokoro-chan!" But she was already running to the door.

Misaki sighed. That girl will never change.

Just as she about to take a step forward...


Misaki felt like she was being pulled back by a strong force.

She turned her head and saw a giant portal behind her.

She faced forward and reached out for help, before she was sucked in.

The faces of her friends as they watched her get taken away were the last things she saw before everything turned white.

*Helloooo! I'm back with writing! This was just a random idea. Hope you enjoy!*

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