SML Movie: Five Nights At Freddy's!

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Junior: So, guys! What do you wanna do today?

Cody: So, guys! What do you wanna do today? So, guys! What do you wanna do today? That's what you sound like.

Joseph: Damn, dude. Who pissed in your oatmeal?

Junior: He's just mad I beat him in football.

Cody: No, I'm just mad you hit me in the eye with the damn ball!

Penelope: Hey, guys!

Junior: Oh, hey, Pen! Wait, how'd you get in my house?

Penelope: Your front door was wide open. But anyways, do you guys notice something different about me?

Joseph: Not really.

Junior: Yeah, me either.

Cody: New haircut?

Junior: She's a girl, Cody.

Cody: Girls can get haircuts, too.

Junior: Yeah, but only if they're gay.

Cody: She is gay.

Junior: But not that gay.

Penelope: Guys! 

Junior: Well, there's nothing different about you! Nothing that I can notice anyways.

Penelope: Look at what I'm wearing.

(What follows is 5 second moment of silence as Junior slowly looks Penelope up and down.)

Junior: OH! You're dressed as a policeman! Or a policewoman!

Penelope: No, Junior. I got a job as a security guard at an old abandoned pizza place.

Cody: If it's abandoned, why do they need a security guard.

Penelope: Cause for some reason, they didn't empty out the cash register before they closed down, so now they're worried that someone's gonna break in and steal all their cash. 

Cody: How'd you get the job?

Penelope: My dad got it for me!

Junior: Cody, could you leave really quick so Penelope's dad could come into this scene?

Cody: Okay.

Brooklyn Guy: Hey, kids!

Penelope: Dad, tell them about the job you got me!

Brooklyn Guy: Oh, that. Well, there's this old pizza place called "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria" and it's been abandoned for 35 years, but there's still money there so they said they were hiring, but I have too many jobs so I asked if they hired minors, they said yes and now Penelope is a security guard! She's my little officer! *ruffles her hair*

Penelope: Yep!

Junior: Hey, can we be security guards too?

Joseph: Yeah!

Brooklyn Guy: Well, we need as much help as we can get. Sure, why not? But, there are no other uniforms. But if you don't mind working in your normal clothes.

Joseph: We don't mind.

Brooklyn Guy: All right, you're hired! Now, I'm gonna go and hopefully stop some people from dying...of hunger. I'm on  pizza duty now, but I want to sound like I'm on doctor duty. Anyways, see ya tomarrow.

Penelope: Wow, guys! You get to come to work with me!

Cody: Hey, guys. Can I come back, now?

Junior: Oh, yeah, sure. 

Cody: Cool.

Junior: So, Cody. Penelope's dad got us all jobs at the pizza place. It's called, um...uh...

Penelope: It's called "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria."

Junior: Yeah, that.

Cody: Okay, cool. When do we start?

Penelope: We start in an hour, so let's get there now so I can give you a tour.

At Freddy's...

Penelope: All right, here we are. Now let's go inside. I'll introduce you to them.

Junior: Th-Them...?

They all go in.

Penelope: Here we are. Now, boys, meet the gang. Chica the Chicken and her friend, Cupcake Carl. On guitar, Bonnie the Bunny. And last, but in no way least, Freddy Fazbear, the star of the show. 

Joseph: Dude, this is so cool!

Cody: Yeah, these animatronics look so life-like.

Penelope: Yeah. Anyways, time for work. Let's go to the office.

In the office...

Penelope: All right, here's the office. All we gotta do is watch the cameras every now and then and we'll be good. But it's late so we'll take shifts. I say Cody watches the camera while the rest of us sleep. All those who agree say aye. All opposed, say nay. Aye!

Joseph: Aye!

Junior: Aye!

Cody: Nay!!!

Penlope: 3-1. Sorry, Cody, you're outnumbered.

Cody: Dammit.

12:00 PM

Cody: yawns Ok, it's 12. Can someone switch with me?

Penelope: What...? Junior, you switch with 'im. I'm going back to sleep.

Junior: Ok, Joey, let's draw straws.

Joseph: Or we could play rock-paper-scissors.

Cody: Uh, guys?

Junior: Drawing straws makes more sense.

Joseph: We don't even have straws!

Cody: Guys?!

Junior: Well, your stupid, Joseph!

Joseph: No, YOUR stupid, Junior!

Junior: No, YOU!

Joseph: No, YOU!

Junior: NO, YOU!!

Joseph: NO, YOU!!

Cody: GUYS?!

Junior/Joseph: WHAT?!


Junior/Joseph: WHAT?!




Joseph: PENNY, WAKE UP!!




Cody: LOOK!!

Penelope looks at the screen. Sure enough, Freddy's gone.

Penelope: Oh, god. Did someone break in and steal the Freddy animatronic!? Oh, I am so fired! Cody, why weren't you watching the cameras?!

Cody: I was! That guy must've been Usain Bolt or some shit.

Penelope: Let's go look for him.

They all head out to find Freddy.

Cody: Fredrick? Where are you?

Joseph: Dudes, I hear something.

They look in the next room are are shocked to see Freddy standing in the middle of the room.

Junior/Joseph/Cody/Penelope: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cody: Oh, wait. He's powered off.

Joseph: How'd he get here?!

Penelope: Oh! I know what's going on!

Junior: You do?

Penelope: Yeah. You guys are giant dicks who thought it'd be funny to pull a prank on me!

Cody: What?!

Penelope: This is all a big trick! You guys dragged Freddy in here just to prank me!

Junior: No, it's not a trick! I swear!

Penelope: Look, guys. I get it. It gets boring and you wanna play some jokes. But you really shouldn't mess with the animatronics! You could break them!

Cody: No, we're telling the truth! We really didn't mess with the animatronics! It must've moved on it's own

Penelope: This place has been abandoned for over 30 years, Cody! It can't move. Now stop playing and help me put Freddy back.

Joseph: But, but-

Junior: Guys, Penelope's right. There's no way it could've moved on its own! I don't remember moving it, but maybe we just did and forgot. Let's just put it back, guys.

They put it back on the stage.

Penelope: All right, guys. I put him back. Now, leave him alone. 

They went back into the office. 

Penelope: All right, guys. Now, let's continue watching these cameras.

A flash of static comes and goes for 1 second. All the animatronics disappear.

Junior: Wait, now there ALL gone!

Joseph: Dude! They ARE gone!

Penelope: And there's no way you could have done it. We've been here the entire time and the static only lasted half a second!

Cody: That's what we're trying to tell you! We didn't move Freddy!!

Penelope: Oh, guys! I'm so sorry I didn't believe you!

Junior: No time for sorry! We gotta find out where they are! Check the cameras.

They check the kitchen camera. The screen is black.

Junior: I can't see!

Penelope: Oh, yeah! The kitchen camera's missing! But there's one in the dining room.

Chica is in the dining room, Bonnie is in the bathroom and Freddy's in the game room.

Penelope: Ok, we know where they are. So, let's-

Cody: Wait, do you hear that?!

???: Dum, dum, dum, dum, dillidy-dum, dum, dum.

Joseph: It someone humming?

Junior: And I hear footsteps!

Penelope: Humming?! Footsteps?! SHUT THE DOOR!! SHUT THE DOOR!!

Cody goes to shut it. He looks out the door. He sees a red fox animatronic running towards him. He screams and shuts the door.

Penelope: Foxy! I always forget about Foxy!

Cody: Who's Foxy?!?!

Penelope: That's Foxy! He's fast as fuck, boy!

Junior: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! If you knew Foxy could move, and he's the most broken one out all four, what made you think they all couldn't move?!

Penelope: I didn't think much of it! It makes sense now! Let's see where they are.

The monitor is off.

Penelope: Shit! The monitors dead!

Junior: What does that mean?!

Penelope: It means we can't check the cameras!

Joseph: What does that mean?!

Penelope: it means we have no idea where the animatronics are!

Cody: Dare I ask, what does that mean?

Penelope: It means we have to go look for them ourselves!

Junior: Capital-F-fuck that!! Foxy's right outside!

Penelope: Look, Foxy may be fast, but he's still a robot! Cody, you go right. Joseph, go left. Junior, crawl under his legs and I'll jump over him. He can't get all of us!

Penelope opens the door. They did the formation. Foxy couldn't keep up!

Penelope: Ok, let's look for them. 

They found Chica in the party room. They dragged her back to the stage.

Penelope: Ok, we got Chica back. Now let's look for Bonnie and Freddy.

They open the boys restroom. Bonnie was standing right there. They all screamed.

Penelope: Ok, boys. Don't panic, but... I just pissed myself. Stay here while I go change. 

A little while later, Penelope comes out wearing her usual attire. 

Penelope: Sorry about that, guys.

Junior: That was disgusting.

Cody: But it worked, Bonnie ran back to the stage willingly.

Penelope: Good. Now let's get the hell out of here.

Joseph: Wait! Let's find Freddy.

They turn and see him. His eyes glow as the theme plays.

Freddy: *iconic jumpscare noise*

Junior/Joseph/Cody/Penelope: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penelope: Wait! Why are we scared of him? There's four of us and only one of him! I  say we just beat his ass and leave.

Cody: Uh, ok! Let's go!

They all jump Freddy.

Joseph: Fight back, bitch!

Soon, Freddy was just laying there.

Penelope: Yeah! How'd you like that, Freddy Fazbitch?!

Joseph: We beat yo ass!

Cody: *spits on him*

Junior: Come on, guys,

They go to the office.

Penelope: All right, let's leave before anything else happens.

Cody: Uh, guys?!

They turn and see Foxy. He starts singing as he runs at them.

Foxy: *iconic jumpscare noise*

Junior/Joseph/Cody/Penelope: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They brace themselves.

Foxy: Aye, mateys. Ye got change for a $20?

Penelope: Wh-What?

Foxy: I gotta visit me cousin. It be his birthday. Ye got money for a bus.

Cody: Uh...sure? *gives him 50c*

Foxy: Appriciate ye mate. *leaves*

Cody: Let's go.

Back at Junior's house...

Brooklyn Guy: How was work kids.

Junior/Joseph/Cody/Penelope: We quit.

Brooklyn Guy: What, why?!

Penelope: Dad, why didn't you tell me they were alive?!

Brooklyn Guy: Huh? Oh...OH...shit. I forgot. Uh, 35 years ago, some dude named William Afton killed 4 kids and put them in robot suits. Now they want to kill anyone that works there. FNAF lore, people. FNAF lore.

Junior: Well, I'm just glad it's all over.

Penelope: Me too. *starts humming the start the FNAF song by The Living Tombstone.*

Cody: We're waiting every night To finally roam and invite. Newcomers to play with us. For many years we've been all alone.

Penelope: We're forced to be still and play. The same songs we've known since that day. An imposter took our life away. Now we're stuck here to decay.

Joseph: Please let us get in. Don't lock us away. We're not like what you're thinking. We're poor little souls. Who have lost all control. And we're forced here to take that role.

Junior: We've been all alone. Stuck in our little zone. Since 1987. Join us, be our friend. Or just be stuck and defend. After all you only got...

Junior/Cody/Joseph/Penelope: Five nights at Freddy's!!

SML Question: What is your favorite horror game?

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