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Recap: Hardik's and Sid's group were fighting and now Dab has to decide with which group they'll hangout!! 😅

Dab's POV:

I was in dilemma as  we should go!! But an idea popped in my mind and I  said,
" We should hangout together guys!! It may help to resolve some misunderstandings..."
"No way..I'm not gonna spoil my night by hanging out with these idiots and cheaters " Sid raged.
"We aren't either interested... Papa's Princess!" Hardik smirked.
"Just shut up.... You.. " Sid stopped and moved away. Shubhi and Ishan followed him but he stopped them and sent them back.
" Leave them!! Come with us! " Abhay said.
"Ya!! " Avi and Hanu exclaimed.
" We were going to hang out together guys! Don't mind Sid he'll be fine soon. " Ishan said.
" I don't have any problem till the time Sid isn't there. " Hardik said.
We all agreed.

Ahana's POV :

This was the world's most rubbish idea!! To hangout together. These morons they just abandoned me as they got boys. Shubhi and Arshita were busy among themselves. This Bandar (Ishan) was flirting with our Shriya and surprisingly she was giving him line too.. Hardik and Avi were discussing about cricket and there Nemo and Abhay were sitting silently not talking to anyone.... And our Deba was busy with Rahul.. Damn.. She was blushing. I was left alone 😔. I left them and no one even noticed my absence. I felt really very bad. I was huffily while thinking about it and murmuring to myself and got bumped into a man.
" Be careful miss! " He cooed.
As I saw him I was startled... He was the same man I saw in the morning.. The man who was talking to our coach. I was just staring at him. He looked straight in my eyes..
" I know I am handsome that's why girls can't take away there eyes off me!! " He winked.
" It isn't like that.. " I protested.
" So how is it?? "
" I don't know! " I blushed.
" Are you alone tonight.. I mean alone here.. "
" No! I'm with my friends but they all neglected me. " I pouted.
"OK! Me too!.. So let's sit and talk.. "
I agreed and we talked.

Sid's POV:

He called me 'Papa's Princess" how dare he? As I was thinking about thinking about it I lit a cigarette and was about to take a puff someone took away the cigarette from my hand and said,
" Smoking Cigarette is injurious to health! " and took the puff herself and threw the cigratte. There she was my best friend  Priya-my pinky! '😊( There's a story behind her nickname I'll tell you that later)
" Thank god, you are here Priya!! " I hugged her.
"Shubhi called me and told me everything! " she said.
" Aha! He knows na you can only make my mood better! "
"Of course, Chalo let's go to them. "
"No!! I don't wanna go there. "
"Sid!! Just ignore them they don't deserve ur anger. It is very precious and don't spoil your fun.. Come! " I agreed. I can never say no to her.
"By the way you look gorgeous! " I complimented her.

Her look:

"You look like a Chamkadar (bat) "
"Thank you! " I laughed.

Avneet's POV:

Hardik! What man he is.. Really really enjoyed his company. A man with the same sense of humour as mine and cherry on the top was that Sid wasn't there.. Who would shout at every given moment. But as you say think of the devil and devil's here. Mr. Siddharth Tendulkar was coming to our direction but with a girl by his side and smiling. This guy can smile. Never thought of it... Good for him at least.
" The magician is here.. " Ishan exclaimed and hugged the girl. He was right she was a magician who could make a stone smile. Arshita and Shubhman also hugged her. I got to know her name was Priya ( and I think she's his gf, maybe, who knows). They settled near us. Shubhman asked Arshita to dance with him and then it followed Ishan asked Shriya, Rahul asked Deba. They all agreed. Nemo asked Sid to dance with him but he refused. How rude of him!! Her face shrinked she sat beside Abhay who was also upset don't know why?
" Come let's dance Sid.. " Priya insisted.
" No! Not feeling like too! " he said.
"Dance krna ata hoga tab Krega na! "
(He will dance if he knows how to)
I commented and laughed.
I expected him to get angry instead he was calm, gave me a smile.. And grabbed my hand and took me to the dance floor...


A update after so long...
Sorry for it guys..
So what do you think happen after this!! Something beautiful awaiting for sidneet fans.

I hope you liked the update.
Plz turn the grey star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section.

Akansha! 😊

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